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     (1) 教育财政结构合理的“标准”是什么?该问题需要从规范研究和经验研究两方面回答,分别为文章的第二部分和第三部分。第二部分从理论上明确了政府介入教育领域的边界:教育服务具有公共产品属性,政府应该根据公共产品属性的强弱来分配公共教育支出。第二部分还分析了各级政府的比较优势,从而在理论上界定了各级政府之间的职责。第三部分利用国际比较分析法,试图找出大国间教育财政结构的国际平均值和发展趋势。(2) 我国教育财政的现实状况如何?第四部分对我国政府介入教育领域的状况、教育财政体制结构状况和教育财政分配结构状况进行了透彻分析。(3) 怎样调整我国教育财政结构?第五部分首先阐述了教育财政结构的偏差后果,其次明确了结构调整的目标是将教育财政结构的“重心”向基础教育和高层级政府转移,最后指出结构调整的措施乃是加大高层级政府对基础教育的补助力度,并分析了该措施的可行性。
In recent years, educational development is one of the topics to which people generally paid close attention, and the government's educational expenditure is playing an essential role to educational development . In our country, it is very difficult to increase government expenditure in education. Therefore, Optimizing the public educational financial structure seems comparatively feasible in practice.
    (1) What is the standard of the reasonable structure of public educational finance? Section 2 defines the border of domain in theory that government gets involved in education. Paper also analyzes the comparative advantages of the governments at all levels and defines the duty of the governments in theory. Section 3 comparatively analyzes the international financial structure of public education. (2) What is the situation of the structure in our country? Section 4 analyzes the public educational financial structure of our country. (3) How to adjust the structure of public educational finance in our country? Section 5 analyzes a series of questions in educational development of our country and proposes that the government on the senior level should strengthen the expenditure responsibility. Then, researches the feasibility of education allowance in our country .
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