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Component which is the units of configuration with phonetic or semantic or distinction function is formed by strokes, it is the basic elements of the configurational and ideographic for Chinese characters. Component has an important role to form character's structure, play characters' function, maintain character's properties, stable relations between words, communicate ancient and modern Chinese characters, know and master characters, etc.
     Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties inscriptions as an important part and a typical example of Chinese character development, that is the essential materials to study the evolution of Chinese characters from the Li Shu(隶书)to Kai Shu(楷书), to study its components has very important significance:
     First, it is propitious to investigate the evolution of the specific situation about Chinese characters in this period, in order to offer materials for studying the history of Chinese characters.
     Secondly, it is redounded to understand the function, nature, characteristics and evolutional law of Chinese components in this period, in order to provide the basis for scientific understanding of the nature, and to provide valuable materials and theory reference for studying the character's structure and the evolutional law in-depthly.
     Thirdly, it is useful to reveal the variation of character's component and the maintenance of systemic stability of Chinese characters that adapt to another contradiction between the situation of both, easy to display the inscriptions'systematic and to explain the complexity and hierarchy of Chinese characters'configurational gist.
     Fourthly, it is conduced to understand the level of character theory of the people of the time, conclude people's new knowledge, new thinking and new creation on how to use, create, develop and optimize Chinese characters at that time, help us to establish the scientific concept of Chinese characters'configuration and character development, in order to promote the establishment of more systematic and comprehensive character theory (including the character-shaped theory, character configuration theory, word sample theory, etc.) and provide a theoretical basis.
     Fifthly, help not only to coordinate unearthed documents such as inscriptions scientificly, but also to provide reference for the exegesis, cultural history, compiling dictionaries.
     Finally, it can provide experience and use for reference for the criterion of the modern Chinese characters, the reformation of Chinese characters, the teaching of Chinese character and the coding to modern information technology of Chinese characters.
     This paper is the first to study the components of the Chinese characters specially, and is also the first to study the components of inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties obturatedly and systemicly, the results is an important part of the history of Chinese character development. In the course of studying, we adhere to the principles as follows:true and reliable grapheme of inscriptions, the combination of grapheme, meaning and the specific context of the inscriptions, the combination of commonness and individuality, the combination of description and interpretation, the combination of synchronic and diachronic, use the database and computer technology, fully absorbed in the previous research, we have the following points of innovation:
     First, it is the first to study the components of inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties by all-round and multi-angles. We investigated the direct components, basic components, configuration mode of components, compages mode of components, the system of components, special components, high-frequency components, the type of component variation depthly. We also elucidated these questions theoretically. For the first time, provided exhaustive materials for studying the history of forming the Chinese characters between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties.
     Secondly, we proposed that the component variation of inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties reflected the dual constraints of the conformational gist for the created characters and written characters. The conformational gist of Chinese characters have two lays. The Chinese characters'written gist is configurational and evolutionary basis of Chinese character which is embodied in the writing level, it points to the external form of Chinese character mainly, back and explain the source of their form and structure, communicate the relationship between words. The Chinese characters'created gist reflects the intent of people who created Chinese characters, highlights the intrinsic link between the grapheme and the meaning. This research shows that the component variation of inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties arounds the Chinese characters'created gist which contacts with its sound and meaning and the Chinese characters'written gist which contacts with its grapheme, it has consanguineous connection of two gist which is darked or appeared.
     Thirdly, the increasing of symbolic components of inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties is caused by simplifying and variating artificially, it is differed from the symbolization of Chinese character within the framework of semantic absolutely. The former is produced in course of the use of Chinese characters by people which influenced by the level of writer's education, the carved Gongju, the physical carrier and other factors, the results are often beyonded the manageable form of Chinese characters'framework of meaning; the latter due to the evolution of Chinese characters, some components occured bonding or deformation, lost its original affiliation to form and meaning, the function of the conformation and ideographics, become a symbolic component, including a small number of compound characters, most of the independent body pictograms and the components that transformed from them, they are always in control range and extremely limited, and once to participate as a component of configuration, the new environment of configuration will give the function of phonetic and semantic, its role also will undergo corresponding changes.
     Fourthly, explore a set of scientific and practical approach to sort grapheme and word sample, and to split component of Chinese characters. Sorting the materials of words adhere to the grapheme comprehensive coordinating first, and then to the word sample, in order to provide detailed research materials; establishing the main structure of word sample give priority to the gist of conformation and historical heritage of the word structure, to meet the research needs of different levels. Splitting component of the words persist under management separation by combining the gist and the form, and look the former as the main principle.The inscriptions between Wei,Jin,South and North Dynasties are the characters between the Li Shu(隶书)to Kai Shu(楷书),have deeper degree of the form and structure symbolization, the bonding, simplifying, omitting and combination of component appeared frequently, if split component according to the gist of word entirely will make split is not complete, fail to get the anticipative effect; if fully comply with the grapheme split will disassemble character incorrectly, segment historical affiliation of Chinese characters and can not make a scientific explanation of its evolution. Therefore we combine the two, split some components at the end layer according to the form and structure of the word, gain the smallest component units assigned to the final cut.
     Fifthly, we proposed that the process of development and evolution of Chinese characters'form and structure is essentially based on components, the methods to make a word, the structure and mode evolving process. The sort of basal component of Chinese characters is relative stabilization whether how complex the Chinese characters are,the amount usually about 500, it is the best a breakthrough and reference for studying the evolution of Chinese characters, the relationships of the form with the sound and meaning, word relations and the gist of conformation. Component number, type, function, general, etc is the important indicators to measure the status of development, stage of development for Chinese character and understanding the nature of the Chinese character.
     This thesis is divided into eight chapters, the third, sixth and seventh chapter is the key. Specific content can be divided into four parts:
     ChapterⅠ:Introduction, overview the definition and the classification of the component, research cutting-edge, research materials, theoretical sources and approachs.
     ChapterⅡ:Introduce the elements of operation, process and the project of actualization from the methodological perspective.
     ChapterⅢto chapterⅦ:a specific study on components. It included the special investigation on the direct components, basic components, configuration mode of components, compages mode of components, the system of components, special components, high-frequency components, the type and the theory of component variation, particularly explained the relationship between the gist of conformation and written of Chinese characters.
     ChapterⅧ:the practical significance of the component study.Use the results to guide the Difficult Words(疑难字)and the literature of inscriptions interpretation, display the specific value of components studying in philology, lexicography and literature sorting, etc.
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