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Classic science has come into a difficult situation ever since the second half of the twentieth century. The importance of systems science has distinguished itself and its value shows gradually. There are many different viewpoints both at home and abroad, but as the lack of communication between them, it is inconvenient for them to syncretise with each other. As a new paradigm, systems science poses a challenge to many aspects of classic science. Nevertheless, a systematic study on it is rather rare. Therefore, an all-around analysis of systems science both at home and abroad, a theoretical system reconstruction of systems science on the basis of the analysis, and finally a systematic philosophy reflection on it become imperative.
     On the basis of analysis of systems science both at home and abroad, this dissertation absorbs the overseas rational thought, develops and reconstructs theoretical system of systems science and then make an argument on its rationality. Based on the discussion of systems science, this dissertation probes into several philosophical issues, that is, whether systems science can be regarded as scientific revolution, the theoretical breakthrough of systems science, the switch of world view and the transformation of contents of methodology. In order to understand the essence of systems science exactly, this dissertation has“the formation of systems science”as the guide to develop forward.
     The dissertation begins with a literature review of systems science, and analyzes“the formation of systems science”from three aspects: philosophical thoughts provide it with metaphysical foundation; scientific thoughts provide it with theoretical foundation; systems science forms in systems movement. This dissertation classifies its definitions into three kinds with differences of relation between systems science and others: static set theory, dynamic set theory and reconstructionism at home; complement theory, set theory and mathematic methodology theory abroad. Six aspects of difference between home and abroad study are concluded: because of the difference of study route between them(the overseas research with the thought coming from other subjects and back to them, while the domestic research with the thought coming from systems science and back to other subjects), the community, the concerned relationship between subjects and the understanding of systems science’s function are different. Besides, the research abroad put more attention on the research of meta-paradigm of systems science and of philosophical foundation. And then the viewpoint of“syncretization and development”is put forward, and it will enhance the development of systems science at home and abroad. This dissertation tries to“reconstruct theoretical system of systems science”from three aspects as follows. First, the research object, mission and subject character of systems science. The object of research is generic systemhood of specific systems of being and becoming. It’s task can be summarized as feedback loop of“to explore object system—to induce generic law of systemhood—to construct theory and method—to control and manage system—to explore object system”. The subject character of it can be summarized as non-“science”, neutral science, constructivism, soft experience science and issue-indicative. Those characters distinguish it from classic science. Second, the macro-structure of theoretical system of systems science. It comprises two parts: core system and exterior environment. The interior and exterior structure is in a mutual dynamic interaction. Third, the micro-structure of theoretical system of systems science. It mainly involves the core system of systems science, and includes four subsystems: philosophy of systems science, science subjects, technology subjects and engineering subjects of systems science. All of them are elaborated on in this dissertation. In contrast with other systems, there are five aspects of renovations: theoretical system of systems science is a nonlinear space framework; philosophy of it comes into core system; the core system interacts with its environment; the core system is divided by the difference among science, technology and engineering besides philosophy; the structure of third-order is used in this framework. Under the guide of Kuhn’s paradigm idea, the dissertation makes a systematic philosophy reflection on systems science. First, through hard and soft paradigms brought forward by the analysis of paradigm notion, from classic science to systems science is not hard paradigm shift, that is, scientific revolution, but soft paradigm shift. Second, the theoretical breakthrough of systems science are summarized as follows: constructivism, trans-subject, holism, generativism and relationalism. Third, five points of world view shift are summed up: from constitutivism to generativism, from being theory to becoming theory, from substantialism to relationalism, from complicity theory to complexity theory, from determinism to non-“determinism”. Fourth, the transformation of contents of methodology are summarized into four aspects: object shift from the acquirement of knowledge to the solution of theoretical or realistic issue, basic principles shift from reductionism to surmount-reductionism, the introduction of practical approach and its surpass to binary opposition between subject and object, the introduction of qualitative method and the establishment of its status. As the theory system is established and world view and methodology come into being gradually, the paradigm of systems science is being formed.
     The research object of this dissertation includes seven aspects: first, to understand comprehensively the viewpoints of systems science at home and abroad; second, to discuss profoundly the research difference of systems science at home and abroad; third, to reconstruct theoretical system of systems science, and to clarify its central thought and advantages; fourth, to pose the viewpoint that systems science cannot be regarded as scientific revolution but as shift of soft paradigm; fifth, to conclude systematically five theoretical breakthrough of systems science; sixth, to apprehend comprehensively the worldwide outlook of systems science paradigm; seventh, to expose four main renovations of content of systems science methodology.
