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John I. Goodlad is an American famous contemporary educator, who has made great contributions not only to teacher educational inquiry but also to teacher educational activities. His thoughts have made real influence on American educators.
     The thesis consists of four parts. The first part briefly presents Goodlad’s career in education, including his writings, researches and practices of education.
     The second part interprets Goodlad’s investigation into teacher education. it firstly explains the background of his thoughts on teacher educational reform, and secondly accounts for his study of the history and present condition of teacher education. At last it elaborates the theory of teacher education, including the order of teacher education programs, recruiting students of color to teach, regular factors that affect teacher education and symbiosis between school and university.
     The third part illustrates Goodlad’s reform ideology about teacher education. It focuses on the fundamental requirements for effective teacher education and the advice for teacher education reform both given by Goodlad. The advice embodies six parts: making teacher education plan; employing head teachers; exploiting necessary programs for teacher training; improving the evenness of career; establishing School-University Partnership and Network for Educational Renewal; founding the Ecology of Schooling.
     The fourth part summarizes the significances of Goodlad’s reform thoughts and the enlightenments on the current teacher education development in our country.
① http://www.ou.edu/cls/brock/recipients.html 2006-9-1.
    ② http://www.wideopendoors.net/teaching/john_goodlad.html 2006-8-30.
    ① http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/John_I._Goodlad 2006-8-30.
    ① [美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,前言第 1 页。
    ① 参见 John I.Goodlad, A Place Called School (New York :McGraw-Hill,1984) ,p.ⅲ.
    ② John I. Goodlad, Educational Renewal: Better Teacher, Better School (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,1994) ,p.10.
    ① http://courseware.ecnudec.com/zsb/zxq/zxq02/zxq023/zxq02300/zxq023001.htm 2006-8-31.
    ① http://www.unk.edu/news/nr/archives/2001April/goodard.html 2006-9-1.
    ② 参见赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 517-519 页。
    ① 参见赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 518 页。
    ① John I. Goodlad, REDISCOVER TEACHER EDUCATION: School Renewal and Educating Educators, Change, September 1999.
    ① Clark, B. R, The High School and the University: What Went Wrong in America, partⅠ.Phi Delta Kappan 66, February, 1985.
    ① 参见[美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,苏智欣译:“学校与大学在教育改革中的伙伴关系”,《华东师范大学学报》(教育科学版)1987 年第 2 期。
    ② 单中惠、杨捷著:《外国中小学教育问题史》,山东教育出版社 2005 年版,第 451 页。
    ③ 顾明远、梁忠义主编:《世界教育大系·教师教育》,吉林教育出版社 2000 年版,第 28 页。
    ① 参见[美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,苏智欣译:“学校与大学在教育改革中的伙伴关系”,《华东师范大学学报》(教育科学版)1987 年第 2 期。
    ② Callan, P. M, [Interview with John Goodlad, on Teachers for our nation's schools]. Education Commission of the States National Forum and Annual Meeting, July 14, 1990,p.3.
    ③ John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.xi.
    ④ John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.282.
    ① [美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,苏智欣译:“学校与大学在教育改革中的伙伴关系”,《华东师范大学学报》(教育科学版)1987 年第 2 期。
    ② John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.xi.
    ③ John I. Goodlad, REDISCOVER TEACHER EDUCATION: School Renewal and Educating Educators, Change, September 1999.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.272.
    ② John I. Goodlad, Studying the Education of Educators: From Conception to Finding, Phi Delta Kappan, May 1990, P.701.
    ③ John I. Goodlad, REDISCOVER TEACHER EDUCATION: School Renewal and Educating Educators, Change , September 1999.
    ④ John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.273.
    ① 韦 清:“教师的成长不能没有‘五谷杂粮’”,《国内外教育文摘》2006 年第 7-8 期。
    ① 单中惠、杨捷著:《外国中小学教育问题史》,山东教育出版社 2005 年版,第 384 页。
    ② 臧佩红:《一些国家的信息化教育发展策略》,《中国教育报》2003 年 5 月 26 日。
    ③ Seymour Papert, Mindstorms, New York: Basic Books, 1980, p.5.
    ④ Joy Senter, “ Comouter Technology and Education ”The Forum Educational, Fall 1981, p.55-64.
    ⑤ 古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 364 页。
    ① Conant, James B, The Education of American Teachers, (Mc Graw Hiu Book Company, Inc ,1963), p.162.
    ① 古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 194 页。
    ② John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.245.
    ③ 参见 Newby, Diane E, Encouraging﹠recruiting students of color to teach, Multicultural Education, Fall 2000.
    ④ John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.144.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.146.
