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With Chinese and western poetics as research contexts, this dissertation is an attempt at a holistic approach to Virginia Woolf's theory of fiction, in order to clarify, on the one hand, the origin, contents and the value of Woolf s life poetics in terms of its nature, stance, critical methods, literary forms and artistic state, and to justify, on the other hand, Woolf s practice of life poetics in The Waves in the areas of creative conception, constituent, literary form and artistic state. It discloses the gist of Woolf s life poetics, which holds that literature is in essence an artistic form to express life, with the innate truth of life as the highest criterion of its writing, form and criticism, transcending rational cognition and realistic correspondence. The gist reveals that poetics is by nature a synthesis of aesthetics and arts, and any separation between the two may lead to its impasse. The original points of the present dissertation are as follows.
     It reflects upon limitations of traditional western poetics by means of Woolf s critique. The starting points of Woolf s poetics are refutations of the dominant tenets of western poetics, such as mimetic theory, rhetoric methodology, rational cognition and binary opposition, and the particular hypotheses refuted are as follows: literary reality is regarded as object or consciousness or truth represented; literary conception is considered to be material arrangement; literary criticism is defined as cognition of constituent or interpretation of context; literary form is deemed to be methods of representation or expression; literary truth is judged in accordance with its verisimilitude to the object itself; and binary opposition between material and spirit, subjectivity and objectivity, content and form, fact and imagination as well. To achieve a breakthrough in the field of poetics, Woolf attempts transcendence from five perspectives, namely, from appearances to essence by nature, from sensation to imagnation in writing, from cognition to perception in criticism, from binary opposition to unity in form, and from verisimilitude to sublime state in criterion.
     With Chinese poetics as research context, the present dissertation not only surveys the origin, contents and the value of Woolf s life poetics, but also reevaluates the significance of its synthesis of arts and aesthetics. It is owing to the unity of arts and aesthetics that Woolf is able to throw insight into the limitations of western poetics. The origin of Woolf s poetics is the sameness of life that human beings share, originated from the European literary canon, European artists' thoughts and her own writing perception. The content of Woolf's poetics can be summerized as follows: it defines literature in essence as an artistic form to record life, with life as its focus, reality as a unity of spirit and object, conception as an organic imagnative process, criticism as an aesthetic experience from perspective to perception, constituent of literature as emotions and thoughts, form as artistic expression of emotions and thoughts, truth as a synthesis of that of facts, imagination and inner life, artistic state as that of object, emotion and image, characterized with transcendence and pointing at the invisible essence of life. It's quintessence is identical with that of Chinese poetic ideas, such as Xujing, Shensi, Zhiyin, Miaowu, Quwei, Wenzhi, Zhenhuan, Yijing, etc. The significance of Woolf s poetics is that it breaks through the limits of human rationality and cognition, and reaches a world of unity with human beings and the Great nature being one.
     The present dissertation justifies the feasibility and value of Woolf's poetics by analyzing the practice of her theory in her masterpiece The Waves. The artistic features of The Waves are unique, with "memory narrative" as its conception model, "thoughts and emotions configuration" as its constituent characteristics, "formative relationship of emotions and thoughts" as its formal attribute, and "unification of emotions and scenes" as its artistic state. These practical features conform to the core of Woolf s poetics, which verifies its significance.
     In contrast to political and cultural approaches flourishing in recent years, the present dissertation restores the Woolfian study to her thoughts and works themselves, which is intended to question the negation of artistic perception in the field of literary theory, to appeal for unification of arts and aesthetics, and to promote an international recognition of the value of Chinese poetics.
[1]Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage.London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1975,p.3.
    [2]Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage,p.6.
    [3]Mepham,John.Criticism in Focus:Virginia Woolf.London:Bristol Classical Press,1992,p.1.
    [4]Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage,p.307.
    [2]参见 Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of ltself Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.16.
    [3]Goldman,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf,To the Lighthouse and The Waves.Cambridge:Icon Books Ltd.1997,p.6.