     This dissertation is a basic research, and the end of it signifies the commencement instead of the termination of the study. In the epilogue, the author discusses briefly eight important issues that could be researched further. The author will not cease study after this dissertation, but study correlative research of systems science on basis of it in the future.
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    ⑦Ackoff, Russell L. Foreword. Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations. Revised Edition. By Charles G. Schoderbek, Peter P. Schoderbek, and Asterios G. Kefalas. Dallas: Business Publications, INC, 1980. vii-ix; Ackoff, Russell L.“Toward a System of Systems Concepts.”Management Science 17.11(1971):661-671.
    ①Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They Are They One, or Many .”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.
    ②Troncale, Len R.“The Future of the Natural Systems Sciences.”Understanding Complexity. Ragsdell, Gillian, and Jennifer Wilby. Ed. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001,219-237.
    ③Troncale, Len R.“The Future of the Natural Systems Sciences.”Understanding Complexity. Ragsdell, Gillian, and Jennifer Wilby. Ed. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001,219-237.
    ④Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They Are They One, or Many .”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.
    ⑤Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They Are They One, or Many .”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.
    ① Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They Are They One, or Many .”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.①? Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They? Are They One, or Many?.”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.该处观点如无特别说明,都直接或间接引自该论文。?
    ②Troncale, L. Raphael.“The Future of General Systems Research: Obstacles, Potentials, Case Studies.”Systems Research 2.1(1985):1-42.
    ③Troncale, Len.“Revisited: The Future of General Systems Research: Update on Obstacles, Potentials, Case Studies.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 26(2009):553-561.
    ④M’Pherson也特别指出不同学者并非总是采纳这一分类,GST也经常被看做系统思想的全部,或者被用作系统科学或系统哲学的同义语。(见:M’Pherson, P. K.“A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy.”Systems Thinking(Volume I): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. Ed. Gerald Midgley Ed. SAGE Publications, 2003,128.)
    ⑤M’Pherson, P. K.“A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy.”Systems Thinking(Volume I): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. Ed. Gerald Midgley Ed. SAGE Publications, 2003,128.
    ⑥M’Pherson, P. K.“A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy.”Systems Thinking(Volume I): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. Ed. Gerald Midgley Ed. SAGE Publications, 2003,129.
    ①M’Pherson, P. K.“A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy.”Systems Thinking(Volume I): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. Ed. Gerald Midgley Ed. SAGE Publications, 2003,130.
    ②M’Pherson, P. K.“A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy.”Systems Thinking(Volume I): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. Ed. Gerald Midgley Ed. SAGE Publications, 2003,130.
    ③Xu Li Da的观点,(见:Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006,179. )
    ④Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006,1.
    ①Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, 8‐10.
    ②Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, viii.
    ③Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, 184‐185.
    ①Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006,xi.
    ③Warfield, John N.“A Proposal for Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20(2003):507-520; Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, 378.
    ④Warfield认为任何学科都是由主体和方法论两个部分组成,主体包括基础和理论,代表档案资料;方法论被定义为过程,详细说明主体中建立起来的行为模式。(见:Warfield, John N.“A Proposal for Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20(2003):507-520.)
    ⑤Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, x‐xii,1,238,365,378; Warfield, John N.“A Proposal for Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20(2003):507-520.
    ⑥Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983, 48‐49.
    ⑧Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983,x.
    ①Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983,ix‐x.
    ②Laszlo, Ervin, and Alexander Laszlo.”The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities.”Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. 14.1(1997):5-19.
    ③Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983,50.
    ⑤Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983, x; Laszlo, Ervin, and Alexander Laszlo.“The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities.”Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. 14.1(1997):5-19; [美]欧文拉兹洛.钱兆华等译.系统哲学引论——一种当代思想的新范式.北京:商务印书馆,1998,24;[美]E拉兹洛.闵家胤等译.系统哲学讲演集.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1991,48、150-151、285.
    ③ Wikipedia是一个开放性的百科全书,可以进行自由编辑,国内很少以之作为参考文献,但是
    ① Ladislav, Votruba. Et al. Analysis of Water Resource Systems. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1988. 19.
    ② Bertalanffy, Ludwig Von.“The History and Status of General System Theory.”The Academy of Management Journal. 15.4(1972): 407-426.
    ③Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,1.
    ④Bálsamo, H. Bhola, C. Francois, L. Kauffman, G. Klir, T. Mandel, P.Y. Rhee, Ho Sabelli, S. Salthe.“What are the Principles of Systems Science”The Roundtable of the World Congress of the Systems Sciences(Toronto, July 2000).
    ⑤Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,13.
    ⑥Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,1-2.
    ⑦Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,22.
    ⑧Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,1.
