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    会供大于求 ;随着振兴东北老工业基地规划纲要的实施,建立五大基地需要大量的企业经营管理人才,尤其是企业经营管理人才高端部分企业家人才会紧缺;我省是人才资源大省主要体现在专业技术人才队伍庞大,随着全球化的到来,国际化的外经外贸人才需求迫切,振兴东北老工业基地,五大产业基地需要人才将高速增长,尤其是汽车、石化、农产品加工、医药和光电子产业需要的人才;改造落后的生产技术和设备,承接先进生产能力向我省转移,是我省今后一个时期经济工作的重中之重,也是我国成为世界制造工厂的必然结果。但目前,由于我省的技能人才总量偏少,特别是高级技能人才缺乏,很难适应新趋势的要求。因此,技能人才将是今后我省经济发展中的重要短缺人才;与此同时,由于农村劳动力和人口向城市转移的速度越来越快,未来5—10年间,农村人口和劳动力将呈现净减少的趋势,土地势必向少数农民手中留转,农村的规模经营将明显扩大。农村的生产力水平、生产方式、组织结构乃至生活方式都将发生较大变化,这就必然要造就一批新型的农村能人。
It is an unchangeable truth that a country must be governed by talented people and prosperity can only be achieved with the aid of talented people. Under the new circumstances of political polarization, economic globalization and rapid sci-tech development, the issue of talented people, as a strategic study subject, is becoming more and more urgent in front of us. In order to meet the challenges and expedite development, the 8th Representative Congress of Jilin Province CPC promulgated the important strategic policy of “revitalization through talents”. It needs a large number of competent talents’ brace and intelligent guarantee to raise competitiveness, create and develop advantages, accelerate well-to-do society construction and revitalize the old industrial bases of Jilin Province. It is of great significance to make good analyses of talent development trend and work out proper policies in our province under such situations.
     This paper consists of three parts. Part I defines basic concepts of talented people and describes in detail the current situations and existing problems concerning talent development in Jilin Province.
     It makes theoretical reviews about talent statistical standards and offers definitions about talented people. What is a talented person? What difference is there between talent resources and human resources? The establishment of talent statistical standards results in the concept of greater talents. Namely, within Jilin Province territory, all the people who possess certain knowledge and skills, can work creatively, make positive contributions to the promotion of socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization of Jilin Province in the great undertaking of constructing socialism with Chinese features are all talents our province needs. It put forward the ideas that the study scope covers five
    talent groups: Party and political talents, operation management talents, specialized technological talents, highly-skilled talents and practical talents in rural areas.
     It introduces in detail the current situation of talent development in Jilin Province, and makes in-depth analyses of the existing problems in talent work. Our province has many talented people, but is still short of talents. Talented people have just begun to gather, but there is still the problem of brain drain; talents structure is getting optimized, but we still need to make strategic adjustment; many talented people have been trained, but their utilization efficiency is still quite low.
     Part II makes analyses about talent development trend in our province. It not only analyzes and projects total number of talents, but also analyzes talents in terms of various systems. These comparative analyses lead us to the conclusion that in 2005, the demand and supply of talents will be basically balanced, but in 2010, there will be a shortage of more than 300 000 talented people as a result of structural contradiction, and we will mainly be short of enterprise and engineering technicians, especially high-level talents. The Party and political talent teams will, for a long time, affected by the concept of “official standards”. Restricted by our province’s economic scales and the disposable resources of the government, in the course of the future reform orientation of “small government but large market”, there will be over-supply of Party and political talents for a long period of time. With the implementation of the plans to revitalize the old industrial bases of northeast China, the construction of the five big bases will need a large number of enterprise operation management talents, especially high-ranking senior executives in enterprise operation management. These talents will be in short supply. It is claimed that our province is a large province in terms of talents, because we have plenty of
    technological talents. With globalization, we will be in urgent need of many internationalized foreign economic and trade talents. Revitalizing the old industrial bases of
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