    [4]Forster,E.M."Virginia Woolf." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.1 ).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield: Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.118.
    [1]Forster,E.M."Virginia Woolf," p.119.
    [2]Hoitby,Winifred.Virginia Woolf:A Critical Memoir.London:Wishart,1932.
    [3]Bennett,Joan.Vrginia Woolf:Her Art as a Novelist.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1945.
    [4]Daiches,David.Virginia Woolf.Bournemouth:Richmond Hill Printing Works Ltd.,1945.
    [5]Hafley,James.The Glass Roof:Virginia Woolf as Novelist.Berkeley:University of California Press,1954.
    [1]Kumar,Shiv K."Memory in Virginia Woolf and Bergson." The University,of Kansas City Review.Kansas City,ⅩⅩⅥ,3,March 1960,pp.235-239.
    [2]Brewster,Dorothy.Virginia Woolf's London.New York:New York University Press,1959.
    [3]F.R.Leavis,"After To the Lighthouse".Scrutiny 10(January 1942),pp.295-298.
    [4]Moody,A.D.Virginia Woolf.Edinburgh:Oliver and Boyd,1963.
    [5]Goldman,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf,To the Lighthouse and The Waves.Cambridge:Icon Books Ltd.1997,p.29.
    [6]Auerbach,Erich."The Brown Stocking." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.3 ).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.525.
    [7]Auerbach,Erich."The Brown Stocking." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.3 ),pp.528-529.
    [8]Leaska,Mitchell A.Virginia Woolfs Lighthouse:A Study in Critical Method.London:The Hogarth Press,1970.
    [1]Leaska,Mitchell A.The Novels of Virginia Woolf:From Beginning to End.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1977.
    [2]Naremore,James.The World Without a Self." Virginia Woolf and the Novel.New Haven:Yale University Press,1973,p.4.
    [3]Kelley,Alice Van Buren.The Novels of Virginia Woolf:Fact and Vision.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1973.
    [4]Lodge,David.Modes of Modern Writing:Metaphor,Metonymy.and the Typology of Modern Literature.London:Edward Arnold Ltd.,1977.
    [5]Kiely,Robert.Beyond Egotism.the Fiction of James Joyce,Virginia Woolf,and D.H.Lawrence.Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1980,p.7.
    [6]Beja,Morris(ed.).Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf.Boston:G.K.Hall,1985,p.212.
    [1]Beja,Morris(ed.).Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf,p.228.
    [2]Ruotolo,Lucio P.The Interrupted Moment:A View of Virginia Woolfs Novels.Stanford:Stanford University Press,1986.
    [3]Thiekstun,W.R.Visionary Closure in the Modern Novel.London:Macmillan,1988.
    [4]Bradbury,M.,The Modern World:Ten Great Writers.London:Penguin,1989.
    [5]Wheare,Jane.Virginia Woolf:Dramatic Novelist.London:The Macmillan Press Ltd.,1989.
    [6]MeNiehol,Stella.Virginia Woolf and the Poetry of Fiction.London and New York:Routledge,1990,p.ⅹⅰ.
    [1]Whitworth,Michael."Virginia Woolf and Modernism".Sue Roe and Susan Sellers.The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,p.147.
    [2]Banfield,Ann.The Phantom Table:Woolf,Fry,Russell and the Epistemology of Modernism.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.
    [3]Marder,Herbert.Feminism and Art:A Study of Virginia Woolf.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1968.
    [4]Bazin,Nancy Topping.Virginia Woolf and the Androgynous Vision.New Brunswick:Rutgers University Press,1973,p.44.
    [1]Showalter,Elaine.'Virginia Woolf and the Flight into Androgyny',A Literature of Their Own:British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Princeton:Princeton University Press,2004,pp.263-297.
    [2]Stubbs,Patricia.Women and Fiction:Feminism and the Novel 1880-1920.Hemel Hempstead:Harvester,1979.
