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The information, experiences and knowledge are the bases for scientists to start new researches. The more data a scientist can get, the more time he can save to find out the right goals and the right ways to reach the goals, also the quality of the sharing data decides directly the accuracy of the research results, for that a powerful data sharing service system can provide very strong supports to the scientific activities. The current running“sharing platform of agricultural science data system”(hereafter referred as“the platform system”) is such a system to support the scientists in the agricultural area to do their researches.
     The architecture of a system refers to the components of the system, and the relationships between these components. For any large scale application system, the architecture of it decides the cooperation among different components of the system, and thus decides the stability, availability and extensive ability of the system. To optimize a system architecture, all factors in both internal and external environment need to be considered. The purpose of this paper is to study how to optimize the architecture of the current running sharing platform of agricultural science data system so that the platform system can provide more strong supports to the agricultural scientists and other agricultural science data users.
     With the guidelines of the System theory, the paper analyzes the current architecture of the platform system; it also analyzes the characters of the agricultural science data, the users of those data and the requirements of those users. Based on the results of the analysis the author discusses the logical model, functional model and physical model of an optimized architecture of the platform system, it also gives out the suggestions to the steps of improving the current architecture. Some other technologies and methodologies have been integrated into the models, such as SOA, Grid, Virtual Reality, Ant Colony Optimization, 3G technology, etc.
     The user requirements, the technologies are keeping changing, thus the architecture of the system also needs to keep improving to catch the pace of the requreiments changes. The models and suggestion in this paper can privde a reference to the builders and the managers of the platform system when they expand and improve the platform system, but it also needs to be improved in the future.
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