    ①Sandquist, Gary M. Preface. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,xiii-xv.
    ②Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,7.
    ③Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,2.
    ④Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,401.
    ⑤Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,13.
    ⑥Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,392-550.
    ⑦Sandquist, Gary M. Introduction to System Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985,7.
    ⑧Gigch, J. P. van, and N. J. R. A. Kramer.“A Taxonomy of Systems Science.”Int. J. Man-Machine Studies. 14(1981):179-191.
    ⑨Gigch, John P. Van.“Systems Science, the Discipline of Epistemological Domains, Contributes tothe Design of the Intelligent Global Web.”Behavioral Science 35.2(1990):122-137.
    ①“The Ubiquity of Systems Science: An Interview with Tibor Vámos.”Information·Knowledge·Systems Management 1(1999):89-94.
    ②Bailey, Kenneth D.“Fifty Years of Systems Science: Further Reflections.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 22(2005):355-361.
    ③Bailey, Kenneth D.“Towards Unifying Science: Applying Concepts Across Disciplinary Boundaries. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 18(2001):41-62.
    ④Bailey, Kenneth D.“Fifty Years of Systems Science: Further Reflections.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 22(2005):355-361.
    ⑤Bailey, Kenneth D.“Toward a New Paradigm of the Systems Sciences: A Unified Theory of the Natural and Social Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 19-42.
    ⑥Boulding, Kenneth E.“General Systems Theory—The Skeleton of Science.”Management Science 2.3(1956):197-208.
    ①Korn, J.“task for systems science.”见:Kenneth. et al.“Proceedings of The International Society for The Systems Sciences(2003).”General Systems Bulletin Volume XXXIII(2004):9-11. (http://isss.org/world/bulletins)
    ②Stowell, Frank. Preface. Systems Science: Addressing Global Issues. By Frank A. Stowell, Daune West & James G. Howell. Ed. New York: Plenum Press, 1993. v-vi.
    ③Simms, James R.“Systems Science Fundamental Principles.”Understanding Complexity. Ed. Gillian Ragsdell, and Jennifer Wilby. Ed. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001.7-13.
    ④Germana, Joseph.“The Whole and Main Ideas of Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17(2000):311-313.
    ⑤Lee, In-Sook.“Retrospective and Prospective Images on the Relationship between Educational Technology and Systems Science.”Educational Technology International. 5.1(2003):3-29.
    ⑥Pichler, Franz, Heinz Schw rtzel, and Roberto Moreno-Diaz.“Systems Science and Systems Technology: From Conceptual Frameworks to Applicable Solutions.”Computer Aided Systems Theory : CAST’94, 4th international workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May . ed. Tuncer I. ren Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 1996.2-12.
    ⑦Eom, Sean B.“The Contributions of Systems Science to the Development of the Decision SupportSystem Subspecialties: An Empirical Investigation.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17(2000):117-134.
    ①Lewicka-Strzalecka, Anna.“Dynamics and Structure of System Science.”Scientometrics 12.3-4(1987):207-219.
    ②Rosen, Robert.“Some Comments on Systems and System Theory”Facets of Systems Science Second Edition. Ed. George J. Klir. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001.241-243.
    ③Stowell, Frank A., Daune West & James G. Howell. Ed. Systems Science: Addressing Global Issues. New York: Plenum Press, 1993.
    ④Midgley, Gerald. Ed. Systems Thinking(Volume I,II,III,IV): General Systems Theory, Cybernetics and Complexity. SAGE Publications, 2003.
    ①Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press,1983, x; Laszlo, Ervin, and Alexander Laszlo.“The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities.”Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. 14.1(1997):5-19; [美]欧文拉兹洛.钱兆华等译.系统哲学引论——一种当代思想的新范式.北京:商务印书馆,1998,24;[美]E拉兹洛.闵家胤等译.系统哲学讲演集.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1991,48、150-151、285.
    ③Klir, G. J.“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999.
    ①[美]王新力.语词分类系统、真值间隔和不可通约性——对库恩关于不可通约性的分类学解释之重建.世界哲学2004(5):41-57. ②
    ①Gigch, J. P. van, and N. J. R. A. Kramer.“A Taxonomy of Systems Science.”Int. J. Man-Machine Studies. 14(1981):179-191.
    ②Klir, G. J., and Elias, D. Architecture of Systems Problem Solving. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. 2003.
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    ②Laszlo, Ervin, and Alexander Laszlo.”The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities.”Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. 14.1(1997):5-19.