    [3]Marcus,Jane(ed.).New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf.London:Macmillan,1981.
    [4]Marcus,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf:A Feminist Slant.Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,1983.
    [5]Marcus,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury:A Centenary Celebration.Basingstoke:Macmillan,1987;Marcus,Jane(ed.).Art and Anger:Reading Like a Woman.Ohio:Ohio State University Press for Miami University,1988;Marcus,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf and the Languages of Patriarchy.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1988.
    [6]Bowlby,Rachel.Virginia Woolf:Feminist Destinations.Oxford:Blackwell,1988.
    [1]Bowlby,Rachel.(ed.),Virginia Woolf.London and New York:Longman,1992;Bowlby,Rachel.Feminist Destinations and Further Essays on Virginia Woolf.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,1997.
    [2]Beer,Gillian.Virginia Woolf:The Common Ground.Essays by Gillian Beer.Edinburgh:University of Edinburgh Press,1997.
    [3]Ferrer,Daniel.Virginia Woolf and the Madness of Language.London:Routledge,1990.
    [4]Glenny,Allie.Ravenous Identity:Eating and Eating Distress in the Life and Work of Virginia Woolf.London:Palgrave,2000.
    [5]Moi,Toril.Sexual/Textual Politics:Feminist Literary Theory.London:Methuen,1985.
    [6]Minow-Pinkney,Makiko.Virginia Woolf and the Problem of the Subject.Brighton:Harvester,1987,p.ⅹ.
    [1]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of ltself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.2.
    [2]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself,p.17.
    [3]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolfin the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.New York:Garland Publishing,2000.
    [4]Goldman,Jane(ed.).The Feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf:Modernism.Post-lmpressionism and the Politics of the Visual Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.
    [5]Froula,Christine.Virginia Woolfand the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde War,Civilization,Modernity.New York:Columbia University Press,2005,p.ⅹⅱ.
    [1]Miller,J.Hillis."Mrs.Dalloway:Repetition as the Raising of the Dead".in Morris Beja.Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf.Boston:G.K.Hall & Co,pp.53-54.
    [2]Hartman,Geoffrey H.'Virginia's Web',Beyond Formalism:Literary Essays 1958-1970.New Haven:Yale University Press,1970.
    [3]Ricoeur,Paul.Time and Narrative.Vol.2.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1985.
    [4]Spivak,Gayatri Chakravorti.'Unmaking and Making in To the Lighthouse'.Women and Language in Literature and Society,ed.Sally McConnell-Ginet,Ruth Barker and Nelly Furman.New York:Praeger 1980;In Other Worlds:Essays in Cultural Politics.London:Methuen,1987.
    [6]Peach,Linden.Virginia Woolf.Hampshire:MacMillian Press Ltd,2000.
    [1]Zwerdling,Alex.Virginia Woolfand the Real World Berkeley:University of California Press,1986.
    [2]Snaith,Anna,Virginia Woolf." Public and Private Negotiation.London:Palgrave,2000.
    [3]Eagleton,Terry.Exiles andEmigres:Studies in Modern Literature.London:Chatto and Windus Ltd.,1970.
    [1]Eagleton,Terry."Virginia Woolf',The English Novel,an Introduction.Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,2005,pp.308-330.
    [2]Hawthorn,J.Virginia Woolf's "Mrs.Dalloway ":A Study.in Alienation.Sussex:Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press,1975.
    [3]Abel,Elizabeth.Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1989,p.ⅹⅵ.
    [4]Maze,John.Virginia Woolf:Feminism,Creativity,and the Unconscious,Westport:Greenwood Publishing Group,1997.
    [1]Blackstone,Bernard.Virginia Woolf" A Commentary.Lond.,1949.
    [2]Guiguet,Jean.Virginia Woolfand Her Works,trans.Jean Stewart.London:The Hogarth Press,1965,pp.15-28.
