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     《红高粱家族》属于典型的情节型小说。这类小说以故事建构和情节设计为重,因此,这部小说突现了小说叙事研究中对故事和情节的关注。二十世纪的小说实践颠覆了十八世纪莱辛(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)在《拉奥孔》(Laocoon)中关于文学是时间艺术的论断,作家们醉心于小说的空间化建构。《红高粱家族》时空关系交错,情节曲折,表现了作者意欲突破传统的线性情节安排,改变平面化处理叙事时间的努力。译文中通过事件重组、省略非叙述评论、省略卫星事件等手段,使小说结构紧凑、情节连贯,强化了小说叙事时间的自然顺序,表现出译者和原文作者不同的书写理念。一方面,译文迎合了译文读者的阅读习惯和心理,另一方面,也表现出西方主流诗学对中国文学的边缘化。
Howard Goldblatt is an American Scholar and translator who is known by Chinese people with his study of Chinese New Literature, esp his "dig-up" study of Chinese woman writer of that period, Xiong Hong, and also with his translation of modern Chinese novels. He started his translating work since 1970s. During the past three decades, he has translated more than forty novels and numerous short stories of more than thirty well-known Chinese writers in China's mainland, Hong Kong and Tai Wan. Among the research papers on Howard Goldblatt's translations, they either give general statements about his ideas of translation, or study translating under the polycultural envirionment with his translations as analyzed materials, or study the linguistic translating mechanism from the angle of comparative linguistics, or provide evidences for some translation theories. But there are no research papers done from the perspective of literary aesthetics, esp fictional aesthetics. Being contrasted with his great achievemenst as a translator, Howard Goldblatt seems to be quite unknown in the field of translation studies in China. This may have to do with the fact that concentrating on the western translation theories dominates the mainstream in the field of translation studies in China. This dissertation aims to do some research on Howard Goldblatt's translations from the perspective of fictional aesthetics, based on which it hopes to contribute to the art of fictional translation.
     In consideration of Howard Goldblatt's great achievements in translation that include novels by male and female writers of Mainland China, Tai Wan and Hong Kong from 1930s up to the present, this dissertation selects three representative works and their English versions as research materials. They are Tales of Hulan River by Xiao Hong, a female writer of Mainland China in the 1930s, Red Sorghum by Mo Yan, a male writer of modern Mainland China, and Notes of a desolate man by Chu T'ien-wen, a female writer of modern Tai Wan. Besides, these three novels also repesent three different kinds of first-person novels:emotion-oriented novels, plot-oriented novels, and ideology-oriented novels.
     Tales of Hulan River is a proselike emotion-oriented novel which does not intend to construct an attractive story. The charaters and stories in it are there to satisfy the author's emotions rather than attract the readers. In the case of Tales of Hulan River, they are there to express a kind of complicated feelings of criticizing the countryfellows's spiritual fatuity and torpidity wrapped in strong emotion of nostalgia. In the novel, the special orangelike structure, the timeless narration, the ways of focalization and the vioces of narration all contribute to the proselike and oral features of the plotless novel. The English version does well in capturing the features of the orangelike structure and the timeless narration, but is a bit poorer in capturing the value covered in the ways of focalization and the vioces of narration.
     Red Soghum is a typical plot-oriented novel which takes the construction of attractive story and plot as its main task, entailing the examination of its story representation and plot reconfiguration as an important study in the English version. In the twentieth century, writers tend to spacialize their novels which is quite a revolt against the idea that literature is art of time in Lessing's Laocoon. Red Soghum is constructed in a twisted and distorted plot with frequent flashbacks and flashforwards, which exposes the writer's intention of breaking the traditional linear and chronological development of the plot. By means of reorganizing the events, omitting the non-narrating comment and the satellite incidents, the English version comes to be more compact and continous in plot development, which somewhat enhances the linear and chronological narration. Hence a contradiction between the writing notion of the original writer and that of the translator. The rewriting of it caters for the English readers, but at the same time comes on as manipulation of Chinese literature by the mainstream western poetics.