    ③Bailey, Kenneth D.“Towards Unifying Science: Applying Concepts Across Disciplinary Boundaries. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 18(2001):41-62;Bailey, Kenneth D.“Fifty Years of Systems Science: Further Reflections.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 22(2005):355-361;Bailey, Kenneth D.“Toward a New Paradigm of the Systems Sciences: A Unified Theory of the Natural and Social Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 19-42.
    ④Korn, J.“task for systems science.”见:Kenneth. et al.“Proceedings of The International Society for The Systems Sciences(2003).”General Systems Bulletin Volume XXXIII(2004):9-11. (http://isss.org/world/bulletins)
    ②Schoderbek, Charles G., Peter P. Schoderbek, and Asterios G. Kefalas. Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations. Revised Edition. 1980.297.
    ③Agnew, Harold.“A Q-GERT Model for Determining the Maintenance Crew Size for the Sac Command Post Upgrade.”Master’s Thesis in Air Fore Institute of Technology. 1983.6.
    ④Schoderbek, Charles G., Peter P. Schoderbek, and Asterios G. Kefalas. Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations. Revised Edition. 1980. 301.
    ⑤Schoderbek, Charles G., Peter P. Schoderbek, and Asterios G. Kefalas. Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations. Revised Edition. 1980. 302.
    ⑥Agnew, Harold.“A Q-GERT Model for Determining the Maintenance Crew Size for the Sac Command Post Upgrade.”Master’s Thesis in Air Fore Institute of Technology. 1983.6.
    ⑦Klir, G. J., and Elias, D. Architecture of Systems Problem Solving. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. 2003, 7.
    ⑧Bailey, Kenneth D.“Toward a New Paradigm of the Systems Sciences: A Unified Theory of the
    ①Rhee, Yong Pil. Ed. Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Seoul National University Press, 1999.
    ②Germana, Joseph.“The Whole and Main Ideas of Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17(2000):311-313.
    ③Lee, In-Sook.“Retrospective and Prospective Images on the Relationship between Educational Technology and Systems Science.”Educational Technology International. 5.1(2003):3-29.
    ①Hornung, Bernd R.“Principles of Sociocybernetics.”European Systems Science Union(ESSU) 6th Congress Paris, France, September 19-22,2005.
    ⑧Klir, G. J.“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Yong Pil. Rhee. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 19-42
    ②Gigch, John P. Van.“Systems Science, the Discipline of Epistemological Domains, Contributes to the Design of the Intelligent Global Web.”Behavioral Science 35.2(1990):122-137.
    ② Klir, G. J.“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Yong Pil. Rhee. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 85-101; Klir, G. J. Facets of Systems Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001.
    ④Klir, G. J. Facets of Systems Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001,6.
    ⑤Klir, G. J., and Elias, D. Architecture of Systems Problem Solving. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. 2003,4.
    ①Flood和Carson也认可科学的两个维度的划分,认为“系统科学是科学的第二维”。见:Flood, R. L. & Carson, E. R. Dealing with Complexity: an Introduction to the Theory and Application of Systems Science. New York: Plenum Press. 1993,32;Ackoff也认为系统科学是“对传统科学的补偿,为人类提供了一种新的思维方式”。见:Ackoff, Russell L. Foreword. Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations. Revised Edition. By Charles G. Schoderbek, Peter P. Schoderbek, and Asterios G. Kefalas. Dallas: Business Publications, INC, 1980. vii-ix.
    ②Klir, G. J., and Elias, D. Architecture of Systems Problem Solving. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. 2003,4-7; Klir, G. J. Facets of Systems Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001, 5-7,197,203; Klir, George J.“The Emergence of Two-dimensional Science in the Information Society.”Systems Research. 2.1(1985):33-41; Klir, G.J. “Systems Science: A Guided Tour.”Journal of Biological Systems 1.1(1993): 27-58;“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 85-101;“Epistemological Categories of Systems: An Overview and Mathematical Formulation.”Computer Aided Systems Theory: EUROCAST’89, Las Palmas, Spain, February 26-March 4, 1989 ed. F. Pichler, and R. Moreno-Diaz. Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1990. 7-32.
    ①Banathy, Bela.“A Taste of Systemics.”网址:http://www.isss.org/taste.html(检索时间:2010年5月21日)
    ⑥Rosen, Robert.“Some Comments on Systems and System Theory”Facets of Systems Science Second Edition. Ed. George J. Klir. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001.241-243.
    ①Minati, Gianfranco, Eliano Pessa. Collective Beings. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2006. Preface, 1,2,4,12,15,111,440,446-447,451,452;G. Minati, M. P, Penna, Pessa E.“The Concept of Emergence in Systemics.”General Systems Bulletin. Vol. XXX(2001).15-18; G. Minati.“Towards a Second Systemics.”Systemics of Emergence: Research and Development. G. Minati, et al. ed. Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006. 667-682.
