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U.S. research universities engaged in research of the history of military technology can be traced back to World War I, followed by research universities in the Second World War to show their talents for the war-time made an important contribution to national defense,and laid a solid foundation for the University continues to engage in military technology research in the Cold War. The Cold War, research universities actively engaged in military technology research, which is the typical representative of Stanford University. The Cold War, research universities can successfully engage in military-technical research in three areas to benefit from protection, but protection is limited. Along with the end of the 20th century anti-war movement on campus, as well as the adoption of the amendment Mansfield, the close cooperation relationship between universities and the military is end. It consist of four chapters.
     The first chapter briefly discusses before the Cold War the research universities engage in the military technology research. Hopkins University in the United States under the influence of research universities group, promoted the rapid development of American higher education, and then the arrival of two world wars, the research ability demonstrated good strength. The formation of the modern research university shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, the research universities in under the leadership of the the National Defense Research Committee, begined to engage in the military-technical research. In World War II research universities are the stage of Games, research universities under the leadership of the organization scientific research and development, through a series of well-known to engage in military-technical research projects, not only for national defense in time of war the United States but also has made important contribute to doubling their value. Research universities are to show their talents in World War II, and laid a solid foundation for research universities continue to engage in research in military technology in Cold War.
     The second chapter focuses on the research universities engaged in military technology in Cold War. From 1945 to 1950, the University is not too much to participate in military technology research, but under the funded of Office of Naval Research, engage in basic research in any way not related to military, and in the process with the military establishment of harmony and harmonious co-operation between the agencies for the defense and the research universities. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the university has become the defense agency of the "full-time" partnership, and the satellite events that followed, so that really feel the United States and the Soviet Union between the "missile gap" , in order to catch up, defense agencies of another wave of financial support for the University. And the form of deep-funded university research affect the form and nature, that is, and is closely related to direct military purpose. In defense of the funding agencies under the guidance of research universities actively engaged in military technology research, among the most representative of Stanford University, Stanford University, is precisely because of this through the Cold War, from military technology research "marginal" to leap to the "Pentagon"of the west, and quickly among the top research universities in the world.
     The third chapter analysis factors that protect research universities engaged in research to military technology. In cold war the federal government to become the cause of the country's largest research funder, and as a result of the Cold War, the Bush report, as well as the impact of the US-Soviet arms race, the federal science policy has been branded the militarization of a strong color, and the most benefit is the defense agencies, which received the most federal research funding so that funding for defense agencies military technological research universities as sources of funds to provide security. At the same time, scientists at the University mission of "service" concept, but also by the impact of the Cold War, in the dual "power" role, the university of scientists can only be military technology to the study, so that the university to carry out research in military technology the most valuable human resources to security. Finally, a military research laboratory is a bridge between the research universities and military technology. However, the three factors can play the role of protection is limited.
     The fourth chapter analyzes the University engaged in research in military technology are facing crisis. As a modern university, it is necessary to take up social responsibilities, but also to defend the academic freedom of the spirit and philosophy. When the University too much involved in the research of military technology, military technology research secrecy harm characteristics of the core values with the university - academic freedom. Subsequently, the Vietnam War triggered by anti-war movement on campus has become the ultimate outbreak of this contradiction fuse. University teachers and students began to boycott and protest against the school are engaged in research in military technology, which used to resist and protest the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and two schools in the most "warm." Subsequently passed by Congress, "Mansfield amendment," the official declaration the end relationship between the University in close cooperation with the military.
1 Daniel Robert.The Definition of Research University,The Chronicle of Higher Education,September 1,1994,p.42.
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    2 例如用于执行空中作战的武器装备,比如各种作战飞机、保障飞机、炸弹、空对空导弹、空对地导弹、火箭等等;有的是用于执行水域作战的武器装备,比如各种水面舰艇、水下潜艇,以及水雷、鱼雷、导弹等舰载武器;有的是执行地面作战任务的武器装备,比如各种枪械、火炮、坦克、装甲车辆、导弹、核武器等等,值得注意的是,冷战中随着美苏军备竞赛的加剧,到20世纪50年代末,军备竞赛一直扩展到外层空间,因此军用卫星以及航空飞行器等也被纳入到了武器装备的系统中。
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    2 Daniel J Kevles.The Physicists:The History of A Scientific Community in Modern American,New York:Alfred A.Knopf,lnc,1978,p.298.
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    1 Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.25.
    2 Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart(ed.).Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1988,p.17.
    3 James L.Penick,Carroll W.Pursell,Morgan B.Sherwood(ed.).The Politics of American Science,1939 to the Present,Massachusetts:The MIT Press,1972,p.24.
    4 Harvey M.Sapolsky.Science and the Navy:The History of the Office of Naval Research,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990,p.122.
    1 Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart(ed.).Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1988,p.23.
    2 Milton Lomask.A Minor Miracle:An Informal History of the National Science Foundation,Washington.D.C:U.S Government Printing Office,1976,pp.52-53.