     Notes of a desolate man is otherwise an ideology-oriented novel which neither mainly expresses emotions like the proselike Tales of Hulan River, nor does it create attactive story like Red Soghum, but provokes ideological meditation in homosexual identity, existential significance of human beings, religion, and the relationship of men and women with the help of a skeloton story. The text is interwoven with heaps of images in a luxrious way of feminine writing that connects the readers'senses with frequent fragmentated phrases and repeated words. The style perfectly conforms the thematic significance in the novel, or even, the style itself constitutes the theme of the novel in a way. It questions the normal position of the compulsory heterosexuality and the masculine patriarchal authority of writing system in its abnormal way of writing. In the novel, there is no classic confusion of focalization and voices, nor construction of story and plot, but a relationship between the narration and the historical context in terms of the postclassical narratology. In the English version, out of a compromise of the traditional narrative rules, the translator somewhat reverses the gender of the narrator by way of non-marked style and narrationization and, as a consequence, manifests the masuline patriarchal authority of writing system.
     Taking Howard Glodblatt's translating practice as a whole, there shows a clear cline from the source-text orientation to the target-text orientation. At the beginning of his translating, he seemed to care too much about whether he had remained all the information in the original text to an extent that he sometimes even distorted the English text with distinct translationese. Along with time passage, with more and more of his practice and with the climat of translation studies as well. Howard Goldblatt becomes more adept at translating surported by his powerful imagination and solid background in both Chinese and English writing.
     What's more conspicuous is that Howard pays more attention to the readability of the English versions and even takes shape a rule of simplification that tends to simplify the text as possible, while damaging the original style and features in the least degree at the same time. On the one hand, his rule of simplification shows not only a collision between the original writer's notion of constructing the story and that of the translator, but also the marginalization of Chinese literature in the mainstream western poetics, on the other hand, Howard observes the tradtional narrative rules to make the logic clear and the plot continuous in the story, but is caught in the contradiction of the writer's artistic pursuit and the reader's habits of economic reading, and the contradiction of the text and its historical and cultural context as well.
     Translation, especially literary translation, is recreation. Taking novels as a genre, the story provides the least recreation capacity for the translator. It's the least requirement of fidelity for fictional translations, but the translator may relate the events so as to extend its fictionality in one way or another. Narrative discourse provides enormous recreation capacity for translation. The different aesthetic philosophy of the west and the east constitutes the different language of the English hypotaxis and the Chinese parataxis, which brings about the fact that in Chinese fictional text, there tends to be more ambiguous discourse that is difficult to tell the character's discourse from the narrator's, leading to polysemous interpretation. In most of the cases, the translator has to ascertain one from many possible interpretations according to the in-text context as well as the out-text context. Improper selections on account of any slight negligence may lead to divergence of the narrating tone that is great enough to cast different feelings on the readers of English versions.
     Howard Goldblatt holds that translation is a more advanced stage of writing and that translating means rewriting. His rewriting does not mean a reverse from the original but indicate negotiable and compatible adjustment to the original text. Translation is a recreation as well as a restriction that makes it a variation that shares the same isomorphic matrix as the original text. The intertextual relationship between the translated text and the original one is differentiable, just like a kite in the sky, no matter how high it flies, there is the flyer at the other end of the string. Howard Goldblatt is exactly such a kite flyer, flying his kite high in the sky, but always holding tighly his string.