    ②Fran ois, Charles.“Systemics and Cybernetics in a Historical Perspective.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 16(1999):203-219.
    ①Banathy, Bela.“A Taste of Systemics.”网址:http://www.isss.org/taste.html(检索时间:2010年5月21日)
    ②Lutterer, Wolfram.“Systemics: The Social Aspects of Cybernetics.”Kybernetes. 34.3/4(2005):497-507.
    ③Watson.“Systemics: The Most Basic Science.”网址:http://www.enformy.com/$system.html(检索时间:2010年5月21日)
    ④Johannessen, Jon-Arild.“Systemics Applied to the Study of Organizational Fields: Developing a Systemic Research Strategy.”Kybernetes. 25.1(1996):33-50.
    ③姜璐,谷可.从复杂性研究看非非线性科学与系统科学.出自:许国志.系统科学与工程研究.上海:上海科学教育出版社,2001, 138‐139.
    ②Klir, G. J. Facets of Systems Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001,3‐5.
    ④朴昌根.系统学基础.上海:上海辞书出版社,2005, 110.
    ②Minati, Gianfranco, Eliano Pessa. Collective Beings. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2006.
    ④Rosen, Robert.“Some Comments on Systems and System Theory”Facets of Systems Science Second Edition. Ed. George J. Klir. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2001.241-243; Troncale, Len.“The Systems Sciences: What are They Are They One, or Many .”European Journal of Operational Research. 37(1988):8-33.
    ④ The International Society for The Systems Sciences. General Systems Bulletin. Volume30-39(2001-2010).(网址:http://isss.org/world/bulletins)
    ①Warfield, John N.“A Proposal for Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20(2003):507-520.
    ②Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006, 238,378;Warfield, John N.“A Proposal for Systems Science.”Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20(2003):507-520.
    ① Laszlo, E. Systems Science﹠ World Order: Selected Studies. Pergamon press, 1983.48-49;陈禹,钟佳桂.系统科学与方法概览.中国人民大学出版社,2006,2;朴昌根.系统学基础.上海:上海辞书出版社,2005,5.
    ① Warfield, J. N. An Introduction to Systems Science. World scientific publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2006,184-185.
    ②中国大百科全书出版社.自然辩证法百科全书.北京:中国大百科全书出版社, 1995,264.该词条由李惠国编辑。
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    ⑤? Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol. 7). Thomson Gale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.23.?
    ①Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol. 7). Thomson Gale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.23.
    ②Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol. 7). Thomson Gale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.24.
    ③Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol. 7). Thomson Gale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.25.
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    ⑥Flood, R. L. & Carson, E. R. Dealing with Complexity: an Introduction to the Theory and Application of Systems Science. New York: Plenum Press. 1993.
    ⑦Ackoff, Russell L.“Toward a System of Systems Concepts.”Management Science 17.11(1971):661-671.
    ⑧Gigch, J. P. van, and N. J. R. A. Kramer.“A Taxonomy of Systems Science.”Int. J. Man-Machine Studies. 14(1981):179-191.
    ④Audi, Robert. Ed. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1995,273.
    ⑤Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol. 3). Thomson Gale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.270.
    ②Gigch, John P. Van.“Systems Science, the Discipline of Epistemological Domains, Contributes to the Design of the Intelligent Global Web.”Behavioral Science 35.2(1990):122-137.
    ②Klir, G. J.“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 88; Klir, G. J. Facets of Systems Science. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001,24.
    ③Bálsamo, H. Bhola, C. Francois, L. Kauffman, G. Klir, T. Mandel, P.Y. Rhee, Ho Sabelli, S. Salthe.“What are the Principles of Systems Science”The Roundtable of the World Congress of the Systems Sciences(Toronto, July 2000).
    ④Boulding, Kenneth E.“General Systems Theory—The Skeleton of Science.”Management Science 2.3(1956): 197-208.
    ⑤Klir, G. J.“On the Complementarity of Systems Sciences and Classical Sciences.”Toward New Paradigm of Systems Science. Ed. Rhee, Yong Pil. Seoul National University Press, 1999, 88.
    ①“The Ubiquity of Systems Science: An Interview with Tibor Vámos.”Information·Knowledge·Systems Management 1(1999):89-94.
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    ⑥Borchert, Donald M. ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Second Edition. (Vol.8). ThomsonGale/Macmillan Reference USA, 2006.682-683.
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    ①Klir, G. J. & Elias, D. Architecture of Systems Problem Solving. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. 2003,2.
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