    3 Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart(ed.).Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1988,p.28.
    1 Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart(ed.).Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands..Kluwer Academic Publishers,1988,pp.30-31.
    1 Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.157.
    2 Harvey Brooks.Impact of the Defense Establishment on Science and Education in Hearings on National Science Policy,Subcommittee on Science,Research,Development,House Committee on Science and Astronautics,91~(st) Congress,Washington D.C:Government Printing Office,1970,pp.931-932.
    3 Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.185.
    2 Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.8.
    4 Richard Rhodes.Dark Sun:The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb,New York:Simon&Schuster,1995,pp.282-284.
    1 Peter J.Westwick.The National Labs:Science in American System,1947-1974,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2003,p.121.
    2 Richard Rhodes.Dark Sun:The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb,New York:Simon&Schuster,1995,p.285.
    3 Herbert E.York.The Advisors:Oppenheimer,Teller and the Superbomb,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1989,p.38.
    3 Forman Paul,Sanchez.Jose.M(eds).National Military Establishment of Science and Technology,Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1996,p.271.
    4 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学2008,第90页.
    1 Geiger Roger L.Science,Universities and National Defense,1945-1970,Osiris.2~(nd) Serise Vol7,1992,p.43.
    2 吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第382页.
    1 约翰·霍普金斯大学华盛顿外交研究所.军事技术的发展及其对美国战略和外交的影响,北京:世界知识出版社1960年,第101-115页,转引自吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第384页.
    2 James L.Penick,Carroll W.Pursell,Morgan B.Sherwood(ed.).The Politics of American Seience,1939 to the Present,Massachusetts:The MIT Press,1972,p.260,转引自吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社 1998,第385-386页.
    3 http://cshe.berkeley.edu/publications/docs/PP.JD.Sputnik Tech.2.99.pdf
    1 http://cshe.berkeley.edu/publications/docs/PP.JD.Spumik_Tech.2.99.pdf
    2 J.R.Killian.Sputnik,Scientists and Eisenhower,Massachusetts:The MIT Press,1977,pp.2-3.
    4 吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第389页.
    5 约翰·阿利克.美国21世纪科技政策,北京:国防工业出版社1999年,第96页
    1 Geiger Roger L.Science,Universities and National Defense,1945-1970,Osiris.2~(nd) Series Vol7,1992,p.37.
    2 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第95页
    3 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第95页.
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    2 周寄中,美国科技大趋势--科技大国的决策走向,北京:科学出版社1991,第96-97页.
    3 Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.9.
    4 Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.11.
    5 谢·阿·达林.第二次世界大战后美国国家垄断资本主义,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店1975年,第211页
    1 Edward Dyanand.Revolution interrupted:Chronicling and comparing studentprotest movements at Stanford University,San Francisco State College,and the University of California at Berkeley,1964-1970,PhD.Disertaion,University of Pennsylvania,2000.p.156.
    1 Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war andAmerican science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.55.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia UniversityPress,1993,p.56.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.56.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.57.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.57.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.58.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.58-59.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.59.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.59-60.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p60.
    1Smart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.60-61.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war andAmerican science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.61-62.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.62-63.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,p.73.
    1http://www.nsf.gov/about/history/vbush 1945.htm转引自於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社 2008,第66页.
    2http://www.nsf.gov/about/history/vbush 1945.htm转引自於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第72页.
    1Bruce R.Smith.American Science Policy Since World War Ⅱ,Washington D.C:The Brookings Institutuion,1990,p.23.
    3Forman P.J;M.Sanchez(eds).National Military Establishment of Science and Technology,Dordreht:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1996,p.271.转引自 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社 2008,第76-77页.
    4M.S.Sherry.Preparing for the Next War:American Plans for Post- War Defense,1941-45,New Haven:Yale University Press,1977,p.202.
    1Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart.Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands:KluwerAcademic Publishers,1988,p.12.
    2Everett Mendelsohn,Merritt Roe Smith,Peter Weingart..T(ed.).Science,Technology And The Military,The Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1988,p.12.
    3Hugh Davis Graham&Nancy Diamond.The rise of American research universities:Elites and challengers in the postwar era,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1997,p.25.转引自於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第74页
    1 Wolf Dael.NSF:The First Six Years,Science,Jun 24,Vol126,1957.335-343.转引自 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第80页.
    2 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第81页.
    3 吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第375页
    3Alice M.Rivlin.The Role of the Federal Government in Financing Higher Education,Washington D.C:The Brookings Institution,1962,pp.45-47.
    2Geiger Roger L.Science,Universities and National Defense,1945-1970,Osiris.2nd Series Vol7,1992,p.44.转引自 於荣.冷战中的美国大学学术研究,北京:北京师范大学出版社2008,第93页.
    1Charles V.Kidd.American universities and federal research,Cambridge,Massachusetts:The Belknap Press,1959.43
    5George R.McDowell.Land Grant Universities and Extension into 21~(ST) Century,Ames:Iowa State University Press,2001,p.17.
