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Cryptology is the kernel technology in the field of information security, it has extensive commercial prospect in many fields. Quantum cryptology is one of the nearest study tasks in cryptology technology, its development do active promotion to the progress of cryptology theory. Quantum cryptology is a new method for secret communications. This new method utilizes the quantum nature of single photons. Data can be transferred with a proven security via the protocols of quantum key distribution.
    Work done by author is introduced in this thesis. This work includes research on quantum cryptography theories, quantum key distribution and quantum digital signature together with application of quantum cryptography. It is unconditionally secure (i.e. secure against a spy who has sufficient time and computer power), and needless of any private key exchange before the actual communication. In this paper, we firstly describe the recent research progress and the theory basis of quantum cryptography, then introduce Quantum Key Distribution(QKD) and eavesdropping attacks on the QKD.
    After discussed the problem of QKD, we focus on Quantum Digital Signature. According to the described Quantum One-way Function, a quantum digital signature scheme whose security is based on fundamental principles of quantum physics is given and that the signature scheme is absolutely secure using one method of key distribution is shown. The protocol provides a model for importing the ideas of classical public key cryptography into the quantum world.
    Finally, the two aspects of the practical application of the quantum technology is introduced in this paper. One is application in the cryptanalysis, the other is some practical applications of quantum theory in information technology such as communication, security and etc.
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