    [4] Maczka, Michelle.& Stock, Riky. Literary Translation in the United States:An Analysis of Translated Titles Reviewed by Publishers Weekly. Publishing Research Quarterly.2006, Summer, p54
    [5] Hoffman, Jascha. Data; Comparative Literature, New York Tmes. April 15,2007
    [7]《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Mansions. Peking:Foreign Languages Press,1978;《老残游记》:The Tavels of Lao Can. Beijing:Chinese Literature. Distributed by China Publications Center,1983
    [8]《浮生六记》:Six Chapters of A Floating Life)1939年汉英对照本由上海西风出版社出版。
    [9]《论语》:Ku Hung-ming. The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius:New Special Translation, Illustrated with Quotations from Goethe and Other Writers, Shanghai:Kelly and Walsh, Ltd.,1898;《中庸》: Ku Hung-ming. The Universal Order or Conduct of Life. Shanghai:The Shanghai Mercury, Ltd.,1906
    [10] Arthur Waley. The Analects of Confucius. London:George Allen & Unwin,1938
    [11] DavidHawkes. The Storv of the Stone. Harmondsworth:Penguin,1973
    [12]Jeffrey Kinkley. ed. Shen Congwen:Fiction from Modern China. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1995
    [13]《肉蒲团》和《无声戏》均为清代李渔的章回体小说。前者英文版The Carnal Prayer Mat. trans. by Patrick Hanan. New York:Ballantine Books,1990;后者英文版Silent Operas. trans. by Patrick Hanan. Hong Kong: Research Center for Translation. Chinese University of HongKong,2000
    [14] John Updike, Bitter Bamboo:Two Novels from China. Newyouker. May 9,2005
    [18]Hampton, Wilborn. Review:Red Soghum[N], by Mo Yan. trans by Howard Goldblatt. New York Times, April. 18,1993
    [21] Lingenfelter, Andrea. Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His life and Why Literary Translation Matters. Full Tilt. Issue 2
    [29]见Goldblatt, Howard. Translator's Afterword Six chapters from my life "downunder". Yang Jiang, trans. Howard Goldblatt. Seattle:Univ. of Washington Press.,1984.p101《弄斧集》中有中文版
    [30] Modern Chinese Fiction:A Guide to Its History and Appreciation, Winston L.Y.Yang and Nathan K. Mao ed. Boston. Mass:G.K.Hall,1980
    [32]参见Eugene Chen Eoyang,"'Artifices of Eternity':Audiences for Translations of Chinese Literature", The Transparent Eye:Reflextions on Translation, Chinese Literature, and Comparative Poetics. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1993, p69
    [33]《骆驼祥子》:Evan King, Rickshaw Boy. New York:Reynal and Hitchcock.1945;《八月的乡村》:Evan King. Village in August. New York:Smith & Durrell.1942
    [37]见Lingenfelter, Andrea. Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His life and Why Literary Translation Matters. Full Tilt. Issue 2
    [38]英文原文见Howard Goldblatt. Book Review on Chiang Kuei by Timothy A. Ross and The Whirlwind by Chiang Kuei and Timothy A. Ross, Chinese Literature:Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), Vol.2, No.2 (Jul., 1980), pp.284-288)
    [40]“曼氏亚洲文学奖”由香港国际文学节和曼氏投资集团(Man Group plc)携手创立。该奖旨在提高亚洲作品的知名度,鼓励将亚洲文学翻译成英语。作品以英语出版。参选作品必须是亚洲籍人士用英语写作或翻译成英语的作品。该奖项每年评选一次,得奖作家获1万美元奖金。若有译者,译者可获3000美元奖金。第二届(2007)得主是菲律宾作家米格尔·西乔科(Miguel Syjuco)《幻觉》;第三届(2009)得主是中国大陆作家苏童的《河岸》。
    [42] Daniel Simon. Why We Need Literary Translation Now. Publishing Research Quarterly.2003,19(3), p48-51
    [47]见Howard Goldblatt. Introduction. The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press.1979
    [49]见Goldblatt, Howard. Translator's Preface. The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River. Xiao Hong, trans. Howard Goldblatt. Bloomington:Indiana Univ. Pr.1979 p xxiv-xxv
    [50]见Goldblatt, Howard. Translator's Preface. The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River. Xiao Hong, trans. Howard Goldblatt Bloomington:Indiana Univ. Pr.1979 p xi
    [51]见Theodore Huters, Review:Chinese Literature:Essays, Articles, Vol.3. No.1 Jan.1981,p192
    [52]见Goldblatt, Howard. Translators'Preface. Xiao Hong, trans. Howard Goldblatt. The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River, Bloomington & London:Indiana Universty press,1979, p xii
    [53]见The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River, Bloomington & London:Indiana Universty press, 1979, Introduction, xxv
    [55]见Huters, Theodore. Review:Chinese Literature:Essays, Articles, Vol.3. No.1 Jan.1981, p192
    [57]Pollard, D. E. Book Review:Tales of Hulan River. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London,1981, Vol.44, No.2. p410
    [59]见Howard Golblatt. Translator's Notes. The taste of apples.Huang Chun-ming, translated by Howard Golblatt.. New York:Columbia University Press,2001.
