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Since the rise of recreation, sport has becoming the first choice with itsincomparable value. at the same time, sport got into people's life has becoming the trendof the social development, sport consumption has becoming a new growth point ofnational economy.Sport recreational industry in the United States has becoming thepillar industry of the national economy, displayed the strong strength of sportrecreational industry. Presently, sport recreational market in China which invested byvarious economics and participated by all walks of society, satisfied all class of basicdemand has formed.So the most important thing what we need to do is give aComparative research the sport recreational industry between China and The UnitedStates,then reference and imitate the develop pattern of sport recreational industry in theUSA, construct the basic develop route of our country’s sport recreational industry,reveal the basic function of sport recreational industry to incentive economicdevelopment in the process of transformation which from a planned economic system toa marketed leading economic system.
     The results as followed:
     Firstly. Sport industry is the total of production and business activities whichcarried out by all kind of sport related social departments. Sport recreational industryused all kinds of sport recreational projects as an intermediary, product all kinds ofcommodity to meet the demand of sport recreation.
     Secondly. Sport recreational industry in the U.S.A has a strong commercialatmosphere. The policy of opening and reforming in China decided the develop positionof Chinese sport recreational industry,Chinese long history and amazing culture hasdecided the unique characteristics of sport recreational consume.
     Thirdly. Sport recreational industry in America appeared in the prime of20th century and the era of rapid development was1960s. Chinese sport recreational industryappeared in the era of opening and reforming, so they have a different industry structure,development level and contributing ratio to the national GDP between two countries.Both two countries government has played an important role in the process of formationand development of sport recreational industry.
     Fourth. The development level of Chinese sport recreational industry was laggedbehind the development level of entire national economic. Presently, sport recreationalindustry in China belonged to the take-off stage. Both two countries sport recreationalindustry have a strong connection with other industries, and both have a positivecontribution to national economic development. Sport recreational industry in Americahave becoming a pillar industry, unfortunately, China has not reached.
     Fifth. Sport recreational education was the main content of sport education inAmerica.Chinese sport recreational education has witnessed a fast growing, collegewhich has a golf education was rarely. Common people was the mainly of golf consumegroup and non-standard golf club was the mainly of golf club pattern.golf industry wasa dominating industry in sport recreational industry in America. In contrast, the richestpeople in China was the mainly of consume group, but the penetration ratio of golf isvery low, the quantity of golf club is rarely and with a high standard, membership is themainly operating pattern now.
     Sixth. Currently, the management of Chinese sport recreational industry decidedby all level of government, and used administrative ways to manage sport recreationalindustry comprehensively.In contrast, social management was the most important wayto manage sport recreational industry in America, carried out by various socialassociation, little intervention by government. According to the development level andcurrent situation of Chinese sport recreational industry, the most suitable manage patternof Chinese sport recreational industry is complex pattern which the government play aleading role and sport recreational association play a foundational management.
     Seventh. The difference of sport recreational industry structure and operatingpattern between China and America decided by the difference of society,economicenvironment, especially the industry structure and urbanization between two countries. The difference of political system between two countries, especially economic system,the system of sport related law, industry intervened by government and sportrecreational industry management system, all of these have a huge influence which leadto exist a difference of sport recreational industry between two countries.
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