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Human’s pursuit of truth bears close relation with such irrational factors as passion, desires and value, etc. The spiritual power exerted from education finds its ultimate embodiment in quintessence of humanistic ideals. However, the ignorance of fostering students’humanistic ideals gives rise to the holistic weakness in terms of their humanistic and creative abilities. Senior mathematical education in new curriculum contains double educational value: the training of students’mathematical quality and humanistic quality. As far as maths teachers are concerned, what constitutes one of the main goals of modern mathematical education is the cultivation of students’humanistic spirits. Oriented by humanistic spirits, the spirit of mathematical science is laid foundation on. One can’t leave without the other. The penetration of humanistic spirits in the course of senior maths teaching can not only be viewed as a return to social humanistic spirits, but a digging into humanistic spirits included in maths as well. Based on theory and practice, the paper conducts a comparatively profound research on the penetration of humanistic spirits into the teaching process in senior maths class in new curriculum. It aims at providing references for senior mathematical teachers in their exploration into maths teaching process full of humanistic spirits.
     Through its relevant analysis upon students’level of intellectual development and learning contents, the effects of teaching rules and maths’humanistic value and spirits are reflected upon students’maths learning and the ways of humanistic penetration in the process of senior mathematical teaching are explored. All of these are combined with the studies on new curriculum criteria, teaching materials, etc. In studying the humanistic spirits are penetrated, the paper starts from the following aspects respectively: extension of teaching rules in maths, the digging of cultural function in maths exhibition of applicative value in maths. What’s more, the requirements arise for teachers to design meticulously teaching contents and penetration modes, which is based on the integration of material references and generalization of practical experience in teaching.
     As regards the reflection and suggestions in the paper, there’re two suggestions on content designing for senior maths in new curriculum. One is the establishment of relatively reasonable knowledge structure of text books; the other is the revelation of students’psychological characteristics from the structure of text books. Here’re five suggestions for senior maths’teachers’teaching and training: firstly, the intensification of students’learning feedback; secondly, the importance attached to meaningful learning for teachers; thirdly, the creation of educational ideal“All is for the sake of students’development”; fourthly, mathematical is an activity; fifthly, research is the only way out for teachers’development.
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