    ② 古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 339 页。
    ① 参见单中惠、杨捷著:《外国中小学教育问题史》,山东教育出版社 2005 年版,第 452 页。
    ① John I. Goodlad, Educational Renewal: Better Teachers, Better School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994, p.103-104.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.271-303.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.65.
    ① [美]约翰·I·古德莱德,苏智欣译:“学校与大学在教育改革中的伙伴关系”,《华东师范大学学报》(教育科学版)1987 年第 2 期。
    ② http://www.education.uconn.edu/departments/teachered/ 2006-9-27.
    ③ E. A .Lynton and S.E.Elman, New Priorities for the University: Meeting Society’s Needs for Applied Knowledge and Competent Individuals (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987), p.4.
    ① 参见赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 532 页。
    ② John I. Goodlad, Studying the Education of Educators: From Conception to Finding, Phi Delta Kappan, May 1990, P.699.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Romances with school: A life of education. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, P.308.
    ② 古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 322 页。
    ③ John I. Goodlad, Teachers for Our Nation’s School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990, p.278.
    ① 杨 捷:“美国普通学校教师职业的困境与对策”,《外国中小学教育》2005 年第 6 期。
    ① 参见古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 335-339页。
     ① 古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 209 页。
    ② Robert M. Hunchins “ The Great Anti-School Campaign ”The Great Ideas Today, Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1972, p.54.
    ① John I. Goodlad, Educational Renewal: Better Teachers, Better School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994, p.113-114.
    ② 赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 537 页
    ③ 赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 538 页。
    ① John I. Goodlad, REDISCOVER TEACHER EDUCATION: School Renewal and Educating Educators, Change, September 1999.
    ① Marla Morris. (2002) .Ecological Consciousness and Curriculum. Curricula Studies, Vol. 34, No. 5: 571-587.
    ② 孙芙蓉、谢利民:“国外课堂生态研究及启示”,《比较教育研究》2006 年第 10 期。
    ③ John I. Goodlad, Facing the Future:Issues in Education and Schooling, J.S.Golub, ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976, p.6.
    ④ 单中惠:“试论赖尔森的教育实践和教育思想”,《华东师范大学大学报》(教育科学版)2000 年第 3 期。
    ① Urie Bronfenbrenner, The Experimental Ecology of Education, Teachers College Record, December 1976, p.157-204.
    ② 古德莱德著,赵晓燕译:《学校的职能》,甘肃文化出版社 2005 年版,第 77 页。
    ③ http://webpages.marshall.edu/~tomblyn2/eda710p.htm 2006-9-1.
    ④ 参见古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 376-387页。
    ① 参见古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版,第 376-412页。
    参见赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 542 页。
    ① 赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版,第 517 页。
    ② 张冬钦:“美国师范教育的沿革”,《石家庄师范专科学校学报》2004 年第 4 期。
    ③ 参见全国十二所重点师范大学联合编写:《教育学基础》,教育科学出版社 2002 年版,第 335-336。
    ① 陈紫天:“英美大学与中小学合作促进教师专业发展的经验和启示”,《河北师范大学学报》(教育科学版)2007 年第 1 期。
    ② 丁邦平:“论美国教师教育的改革与创新——教师专业发展学校及其对我们的启示”,《首都师范大学学报》 (社会科学版)2001 年第 2 期。
    ① 单中惠:“试论赖尔森的教育实践和教育思想”,《华东师范大学大学报》(教育科学版)2000 年第 3 期。
    ① John I. Goodlad, Educational Renewal: Better Teachers, Better School, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994, p.101.
