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American missionaries who came to China in the near history are called hidden people of the American history. The reason is that they played an important role in diplomacy, trade and culture communication between China and the USA, and they also made special contributions towards initiating modern education and transmitting western Christian Culture. Young John Allen was one of the missionaries who came to china in the recent history, the author chose him to make a case study not just because he was the whole person of being a missionary, an educator and a journalist at the same time in his over forty years living and working in China, but also because that his close relationship with reformist officials of Qing Dynasty had a great impact on the politics, education and culture of late Qing Dynasty.
    In 1860s, Yong Allen had to devote most of his time to teaching and translating while putting his missionary work aside although he was very passionate in his sermon preaching. During this period, he worked at Guangfang Language School and then at the translation office of Jinagnan Manufacture Bureau. This experience not only improved his economic situation, but also
    gave him opportunities to meet people of the upper class and thus to know more deeply about Chinese society. After getting rid of his economic hardship, Young Allen put his energy back to his missionary work by publishing the Church News which was renamed as The Globe Magazine, with which he hoped to preach sermons and get believers. But later the newspapers' poor business and lack of new Christians withered his passions. In 1881, Young Ellen founded a church school called Western Chinese school in Shanghai, because of this school, he resigned his post at Guangfang Language School and stopped publishing his Multi-countries Communique. He dedicated himself to the cause of education. He formed his own particular conceptions on education and culture out of his experience of running his school. His work made some positive impact on the modernization of Chinese education at that time.
    This dissertation analyses Young's conceptions on education and culture from three different aspects: Confucianism, system of imperial examinations and educational ideologies. Young was the first person in history to combine Confucianism with Christianity. He argued that Christianity must make some concessions and
    skillfully combine its doctrines with the dominant Confucianism if it wanted to replace the latter. About the system of imperial examinations, Young Allen pointed out its malady that it is impractical with big empty words. He argued that the system of imperial examinations must be abolished so that Chinese undeveloped education could be improved. Young Allen proposed to reform the elementary education by learning the western education. He founded Western Chinese School and a girl's school with the conception of liberal education, which was fairly progressive at that time.
    The guideline of running his western Chinese school was to pay equal attention to the western and eastern culture. Young hoped to affect Chinese society's development by moving some secular education to China which would bring out some talented leaders with western views. But at last his attempt to emphasize both the west and the east failed, his school turned out to be a lineal Christian school instead of an ideal mixture of some secular education.
    After studying Young's conceptions of education and culture and his activities in China, the author thinks that replanting
    Christianity in China is destined to fail. In the process of westernization in the recent history, Yong's thoughts and practices were not unscientific, but Chkese culture must keep its core unchanged and can regenerate and develop after accepting a foreign culture, however, replanting Christianity can not conform with this condition. A successful culture transmission and communication must be based on good transmitting mechanism and receiving mechanism, either of which is not replaceable.
1 郑观应:《致英国博士李提摩太书》,见《郑观应集》页317。
    2 林乐知:《回国述略》,见《万国公报》第40册,页24811—22。
    3 《万国公报》第11册,页6997。是次旅程的详细记录见Young J. Allen, Diary of the Voyge to China,1859-60(Atlanta, Ga: Emory University Press, 1953.
