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The emergence and development of the traditional Internet has changed people's lives consumption patterns, mobile transactional virtual communities present a new kind of social relations in the world of the internet that contains confused information. Types of virtual community based transaction are developing rapidly as a platform for carrying users access to consumer information,welcomed by the majority of users and the role of its tools, such virtual communities gradually become an important way of the people's access to information and publishing entertainment. As the representative of transactional virtual community, is the favorable object for the users. Contemporary college students as an active social groups, is the first point of contact and users of new things, also as the main user groups of, the habits and needs of college students effected the various elements of society can't be ignored.
     In this study, to Chengdu college students as respondents, learn from the transaction virtual community of scholars at home and abroad on the basis of the literature, focus group interviews, questionnaires three research methods and theory of Uses and Gratifications, technology accepted model theory, the establishment of a model that reflect the relation of use needs and willingness about college students in Chengdu to mobile transactional virtual community. We investigate the specific usage of mobile transaction virtual community in college students, as well as to explore the impact Factors of use Willingness and last targeted suggestions are put forward.
     The empirical results show that students in Chengdu uses mobile clients of frequency is not high, each landing in a shorter residence time, the website users stickiness is not high; college students uses mobile transactional virtual communities most important needs in order to obtain information, cost advantages, location-based services, dependence, social interaction, entertainment; meanwhile, perceived value and trust to have a certain role in the regulation of the relationship between demand and willingness to users. Based on the above findings and mobile trading virtual website made the following recommendations:to improve the knowledge and understanding of the mobile end-users about transactional virtual communities; ensuring the reliability and usefulness of transactional virtual communities consumer information; concerned about the consumer's personal hobby, perfect users information database construction; to enhance transactional virtual community users interaction enthusiasm; to improve transactional virtual community recreation; develop a reasonable price strategy.
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