    2Vera Kistiakowsky.Military funding of university research,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceVoL.502,Mar,1989,p.210.
    3Richard M.Abrams.The U.S.Military and higher education:A brief history,Annals of the American Academy of political and social science,VoL.502,Mar,.1989,p.105.
    3Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.38.
    2Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.38.
    3J·S·Dupre and S·A·Lakoff.Science and the Nation:Policy and Politics,Eaglewood Cliffs:Frentice-Hall,1962,p.131.转引自 吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第365页
    4Noam Chomsky.The Cold War and the University:Toward Intellectual History of the Post Years,New York:New Press,1997,pp.176-177.
    5J·S·Dupre and S·A·Lakoff.Science and the Nation:Policy and Politics,Eaglewood Cliffs:Frentice-Hall,1962,p.131.转引自 吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第365页
    2J.L.Penick.The Political of American Sciences.1939 to the Present,Massachusetts:The MIT Press,1972,p.211.转引自吴必康,权力与知识:英美科技政策史,福州:福建人民出版社1998,第366页
    4Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.39.
    5Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.39.:施莱克尔(Schrecker)的研究显示,一位被解聘的教师马克·尼克尔森(Mark Nickerson)被重新聘为终身教职,而考特(Caute)认为尼克尔森未被重新聘任。在这些案例中,终身教职也不能成为大学教师的“护身符”。
    1Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.39
    2Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.39.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.78.
    5Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.5.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York::Columbia University Press,1993,p.252.
    1Larry Owens.The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War:Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development,The Business History Riew,Vol.68,No.4 Winter 1994,p.522.
    1Vannevar Bush.Pieces of the Action,Science 20,No.3960,November 1970.840-841
    2Larry Owens.The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War:Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development,The Business History Riew,Vol.68,No.4 Winter 1994.525
    3Larry Owens.The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War..Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development,The Business History Riew,Vol.68,No.4 Winter 1994.527
    1Larry Owens.The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War;Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development,The Business History Riew,Vol.68,No.4 Winter 1994,pp.565-568
    1Peter J.Westwick.The National Labs:Science in American System,1947-1974,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2003,pp.l 10-115.
    2Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at MIT,Comell:Comell University Press,1972,p.28.
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.121.
    2Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.122
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,pp.123-124
    2Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.124.
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.125.
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.126.
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.127.
    2Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.128.
    1Steven Muller.The View of the Big Performers,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.502,March,1989,p.129.
    1Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,p.33.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.77.
    3Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,p.2.
    4Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at M1T and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.91.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.92.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.92-93.
    3Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,p.40.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,p.93-94.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.94.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.96.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.96.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,p.97.
    3Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,pp.50-51.
    1Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,p.43.
    2Dorothy Nelkin,The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T,Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1972,p.52.
    1J.Richard Johnston.Classified Military Research on the Campus:Is It Compatible with the Purpose ifa University,Journal of Higher Education,VoL38,No.6,June,1967,p.298.
    2Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.238.
    1Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.193.
    4Geiget Roger L.Science,Universities and National Defense,1945-1970,Osiris.2~(nd) Series Vo17,1992,p.45.
    5Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.239.
    1Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universtitties since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,pp.238-240.转引自 孙益,校园反叛--美国20世纪60年代的学生运动与高等教育,清华大学教育研究2006年第4期
    4Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,pp.238-239.
    2Richard M.Abrams.The U.S.Military and higher education:A brief history,Annals of the American Academy of political and social science,VoL.502,Mar,1989,p.27.
    3Bruce L.Smith.American Science Policy since World War Ⅱ,Washington D.C:The Brookings Institution,1990,p.84.
    4Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia UniversityPress,1993,p.241
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.242.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.243.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.243-244.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war andAmerican science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.244.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.245.
    3New York Times,May13.1969,p.31.
    4Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia UniversityPress,1993,p.246.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.247.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.233.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.234.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.235.
    2Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T.,Ithaca,New York:Cornell University Press,1972,p.80.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,p.236.
    1Dorothy Nelkin.The University and Military Research:Moral Politics at M.I.T.,Ithaca,New York:Cornell University Press,1972,pp.88-90.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.237.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.237-238.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,p.238.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia UniversityPress,1993,p.240
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.241
    4Daniel J.Kevles.The Physicists:The History of Scientific Community in Modern American,New York:Alfred A.Knopf Inc,1978,p.402.
    2Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,p.194.
    4Roger L.Geiger.Research and Relevant Knowledge:American research universities since world war Ⅱ,New York:Oxford UniversityPress,1993,p.193.
    5Hugh Davis Graham &Nancy Diamond.The rise of American research universities:Elites and challengers in the postwar era,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1997,p.92.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-indastrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,NewYork:Columbia University Press,1993,pp.252-253.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-indastrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.253.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.254.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and Ameriean science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.254.
    1Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.255.
    2Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.255.
    3Stuart W.Leslie.The cold war and American science:the military-industrial-academic complex at MIT and Stanford,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p.2.
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