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Studying literature has two stages .The elementary stage is to learn by heart when you read the excellent articles. And the higher stage is to make others learn by hearts what you want to communicate by methods of literature expression. In this article, the author just stands at the point -literature is practical, and focuses on analyzing the phenomena of quoting or using the Poems before Qin dynasty.
    This article has three chapters. The first chapter is the general survey of using Poems before Qin dynasty. As long as the Poems come into being, they are put into using at lots of situations at that time, such as sacrificial rites, banquet, diplomacy, education, debating and writing. Being used widely, the Poems ultimately permeate political and cultural lives of the times. The second chapter selects Confucius, MENGZI and XUNZI as typical persons and analyze the differences and common understanding of them on using Poems. This chapter not only displays their distinguishing features, but also points out their consensus, that is, using Poems has no fixed rules, and must adapt itself to concrete circumstances. The third chapter endeavors to analyze the principle of using Poems and finds out the identical point of writing Poems and using Poems, that is, they both depend on accumulation of history and aesthetic orderliness. This chapter tries to answer two questions. One is WHY -why the Poems are used and the other is How-how to use Poems freely. Finally this chapter expounds and propagates the realistic meaning of the thinking method of using Poems.
    In brief, the author makes deep thinking about using Poems through literature, aesthetics, philosophy, and grasp the essence of practical literature rationally from this aspect.
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