    [3]Richter,Harvena.Virginia Woolf:The Inward Voyag.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1970.
    [4]Harper,H.,Between Language and Silence:The Novels of Virginia Woolf.Baton Rouge:Louisina State University Press,1982.
    [1]Dusinberre,Juliet.Virginia Woolf's Renaissance:Woman Reader or Common Reader.London:Palgrave,1997.
    [2]Brosnan,Leil& Reading Virginia Woolf's Essays and Journalism.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,1997.
    [3]Gualtieri,Elena.Virginia Woolf's Essays:Sketching the Past.London:Palgrave,2000.
    [4]见Arnold Bennett."Is the Novel Decaying?" Cassell's Weeldy,28 March,1923:74和 Arnold Bennett."Another Criticism of the New School".Evening Standard,25 November:5;2 December 1926:5.
    [5]见Horace Gregory."On Virginia Woolf and Her Appeal to the Common Reader".The Shield of Achilles,New York,1944,p.192.Diana Trilling."Virginia Woolf' s Special Realm".The New York Times Book Review,21March 1948,p.28.Mark Schorer.'Virginia Woolf'.The Yale Review,ⅹⅹⅹⅱ,December 1942,p.379.
    [6]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolfand the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2 ).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,pp.105-122.
    [8]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,pp.123-131.
    [9]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,pp.169-193.
    [9]Culler,Jonathan.Literary Theory,A Very Short Introduction.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997,pp.61-62
    [2]Laurence,Patricia.Virginia Woolf and the East.London:Cecil Woolf Publishers,1995,p.3.
    [3]Froula,Christine.Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde War,Civilization,Modernity.New York:Columbia University Press,2005,p.ⅹⅱ.
    [1]伍尔夫曾阅读、评论过《聊斋志异》、《源氏物语》等英译东方著作,也曾通过阅读、评论英美作家菲尔丁·豪、约瑟夫·赫格希姆等作家描绘东方诸国的小说间接感受东方:她多次出席罗杰·弗莱举办的中国画展;她与访问日本的好友瓦厄莱特·狄金森通信联系,与在中国武汉大学任教的侄儿朱利安·贝尔保持通信联系,并在朱利安的推荐下与其在中国的友人,作家和画家凌叔华,通信交往三年之久(1937-1941)。正是在伍尔夫的鼓励下,凌叔华开始用英文撰写自传体小说Ancient Melodies,该小说1954年由伍尔夫与其丈夫创办的霍加斯出版社出版,并在英国引起很好的反响。
    [2]Laurence,Patricia.Virginia Woolf and the East.London:Cecil Woolf Publishers,1995,p.10.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book." The Common Reader(Second Series).London:The Hogarth Press,1959,pp.258-270.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.141.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."On Not Knowing Greek."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,pp.50-51.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.Orlando,A Biography.London:The Hogarth Press,1928,p.189-190.
    [2]Lee,Hermione."Virginia Woolf's Essays." Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.Ed.Sue Roe.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,pp.94-95.
    [3]Feiron Morris,J.D.Beresford,Frank Swinneaon,Edwin Muir等都不同程度地对伍尔夫在《班内特先生和布朗夫人》中所发表的观点提出质疑和否定观点。见:Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage.London:Routledge&Kegan Paul,1975,pp.120-137.
    [4]见Arnold Bennett.“Is the Novel Decaying?”Cassell'sWeekly,28 March.1923:74和Arnold Bennett.“Another Criticism of the New School".Evening Standard,25 November:5:2 December 1926:5.论战的核心问题是小说人物真实性问题,伍尔夫的回应就是发表《班内特先生和布朗夫人》。对论战最完整的叙述见Samuel Hynes.“The Whole Contention Between Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown".Novel,1.Fall 1967:34-44.
    [5]见Horace Gregory."On Virginia Woolfand Her Appeal to the Common Reader".The Shield of Achilles,New York,1944,p.192.Diana Trilling."Virginia Woolf' s Special Realm".The New York Times Book Review,21March 1948,p.28.Mark Schorer.'Virginia Woolf'.The Yale Review,ⅹⅹⅹⅱ,December 1942,p.379.