    [63]“敢曝”一词的解释有不同说法。一种说法是它来自法语se camper,意为“大胆展示自己”,另一种说法是它来自纽约市警察局使用的KAMP (Known as Male Prostitute的缩写),意为“已入档的男妓”。华语界将camp译成“敢曝”取第一种意思。(参见徐责:扮装技艺、表演政治和“敢曝(camp)美学”http://www.xici.net/b760339/d64019374.htm)
    [64]见李欧梵, 《当代中国文化的现代性和后现代性》,文学评论,1999(5),p137
    [65]《变蝇人》(The Fly)是美国导演库尔特·纽曼(Kurt Neumann)1958年的一部电影。电影里,一位科学家由于失误把自己的头和一只苍蝇搞错,结果自己的头变成了苍蝇头,成了一个“变蝇人”。电影最后,科学家的妻子帮他找到了那只长着他的头的苍蝇,预示着科学家的获救。
    [66]见Kurth, Peter. This Man is an Island:Review on Notes of a Desolate Man. New York Times, August 22, 1999
    [67]《安妮·霍尔》(Annie Hall)是伍迪·艾伦1977年执导的一部电影。黛安基顿(Diane Keaton)扮演的女主角安妮·霍尔常身着西装、衬衫、马甲、吊带裤,头戴男式呢子帽,有时甚至打领带,被认为是典型的男性化装扮的女人。
    [70]冯沪祥,两性之哲学,北大出版社,2002,p125;原文见法国哲学家西蒙·波伏娃(Simone de BeauVori)《第二性》,新潮文库,1997,第二卷
    [71]如美国女性主义者埃斯特拉·劳特(Estella Lauter)的著作直接以《女人:神话的缔造者》为题,见Estella Lauter. Women As Mythmakers:Poetry and Visual Art by Twentieth-Century Women. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1984
    [72]见Nina Baym. The Norton Anthology of American Literature.4th ed. New York:Norton,1995, p1881
    [74]如莎朗·斯通(Sharon Stone)的《本能》(Basic Instinct),金·贝辛格(Kim Basinger)的《洛城机密》(L.A. Confidential)等。
    [82]见Matthew Rottnek. Sisses & Tomboys:Gender Nonconformity & Homosexual Childhood. New York:New York University Press,1999中第一部分第四章"Queering the Center by Centering the Queer"
    [83]见王德威之文“从《狂人日记》到《荒人手迹》”, 《当代小说二十家》,三联出版社,2006,p1
    [84]即法国人类学家列维·斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)
    [90]女性主义叙事学的开创者、美国学者苏珊·兰瑟于1986年在美国的《文体》杂志上发表了一篇宣言性质的论文《建构女性主义叙事学》,该文首次采用了“女性主义叙事学”这一名称,并对该学派的研究目的和研究方法进行了较为系统的阐述。同期,欧洲也有一些将女性主义批评与叙事研究相结合的开创之作,如1989年由New Brunswick and London:Rutgers University Press于1989年出版的Robyn R. Warhol所著的Gendered Intervention:Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel一书,但未在欧洲形成气候。1989年加拿大的女性主义文评杂志《特塞拉》(Tessera)发表了“建构女性主义叙事学”的专刊,与美国学者的号召相呼应。1994年在国际叙事文学研究协会的年会上,加拿大学者和美国学者联手举办了一个专场“为什么要从事女性主义叙事学?”,相互交流了从事女性主义叙事学的经验。《特塞拉》杂志的创建者之一凯西·梅齐主编了《含混的话语:女性主义叙事学与英国女作家》这一论文集,并于1996年在美国出版。论文集的作者以加拿大学者为主,同时也有苏珊·兰瑟、罗宾·沃霍尔等几位美国学者加盟。至此,女性主义叙事学在北美成为一门方兴未艾的显学。女性主义叙事学是后经典叙事学形成的派别之一,其它的还有修辞性叙事学、认知叙事学。(参见申丹,20世纪90年代以来叙事理论的新发展.当代外国文学.2005(1),p47-48)
    [91]见Hui-chuan. Chang. The Struggle for a New Identity:A Study of Taiwanese Feminine Fiction. Dong Hua Chinese Studiese. Vol.1.2003. p13
    [92]见Lingenfelter, Andrea. Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His life and Why Literary Translation Matters. Full Tilt. Issue 2
    [95]Andrea Lingenfelter. Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His life and Why Literary Translation Matters. Full Tilt. Issue 2
    [97]参见Deborah Cameron and Don Kulick. Language and Sexuality. Cambrdge:Cambridge University Press, 2003:William L. Leap and Tom Boellstoref. Eds., Speaking in Queer Tongues:Globalization and Gay Language. Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,2004.
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    [7]Chu T'ien-wen. Notes of a desolate man[M]. tran. by Howard Goldblatt. and Sylvia Li-chun Lin. New York:Columbia University press,1999.
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