    4 梁元生:林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》.[M] 香港:中文大学出版社.1978。
    5 同上
    6 《万国公报》第40册,页24814。
    7 Griffth John. "Salvation from Sin, the Great Need of the Chinese". In Jessie G. Lutz(ed),Christian Mission in China: Evangelists of What? P11.
    8 同上P12。
    9 李喜所:林乐知在华的文化活动[J] 社会科学研究
    10 王立新:美国传教士与晚清中国现代化.[M] 天津:天津人民出版社,1997.页43
    11 新约全书.“马太福音”第十章
    12 Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May7-20,1890,P20
    13 《万国公报》第26册,页16230。
    14 Adrian A. Bermett, Missionary Journalist in China, Young J, Allen and Magazines, 1860-1883, P70
    15 《教会新报》第4册,页1609。
    16 《教会新报》第1册,页9。
    17 同上
    18 李楚材:帝国主义侵华教育史料——教会教育.[M] 北京:教育科学出版社.1987.页37。
    19 《教会新报》第一册,页421。
    20 《教会新报》第一册,页28。
    21 《教会新报》第一册,页422。
    22 梁元生:林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》.[M] 香港:中文大学出版社.1978.页74
    23 《教会新报》第一册,页467
    24 《万国公报》第三册,页1455
    25 《万国公报》第六册,页3296
    26 熊月之:西学东渐与晚清社会[M] 页393
    27 杰西·卢茨:中国教会大学史[M] 浙江:浙江教育出版社,1987.页12
    28 《教会新报》第四册,页1755
    29 The Chinese Recorder, Vol.ⅩⅪ(1890),pp,298-299
    30 胡卫清:东吴大学的起源——上海中西书院简论[J].史料研究
    31 《万国公报》第49册,页13416
    32 林乐知《中西书院条规》,《万国公报》第18册,页11806
    33 《万国公报》第22册,页14130
    34 胡卫清:《美国监理会在华教育事业研究(1848—1911)》[J]《近代史研究》1999年第2期
    35 林乐知:《中西书院添设文社小启并附一季课题》,《万国公报》第14年,第666卷(1881年11月26日)
    36 《万国公报》第18册,页11351
    37 转引自梁元生:林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》.香港:中文大学出版社.1978.页58
    38 杰西·卢茨.中国教会大学史[M].浙江:浙江教育出版社,1987.页32
    39 林乐知:《文学兴国策》图书集成局铸铅代印,卷下
    40 顾长声:传教士与近代中国 [M].上海:上海人民出版社 1981 页 186
    41 Ernst Faber: A Systematical Digest of the Doctrines of Confucius, 1875, P100
    42 《教会新报》,1869年12月4日、11日、25日,1870年1月1日、8日
    43 王伦信:中国教育近代化的启动与基督教教育策略的调整[J] 华东师范大学学报 1999年第4期
    44 卢红飚:近代教会学校的儒学教育[J] 教育评论1998年第5期
    45 林乐知:《中西书院肄业诸生当自期远大说》,《申报》1882年12月17日
    46 王立新:美国传教士与晚清中国现代化[M] 天津:天津人民出版社,1997.页187
    47 林乐知:《全地五大洲女俗通考》,第10集,上卷,第52页
    48 林乐知:《中东战纪本末》,初编,卷8,页30
    49 王立新:《试伦美国传教士林乐知的中西文化观》[J] 《社会转型与教会大学》章开沅主编 湖北教育出版社 1998年版
    50 A-A.贝奈特:《在华的教会新闻工作者1860—1883》,乔治亚大学出版
    51 胡卫清:普遍主义的挑战[M] 上海:上海人民出版社 2000,页246
    52 何高济等译:利玛窦中国札记 中华书局 1983,页43—44
    53 何晓夏 史静寰:教会学校与中国教育近代化[M] 广东:广东教育出版社 1996,页58
    54 Record of the Second Triennial Meeting of the Educational Association of China held at Shanghai, May6-9,1896, PP69-71
    55 林乐知:《中国专尚举业论》,《万国公报》,第15年,704卷
    56 林乐知:《中西关系略论》,光绪三年,1876版,页27
    57 林乐知:《中国专尚举业论》,《万国公报》,第15年,704卷
    58 林乐知:《全地五大洲女俗通考》,第一集,首卷,林序
    59 林乐知:《中东战纪本末》,初编,卷8,第22页
    60 林乐知:《全地五大洲女俗通考》,第一集,首卷,林序
    61 林乐知:《全地五大洲女俗通考》,第10集,下卷,第11页
    62 林乐知:“中西女塾启”,《万国公报》华文书局出版社,第17册,1891年1月
    63 费正清:《剑桥中国晚清史》[M] 下册,第428页
    64 林乐知:《全地五大洲女俗通考》,第10集,下卷,第11页
    65 王立诚:美国文化渗透与近代中国教育 [M] 上海:复旦大学出版社 2001,页51
    66 顾长声:传教士与近代中国 [M] 上海:上海人民出版社 1981,页233
    67 同上
    68 梁元生:林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》.[M] 香港:中文大学出版社.1978,页53
    69 顾长声:传教士与近代中国 [M] 上海:上海人民出版社 1981,页228
    70 梁元生.林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》.[M] 香港:中文大学出版社.1978.页58
    71 《万国公报》第14册,页8558
    72 同上
    73 《基督教在华传教士大会记录1887年》,见《中国近代教育史教学参考资料》,[M]下册,人民教育出版社1987年第1版,第6页
    74 顾长声:从马礼逊到司徒雷登——来华新传教士评传,上海:上海人民出版社,1985,页295
    75 吕达:中国近代课程史论[M] 北京:人民教育出版社,1994,页35
    76 林乐知:“中西书院课规”,《万国公报》第676期,1882年2月4日
    77 沈毓桂:“西学必以中学为本说”,《万国公报》第2册,1889年3月
    78 顾卫星:晚清传教士关于教会学校英语教学的争论[J] 解放军外国语学院学报 2002,25(1):18-22
    79 吴洪成:近代教会中学课程初探[J].华东师范大学学报.1996,02,55-62
    80 同上
    81 沈毓桂《力辞中西书院掌教暨总司院务启》,《万国公报》第95册,1896年12月
    82 海滨隐士:《上海中西书院记》,朱有瓛,高时良主编《中国近代学制史》[M] 第四辑,页281
    83 韶梁元生:林乐知在华事业与《万国公报》[M] 香港:中文大学出版社.1978.页60
    84 林乐知:《中西书院告白》,1886年2月11日《申报》广告栏
    85 The Educational Directory For China, 1895, (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press) P.60
    86 张法琨选编:古希腊教育论著选,人民教育出版社,1994年版,第293-296页
    87 胡卫清:普遍主义的挑战[M] 上海:上海人民出版社 2000,页324页
    88 林乐知:《中西书院课规》,《万国公报》,第676期,1882年2月4日
    89 沈毓桂:《西学必以中学为本说》,《万国公报》,第2册,1889年3月
    90 《万国公报》,华文书局影印本,第26册,1897年3月,第16759页
    91 林乐知:“续格致为教化之源”,《万国公报》,华文书局影印本,第26册,1897年3月
    92 林乐知:《中西书院课程条规》,《万国公报》第14年第666卷,1881年11月26日
    93 "Conferences (M. E.S.)", The Chinese Recorder,Vol.ⅩⅢ(1882),P.456
    94 林乐知:《改寺院为学堂之疑义》,《万国公报》第167册,1902年12月
    95 《毛泽东选集》,人民出版社1964年版,页667
    21、史静寰、王立新:《基督教教育与中国知识分子》,福建教育出版社 1998年版。

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