    [6]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolfand the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.115.
    [3]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.131.
    [4]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.169.
    [1]《现代小说》(Modern Fiction,1925)是伍尔夫1919年发表的《现代小说》(Modern Novels)的修改稿。
    [2]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.p.177.
    [3]这种批判的态度主要通过对《班内特先生和布朗太太》的批评间接表现出来。见:Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virginia Woolf:The Critical Heritage.London:Routledge&Kegan Paul,1975,pp.120-137.
    [5]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2 ),p.126.
    [8]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.p.177.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4.Ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.158.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.158-159.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.161.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,pp.160-161.
    [5]Caughie,Pamela L,Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself,p.178.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.163.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.164.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.162.
    [3]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2 ),p.126.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,pp.159.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.161.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower ".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.132.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower." The Moment and Other Essays,p.145.
    [8]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower." The Moment and Other Essays.p.148.
    [9]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower." The Moment and Other Essays,p.151.
    [1]Bennett,Arnold."Is the Novel Decaying?" Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.1 ).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.184.
    [2]此文章同时刊登在三家报刊上,三家报刊和发表时间分别为:New York Evening Post,11/17/1923;Nation and Aestheum,12/01/1923;Living Age(Boston),02/02/1924.
    [3]此稿首先在剑桥大学演讲,此后经微小修改,于1924年7月在《标准》上刊出。1925年此文改题为“班内特先生与布朗太太”,由霍加斯出版社以单行本。出版,并于1925年8月在一家报刊分两期发表(该文分2期发表的报刊和发表时间分别为New York Herald Tribune,08/23/1925和08/30/1925),这就是我们今天所见的“班内特先生与布朗太太”。伍尔夫自1923年11月至1925年8月共发表文章5次,演讲1次,出版单行本。1种,虽然实际的文章只有两篇或者一篇文章的两稿,也足以看出她对“人物是什么”这一问题的关注和重视。
    [4]Hynes,Samuel."The Whole Contention Between Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Woolf".Viginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.52.
    [5]Daugherty,Beth Rigel."The Whole Connection Between Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Woolf,Revisited".Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2 ).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.64.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Character in Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf vol 3,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1988,p.421.关于此论断的内涵,国内外学者众说纷纭,国内学者盛宁、瞿世镜等对此作过论述,见盛宁:《关于伍尔夫的“1910年12月”》,载《外国文学评论》3(2003):25-33:瞿世镜:《弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说理论》。载《论小说与小说家》,上海:上海译文出版社,1986年,348-349。
    [7]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2),pp.124-125.
    [1]Caughie,Pamela L.VIrginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of ltself,p.178.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Character in Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.426.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Character in Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 3,p.428.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Character in Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.432.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia "Character in Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.436.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Jane Austen."The Essays of Virginia Woolf vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.152.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Russian Point of View."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.186.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocout Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.158.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.158.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.160.
    [5]Richter,Harvena.Virginia Woolf:The Inward Voyage,princeton:Princeton University Press,1970,pp.ⅹ-ⅹⅰ.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.159.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.160.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.161.
    [2]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of ltself,p.173.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.160.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.161.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,pp.165-166.
    [6]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2),p.113.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,pp.41-42.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.44.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.46.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.47.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Art of Fiction." The Moment and Other Essays,p.111.
    [5]比如福斯特这样评论詹姆斯的小说艺术:“只有当人们生活的大部分内容都消失后他才能写出一部小说。只有残废的生物才能在他的小说中呼吸”。转引自Woolf,Virginia.“The Art of Fiction.”pp.108-109.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."The Art of Fiction," The Moment and Other Essays,p.111.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Art of Fiction." The Moment and Other Essays,p.112.
    [2]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself,p.171.
