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This is the first time to study the biology and population of Zoysia japon.ica
     in China, and get some results as follows.
     1. The morphological and anatomic characteristics of Zoysia japonica are
     studied in detail. The anatomic basis of drought and tramp resistance and good
     elasticity of Zoysia japoiica is discovered
     2. The leaf梞odular population of Zoysia japonica is studied. Both the
     biological zero temperature for growth and sensitive temperature for color change
     of leaf are 10C. The relationship between leaf number and effective accumulative
     temperatures is power function. The general trend of birth and death of leaf is
     3. The age structure of natural clonal population of Zoysia japonlca is
     studied by generational and morphological methods. The results show that if the
     relationship between age and tiller?s morphology has been found, the
     morphological method is better because it can show the seasonal change of age
     4.The seasonal expanding trends of rhizome in artificial populations of
     Zoysia j~iponica is that the expanding speed increases with time in the growing
     season and gets a maximum by the end of July and the beginning of August, thueuu
     the speed decreased.
     If there is no disturbance from other plant, which means the ecological space
     is large enough, the relationship between area梕xpanding of individual clouia]
     population and time is power function. The increment of area has a I inearitv
     relationship with basic area of the clone.
     5.The influence of densities on individual elonal populations is studied.
     The fractal dimension value increases with the decreasing of density. The result
     shows the ability of clone to use and hold resources improves whueti density
     (Iecreases and cloinal population of Zoysia japonica could adjust growth pattern
     according t.o the environment. This is a kind of adaptable ecological policy. There
     are other phenomena to show the policy. When densit.y decreases, the internode
     of rhizomes becomes longer, node number increases, rhizome elongates quickly and
     ramification intensifies. So the clone could possess more space and resource.
     Clonal population of Zaysia japonica allocates more resource to rhizomes whetu
     density decreases so as to possess plane space but allocates more resource to
     tillers when density increases so as to possess more upright space.
     6. An important influence of food chain for the spreading of Zoysia japonica
     population is found during the study of sexual reproduction. Seeds of Zoysiu
     japonica can reserve high germination rate within 2 years under normal condition.
     Then the rate decreases with time.
     7. The variation within Zoysia japonica genus is studied. Some regular
     variations are found. The length of spike, spikelets number per spike and weight
     per 1000 seeds vary with latitude and the distance to sea. Leaf color in autumn
     changes with latitude too. Morphology and esterase isozyme researches show that
     there are many variations among populations of Zoysia japonica Some valuable
     ecotypes have been chosen.
     8. A new theor germplasin resources protection by industrial production
     is put forward on the basis of grazing and enclosing experiments.
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