    ② 单中惠、杨捷著:《外国中小学教育问题史》,山东教育出版社 2005 年版,第 415 页。
    ① 参见姜勇、高维华:“教师教育转型研究:‘虚拟现场'与教师成长”,《全球教育展望》2006 年第 6 期。
    ② 张斌贤:“教师培训中的‘热’与‘冷’”,《教育科学研究》2004 年第 8 期。
    1.施良方著:《课程理论——课程的基础、原理与问题》,教育科学出版社 1996 年版。
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    3.[美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,沈剑平译:《学校的职能》,台湾桂冠图书股份有限公 司 1999 年版。
    4.顾明远、梁忠义主编:《世界教育大系·教师教育》,吉林教育出版社 2000 年版。
    5.滕大春著:《美国教育史》,人民教育出版社 2001 年版。
    6.赵祥麟、单中惠著:《外国教育家评传》(第四卷),上海教育出版社 2002 年版。
    7.全国十二所重点师范大学联合编写:《教育学基础》,教育科学出版社 2002 年版。
    8.[美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,赵晓燕译:《学校的职能》,甘肃文化出版社 2005 年版。
    9.单中惠、杨捷著:《外国中小学教育问题史》,山东教育出版社 2005 年版。
    10.[美]约翰·I·古德莱德著,苏智欣、张斌贤译:《一个称作学校的地方》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年版。
    11.[美]约翰·I·古德莱德:“升级和留级对儿童个人与社会适应的一些影响”,[美]《实验教育杂志》1954 年第 22 期。
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    13.[美]约翰·I·古德莱德:“重要的美国学校实验”,[美]《卡潘》1985 年第 67 期。
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    19.张 华:“论核心课程”,《外国教育资料》2000年第5期。
    20.杜 萍:“聚焦课程改革中的教师角色转化”,《江苏教育研究》2000年第10期。
    29.杨 捷:“美国普通学校教师职业的困境与对策”,《外国中小学教育》2005 年第 6 期。
    32.韦 清:“教师的成长不能没有‘五谷杂粮’”,《国内外教育文摘》2006年第7-8期。
    1.B. R.Clark,The High School and the University:What Went Wrong in America,partⅠ.Phi Delta Kappan 66,February,1985.
    2.Diane E.Newby,Encouraging & recruiting students of color to teach, MulticulturalEducation,Fall 2000.
    3.David M.Brown,Learner-centered conditions that ensure students' success in learning,Education,Fall 2003.
    4.E.A.Lynton and S.E.Elman,New Priorities for the University:Meeting Society’s Needs for Applied Knowledge and Competent Individuals ,San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987,p.4.
    5.Firn A.Gregory,Education for Everyone: an Agenda for Education in a Democracy, School Administrator,December 2004.
    6.Hunchins M.Robert,“The Great Anti-School Campaign”The Great Ideas Today,Chicago:Encyclopedia Britannica,1972.
    7.John I.Goodlad and Robert H.Anderson,The Nongraded Elementary School,Harcourt Brace and Co.New Work,1959.
    8.John I.Goodlad,The Dynamics of Educational Change:Toward Responsive School, McGraw-HiII BOOK Co.,1975.
    9.James B.Conant,The Education of American Teachers,Mc Graw Hiu Book Company,Inc.,1963.
    10.John I.Goodlad,Facing the Future:Issues in Education and Schooling,J.S.Golub,ed. McGraw-Hill,New York,1976.
    11.Joy Senter,Comouter Technology and Education,The Forum Educational,Fall 1981.
    12.John I.Goodlad,A Place Called School,McGraw-Hill Book Co.,New York,1984.
    13.JohnI.Goodlad,Teachersfor Our Nation’s School,Jossey-Bass,San Francisco,1990.
    14.John I.Goodlad,Studying the Education of Educators:From Conception to Finding,Phi Delta Kappan,May 1990.
    15.JohnI.Goodlad,Educational Renewal:Better Teacher,Better School,Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,1994.
    16.John I.Goodlad,In Praise of Education,Teachers College Press,New York,1997.
    17.John I.Goodlad,Agenda for education in a democracy,Nationtal Forum,Winter 1997.
    18.John I.Goodlad,REDISCOVERING TEACHER EDUCATION:School Renewal and Educating Educators,Change,september 1999.
    19.John I.Goodlad,Teacher Education:the movement from omission to commission,National Crosstalk,fall 1999.
    20.John I.Goodlad,Romances with school:A life of education. New York:McGraw-Hill,2004.
    21.John I.Goodlad,Fulfilling the public purpose of schooling: educating the young in support of democracy may be leadership's highest calling,school Administrator May 2004.
    22.Keim S.Ann,The Public Purpose of Education and Schooling. Review - book review, School Administrator,February 1998.
    23.Leary J.William,In Praise of Education,School ,Administrator,May 1998.
    24.P. M.Callan,[Interview with John Goodlad, on Teachers for our nation's schools]. Education Commission of the States National Forum and Annual Meeting, July 1990.
    25.Paula K.Greene,Education for Everyone: Agenda for Education in a Democracy, Kappa Delta Pi Record,Fall 2004.
    26.Urie Bronfenbrenner,The Experimental Ecology of Education,Teachers College Record,December 1976.
    27.Seymour Papert,Mindstorms,New York:Basic Books,1980.
    28.Sizer R.Theodore,A better way, Daedalus,Summer 2002.
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    9. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/John_I._Goodlad 2006-8-30.
    10.http://www.wideopendoors.net/teaching/john_goodlad.html 2006-8-30.
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    12.http://www.ou.edu/cls/brock/recipients.html 2006-9-1.
    13.http://www.education.uconn.edu/departments/teachered/ 2006-9-27.

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