    [3]James,Henry."The Art of Fiction".The Great Critics:An Anthology of Literary Criticism(3~(rd) edition).Eds.James Harry Smith,Edd Winfield Parks.New York:W.W.Norton & Company,1967,p.653.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.108.
    [1]依据Wallace Martin.Recent Theories of Narrative.Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1986.卢伯克和福斯特是20世纪20、30年代最重要批评家。
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Poetry,Fiction and the Future".The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.433.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia "Poetry,Fiction and the Future." The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.435.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia "Poetry,Fiction and the Future." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.435.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Poetry,Fiction and the Future." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.436.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Poetry,Fiction and the Future." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.438.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.p.74.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia "Phases of Fiction." Grange and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.141.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia "The Strange Eiizabethans".The Common Reader(Second Series).London:The Hogarth Press,1959,p.17.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."De Quincey's Autobiocraphy".The Common Reader(Second Series),pp.133-134.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Art of Fiction." The Moment and Other Essays.p.108.
    [1]比如Feiron Morris直言不讳地声明《班内特先生和布朗夫人》中的观点是“错误的”(Morris,Feiron.“Review of‘Mr.Bennett and Mrs Brown".Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information I,td,1994,p51)
    [2]Minow-Pinkney,Makiko.Virginia Woolf and the Problem of the Subject.Brighton:Harvester,1987,p.1.
    [5]Whitworth,Michael."Virginia Woolf and Modernism".The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.Ed.Sue Roe,Susan Sellers.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,p.147.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.158.
    [2]1919年发表的Modern Novels是1925年发表的Modern Fiction的初稿。
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Novels."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3.Ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1988,p.31.
    [4]这种批判的态度主要通过对《班内特先生和布朗太太》的批评间接表现出来的。见:Majumdar,Robin and Allen McLaurin eds.Virgina Woolf:The Critical Heritage.London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1975,pp.120-137.
    [6]安东尼·福斯吉尔:《弗·伍尔夫的文学评论》,载《伍尔夫研究》,瞿世镜选编。上海:上海文艺出版社, 1988,第506页。
    [1]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of ltself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.177.
    [4]此名单来自Woolf,Virginia.The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 1,2,3,4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1988-1994的目录,只精选了一些著名作家。
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.159.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Philosophy in Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2.Ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1987,p.208.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."'Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.160.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Books and Persons."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,p.130.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Mr Galsworthy's Novel."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,p.153.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Philosophy in Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,p.209.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."The Rights of Youth."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 2,p.294.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Honest Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,p.312.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."Mummery."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,p.345.
    [8]Woolf,Virginia."The Obstinate Lady."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.43.
    [9]Edel,Leon and Gordon N.Ray(ed.).Henry James and H.G Wells,London:Rupert-Davis,1958,p.264.
    [10]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction.'The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.160.
    11 Woolf,Virginia."Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.105.
    12 Woolf,Virginia."The Green Mirror."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2,pp.214-215.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.161.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.160.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.160.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Tunnel."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,pp.10-11.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.161.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.116.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."'Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,pp.161-162.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Tunnel."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,pp.11-12.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.160.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Tunnel."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.12.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."How It Strikes a Contemporary."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,pp.238-239.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia "How It Strikes a Contemporary." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.240.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Romance and the Heart."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.368.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Pastons and Chaucer."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.28.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Notes on an Elizabethan Play."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.64-65.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Defoe."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.104.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Jane Austen."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.149.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."'Jane Eyre" and 'Wuthering Heights'."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.168.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."'Jane Eyre' and 'Wuthering Heights'."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.170.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."George Eliot."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.174.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Joseph Conrad."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.232.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."On Not Knowing Greek."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,pp.40-51.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."'The Russian Point of View."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.185.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."The Russian Point of View."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.186.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."The Russian Point of View."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.187.
    [8]Woolf,Virginia."The Russian Point of View."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.188.
