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Objective: We research the effect of mutation BRAF gene and BRAF-wt to iodine uptake and relative gene in the thyroid carcinoma cell individually.
     Methods: In the papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line K1 which express mutation BRAF, we knockdown BRAF gene by the special shRNA, then observe the change of capacity of iodine uptake with radiative I125 and the expressin of relative gene and protein of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) and Sodium iodide symporter (NIS), and knockdown BRAF gene in the follicular thyroid cancer which express BRAF-wt,we determine the expression of NIS,TSHR and capacity of iodine uptake with radiative I125.
     Result: In the investigation,we found the phenomenon that the capacity of iodine uptake increases while BRAF DNA and protein diminishs in papillary thyroid carcinoma which expresses the mutatant BRAF,meanwhile the expression of NIS and TSHR increase. However, in follicular thyroid cancer RO82-W-1, after inhibition the expression of BRAF, we could not find the change of expression of NIS,TSHR and capacity of iodine uptake with radiative I125.
     Conclusion: The mutation of BRAF gene could increase the iodine uptake and relative gene in papillary thyroid cancer which express the mutation BRAF, but in follicular thyroid cancer, inhibition BRAF could not influence NIS, TSHR and iodine uptake. The research indicates that mutation BRAF gene induce the loss of capacity of iodine uptake and promote the progress of didifferentiation of thyroid cancer. Mutation BRAF is patient to be a new target of genetic therapy to the thyriod cancer which is insensitive to radiative therapy.
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