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Pre-event evaluation of the impact of sport events (PEISE) is a new and immature field in the world at present.In order to construct a theoretical system in this area, this paper relies on TBL (Tripple Bottom Line) evaluation framwork under the guidance of the sustainable development theory. Using the methods of combination of theory research and empirical analysis, abstract and concrete analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, this paper completely and systematically discusses the subject of PEISE through analysis of 227 pieces of academic literatures and 60 concrete tournaments assessment report abroad, and use the Delphi Technique to consultate of 14 domestic experts in theoretical research and practical operation of sport events. On this basis, through empirical analysis of evaluation of the impact of Masters 1000 in Shanghai, this paper has verified the feasibility of the system in terms of PEISE.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     Firstly, sport events refers to the one-time or non-recurring activities in the theme of sports competition, which continuing a certain period of time. It originated in religious activities, budded in sports games, and developed from traditional form of sports competition into a modern special events manifesting provision with competition products and related services. Sport events retains the gathered, experimental, external and integrated characteristics. Furthermore, it is also a more complicated and systematic project and involved in a great many of stakeholders, which result in relatively complicated impact on the host area in the economic, social and environmental fields. Application of TBL relied on the sustainable development theory is able to have more comprehensive assessment of a variety of effects which sport events bring.
     Secondly, the aboard theoretical research and realistic assessment on the impact of sport events attach great importance to the economic impact, followed by social impact. Environmental impact is of the least concern.
     Thirdly, the framework system of the impact of sport events contains 29 indexes, including 16 secondary indexes, 13 tertiary indexes. The secondary indexes include 10 economic indexes, 4 social indexes and 2 environmental indexes.
     Fourth, the framework of PEISE contains 3 first-class indexes (economic indexes, social indexes and environmental indexes) , 13 secondary indexes(indexes of simulating new consumption, positive influences on macroeconomic index, driving related industries, enhancing city image, accounting income of events operation, economic risk of operation, civic pride, advancing resident’s life quality, interference with resident’s common life, security and terrorism, improving environment, environment contamination and resources consumption.) and 29 tertiary indexes (indexes of foreign tourists consumption, contribution to GDP, increase of government tax, increase of employment, increase of resident’s income, contribution to related industries GDP, numbers of participating nations, numbers and ranks of participating media, margin of profit, fiscal expenditure, value of residents’pride, probability of resident’s leisure opportunity, probability of enhancing exercise awareness, probability of study new things, probability of residents participating sports events, cost of traffic jam, value of noise contamination, crime and destruction of public property, increase of consumption index, probability of security risk and terrorism, probability of propaganda on environment protection, probability of city environment improvement, damage area of destructed environment, the amount of generating waste, emission of CO2 ,consumption of water and energy.).
     Fifth, the weight coefficients of the three first-class indexes of the impact framework system of sport events are similar, with the largest weight coefficient of social impact (0.3565), being followed by weight coefficient of economic impact (0.3513) and the smallest weight coefficient is the environmental impact (0.2922). This reflects that it should attach great importance to the factors and results of social impact in the domestic realistic assessment of the impact of sport events. With regard to the weight of the secondary indexes, it should attach great importance to the factors and results of enhancing city image and driving related industries of sport events in the assessment of the impact of sport events in the field of economic impact; in the field of social impact, we should pay more attention to the negative impact; in the field of environmental impact, improving the environment of the host city need to be paid more attention.
     Sixth, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is an effective method of evaluation of pre-event evaluation of the impact of sport events.
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