    [9]Woolf,Virginia."Montaigne."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.71.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Montaigne."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,p.78.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."American Fiction ".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,pp.113-127.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,pp.163-164.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia." Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.162.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.163.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 3,p.388.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Character in Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,p.436.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1955,p.141.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower ".The Moment and Other Essays,p.128.
    [2]Plato.The Republic,Book 6.Transited by B.Jowett(3rd ed.).Oxford:Clarendon Press,1888,p.210.
    [4]Lukacs,Georg.Realism in Our Time:Literature and the Class Struggle.Trans.John and Necke Mander.New York and Evanston:Harper and Row,1964,p.51.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf,vol.3,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1980,p.113.
    [6]Hussey,Mark.The Singing of the Real World:The Philosophy of Virginia Woolf's Fiction.Columbus:Ohio State University Press,1986,p.34.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Virginia Woolf's Pursuit of Truth".Virginia Woolf:Critical Assessments,vol 2,ed.Eleanor McNees.Sussex:Helm Information Ltd.,1994,p.21.
    [2]见Hussey,Mark.The Singing of the Real World The Philosophy of Virginia Woolfs Fiction.Columbus:Ohio State University Press,1986,pp.96-106.;Woolf,Virginia."Virginia Woolf's Pursuit of Truth".Virginia Woolf"Critical Assessments,vol 2,ed.Eleanor McNees.Sussex:Helm Information Ltd.,1994,pp.19-30.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.160.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf,vol.1,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1977,p.205.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf.vol.3,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1980,p.113.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia A Room of One's Own.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,pp.113-114.
    [1]Selden,Raman.The Theory of criticism:from Plato to the Present.London:Longman Group UK Limited,1988.p.8.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia "The Mark on the Wall".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,New Edition,ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1989,p.77.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Mark on the Wall." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.78.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Mark on the Wall." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.78.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Mark on the Wall." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.80.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Mark on the Wall." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.82.
    [4]参见Plato.The Republic.Book 6.Translated by B.Jowett(3rd ed.).Oxford:Clarendon Press,1888,pp.210-213.
    [1]Woolf,Leonard,An Autobiography.Oxford:Oxford University Press.1980,p.93.
    [2]Moore,G.E."A Refutation of Idealism".Principia Ethica.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1903.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Mark on the Wall." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.p.81.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.160.
    [1]Plato.The Republic,Book 6.Translated by B.Jowett(3rd ed.).Oxford:Clarendon Press,1888,p.212.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.3.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays,p.3.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays,p.4.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays,p.4.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays,p.4.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia- "The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays.p.5.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays,p.6.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia "The Man at the Gate." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.105.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Coleridge as Critic."Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:the Hogarth Press Ltd.1977,pp.45-49.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf.vol.3,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeiilie.London:The Hogarth Press,1980,p.196.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Moment:Summer's Night." The Moment and Other Essays.p.3.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanaovich,Inc.,1958,p.45.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.47.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia.The Waves.London:Vintage,2000,p.186.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.41.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.vol 4,pp.41-42.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,vol 4,p.41.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,vol 4,p.42.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,vol 4,p.42.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.44.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.47.
    [3]转引自 Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,p.199.
    [1]Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,p.176.
    [2]转引自Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,p.168.
    [3]详见Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,pp.167-176.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."A Letter to a Young Poet ".The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.221.
    [1]转引自Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,p.172.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Professions for Women ".The Death of the Moth,pp.239-240.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Leaning Tower ".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.134.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."More Dostoevsky ".Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:the Hogarth Press Ltd.1977,p.142.
    [5]转引自Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,p.173.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.74.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia "Montaigne."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.73.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,pp.74-75.详尽引文见5.2.2(第121页)。
    [4]转引自 Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition,p.174.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,pp.58-59.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Modern Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.159;Woolf,Virginia."The Tunnel."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1988,pp.11-12;Woolf,Virginia,"Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,pp.94-119.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.46.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Artist and Politics ".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,pp.225-228.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia,"Women Novelists."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 2,pp.315-316.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."American Fiction ".The Moment and Other Essays,p.116.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."How It Strikes a Contemporary."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.239.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Professions for Women ".The Death of the Moth,pp.235-242.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,pp.58-59.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,pp.96-97.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Professions for Women ".The Death of the Moth,pp.239-240.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Pictures".The Moment and Other Essays,pp.174-175.
