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     本文首先根据适用于分析非线性和非平稳信号的HHT(Hilbert–Huang Transform)方法,分析海气界面通量浮标观测的大气湍流数据,将其划分为具有不同特征频率的运动模态,它们对应不同时间尺度的湍流运动涡旋。并对各个运动模态进行能谱分析,将各个模态的能量贡献峰值区与湍流能谱中的惯性子区和含能大涡区相对应。
     为了改善这个偏差,本文通过构造简单的二维简谐波模型及粗略的推导,研究表面波引起的海面起伏对动量通量的影响,认为波陡是与此影响相关的主要参数。然后,基于相似理论、考虑海浪的Charnock关系和Toba的3/2幂律关系,得到了一个新的拖曳系数参数化形式(风速适用范围0The air–sea interface fluxes are important parameters for the descriptions of a large numberof dynamic processes, such as: the air-sea interactions, global climatechange, large-scaleatmospheric and ocean circulation, the development of hurricane, the generation of waves, thedevelopment of the mixed layer and the seasonal thermocline. Therefore, a simple, fast andaccurate calculation of the air-sea interface flux has always been an important issue.
     This study is on the basis of the datasets about the atmospheric boundary layer turbulenceand the waves in the air-sea interface, from an air-sea interface flux buoy and anAWAC(Acoustic Wave and Current Profiler). On the calculation and the bulk parameterization ofthe air-sea interface flux, we perform the following researches: the analysis of the atmosphericboundary layer turbulence, the contamination of the non-turbulent motions on the calculation ofair-sea fluxes by eddy covariance method, the impact of the waves on the momentum flux (windstress) and the parameterization of the drag coefficient.
     The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), a powerful tool for the time-frequency analysis ofnon-linear and non-stationary data, is applied to analyzing the turbulent time series obtainedwithin the atmospheric boundary layer over the ocean. The time series are decomposed into asum of modes with different characteristic frequencies, corresponding to a sum of turbulentvortexes with different time scales. After the energy spectrum analysis, these modes areassociated with instrument noise, inertial range, and energy containing eddies.
     A new method based on the HHT is then introduced to reduce the influence of non-turbulentmotions on the eddy-covariance based fluxes by removing the non-turbulent modes from thetime series. By calculating the contributions of different modes on the eddy-covariance basedflux, the scale dependence of the flux is established. A gap mode is identified to distinguishbetween turbulent modes and non-turbulent modes by examining the scale dependence of theflux. After removing the non-turbulent modes from the time series, the contamination of thenon-turbulent motions are considered to be reduced or removed. The effectiveness of this newmethod is confirmed by compareing with three conventional methods (block average, moving-window average, and multi-resolution decomposition) on the basis of the datasets fromthe buoy. The results show that the new method based on the HHT is effective in removing thenon-turbulent motions and it is much better than the other three methods.
     The next problem focused is the impact of the waves on the momentum flux (wind stress)and the parameterization of the drag coefficient. By processing the data from the buoy and theAWAC, we obtain a waves dataset synchronized with the eddy-covariance based fluxes. Basedon the above dataset and the other five ones, six parameterization schemes of roughness or dragcoefficient are evaluated. They present great consistency with measurement when frictionvelocityu*<0.5m/s (approximately corresponding to10m wind speed U_(10)<12m/s) and largedeviation from measurement whenu*≥0.5m/s (approximately corresponding to U_(10)≥12m/s).
     In order to improve this deviation, we construct a two-dimensional simple harmonic modeland roughly derive the impact of wave on the momentum flux. The wave steepness is consideredto be an important parameter for this impact. Then, based on the similarity theory, the Charnockrelationship and the Toba3/2power law, we derive a new parameterization of the dragcoefficient, which is useful in the condition of0
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