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     本研究主要做了如下几个工作:首先从理论上,探讨了改善高中学生数学认识的教学策略:创设问题情境,促进建立数学的整体观念的教学策略;以学生为中心,创新教学课堂环境的教学策略;引导学生积极思考,培养反思意识的教学策略。其次,以教学研究为主,问卷调查和个案研究为辅,探讨提出的教学策略对改善高中学生数学认识信念和数学学习成绩的情况。研究表明: 1、本文所提出的三个教学策略有效改善了高中生的数学认识信念。创设问题情境,促进建立数学的整体观念的教学策略对改善高中生数学认识信念的效果显著;以学生为中心,创新教学课堂环境的教学策略对改善高中生数学认识信念的效果非常显著;引导学生积极思考,培养反思意识的教学策略对改善高中生的数学认识信念的效果显著。2、以上的三个教学策略对学生数学认识信念的改善,主要是在知识结构维度和学习能力维度两个维度上的有明显的改善。3、采用创新的教学策略对学生的数学认识信念的改善是有效的。创设问题情境,使学生感受到数学的广泛应用,营造民主的学习环境,让学生与数学不再产生距离,喜欢学习;通过改善课堂环境使学生成为了学习的主人,学会学习;了解自己真实的想法,促使自己消除无效信念,促进学习。在促进了学生对数学知识和数学知识认识水平的提高的同时,使学生的情感动机投入更为积极,主动地参与数学学习活动。4、在以上不同的教学策略的调控下,学生学习成绩都有不同水平的提高。最后,根据上述研究结论,提出了几点建议:教师应充分认识到数学认识信念的重要性,帮助学生认识错误数学认识信念对学习的不良影响,从而,自我改善数学认识信念;同时,教师应该不断的反省自身的认识信念,确保教学环境对学生数学认识信念产生积极的影响。
Mathematics epistemic beliefs refer to the students’simple view to mathematics knowledge and the understanding process of mathematics knowledge. Students’mathematics epistemic beliefs is the research topic concerned by the Western countries for nearly 30 years, while it just gets started in our country. Many foreign researches indicated that, students’beliefs hid behind theirs behaviors, their cognition process, and the emotion experiences, just like an invisible hand, is directing the study process, thus affecting this study result profoundly. The cultural tradition of society and teaching environment are outer factors that affect the formation of students’mathematics epistemic beliefs. The teacher can improve the learning environment for students by regulating their teaching strategies, so that the students formed effective mathematics epistemic beliefs. Effective beliefs urged the students to take part in their learning activities actively, and then improve their study finally.
     This article takes the instruction of the theories of mathematics epistemic beliefs, using integrated, systematized research orientation ,and using literature analytic method, questionnaire survey method, education experiment method and so on, I did an experiment with the students of Grade Two in a Nanning high school,using the teaching strategies of improving mathematics epistemic beliefs. I surveyed the change of the stuents’math results. On the basis of the study of personal case, I carried on the theory discussion and the practice research and got got the conclusion as follows:
     1. Establishing question situations, and building democratic study atmosphere have remarkable effects on improving senior students’mathematics epistemic beliefs; Taking the students as the center, and innovating teaching environment have very remarkable effects on improving senior students’mathematics epistemic beliefs ;Leading students think actively, and developing the reconsidering consciousness also have remarkable effects on improving senior students’mathematics epistemic beliefs.
     2. The teaching strategies above can improve students’mathematics epistemic beliefs, mainly means the remarkable improvement on the knowledge structure dimension and in the learning capability dimension.
     3. Using the innovative teaching strategies is effective to improve student's mathematics epistemic beliefs, creating question situations makes students feel the widely use of mathematics , thus building a safe learning environment, so there is no distance between students and mathematics. The students become the master of their learning, they can understand their real ideas, and learn to study, which can improve the students’mathematics knowledge and mathematics epistemic beliefs, meanwhile it can make students take part in maths learning more actively.
     4. Under the regulation of different teaching strategies above, the student academic record all has the different level improvement.
     On the base of the investigation conclusions, combined with the teaching experiences, the researcher put forward some teaching suggestions to the teachers: The teacher should fully realize the importance of mathematics epistemic beliefs, help the student recognize the bad influence of the wrong mathematics epistemic beliefs, thus, self-improve mathematics epistemic beliefs; At the same time, the teacher should reconsider their own mathematics epistemic beliefs constantly, guarantee the teaching environment has an positive influence on the students’mathematics epistemic beliefs.
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