    [3]Abrams,M.H.A Glossary of Literary Terms(7~(th) Edition).Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004,pp.49-53.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Caution and Criticism." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 2.Andrew McNeillie,ed.London:The Hogarth Press,1987,p.303.
    [2]Virginia Woolf,"The Anatomy of Fiction." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3.Andrew McNeillie,ed.London:The Hogarth Press,1988,p.44.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,pp.155-166.
    [4]Virginia Woolf,"The Art of Fiction." The Moment and Other Essays.pp.106-112.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Common Reader." The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4.Andrew McNeillie,ed.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.19.
    [2]参见Gregory,Horace."On Virginia Woolf and Her Appeal to the Common Reader." The Shield of Achilles,New York,1944,p.192.Trilling,Diana."'Virginia Woolf' s Special Realm".The New York Times Book Review;21 March 1948:28.Mark Schorer,'Virginia Woolf",The Yale Review,ⅹⅹⅹⅱ,December 1942:379.
    [3]参见Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Eleanor McNees,ed.Mountfieid:Helm Information Ltd,1994,pp.105-122.Bell,Barbara Currier and Carol Ohmann."Virginia Woolf's Criticism:A Polemical Preface." Critique Inquiry 1,December 1974:361-71.Sharma,Vijay L.Virginia Woolf as Literary Critic:A Revaluation.New Delhi:Arnold-Heinemann,1977.
    [4]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Eleanor McNees,ed.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.107.
    [5]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of lllinois Press,1991,pp.169-193.
    [6]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself,p.174.
    [7]Meisel,Perry.The Absent Father:Virginia Woolf and Walter Pater.New Haven:Yale University Press,1980.
    [1]Goldman."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2),pp.105-122.
    [3]比如Caughie认为伍尔夫几乎从未明确回答“如何阅读”这一问题,虽然这是伍尔夫小说理论中的主导问题之一。见Caughie,Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself,pp.180-181.
    [4]Virginia Woolf,"Robinson Crusoe." The Common Reader(Second Series).London:The Hogarth Press,1959,p.52.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."'Robinson Crusoe." The Common Reader(Second Series).pp.52-53.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series).London:The Hogarth Press,1959,p.260.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),p.260.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of E.M.Forster." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.166.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),p.259.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:The Hogarth Press,1977,p.16.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." Books and Portraits,p.16.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." Books and Portraits,p.17.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,pp.94-103.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.103-110.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.110-120.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.120-130.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.130-135.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.135-141.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),pp.258-270.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),pp.267-268.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),pp.266-267.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),pp.268-269.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader(Second Series),p.264.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.95.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.95-96.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.96.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.96.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.98.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.99.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.103.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.110.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.114.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.110-111.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.117.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.120.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.122.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.124.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.123.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.125.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.129
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.132
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,pp.132-133.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.134.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.137.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.138.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.139.
    [2]Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,pp.3-29.
    [2]Watt,Ian.The Rise of the Novel:Studies in Defoe,Richardson and Fielding,London:Chatto &Windus,1963,p.34.
    [3]Murdoch,Iris."The Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited." Yale Review,XLIX(December,1959),p.266.
    [6]Lodge,David.The Modes of Modern Writing.London:Edward Arnold Ltd,1979,p.x.
    [1]参见Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book."The Common Reader(Second Series).pp.259-263.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.160.
    [2]Johnstone,J.K.The Bloomsbury Group.New York:Secker & Warburg,1954.
    [3]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader" Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,pp.112-115.
    [4]Richter,Harvena.Virginia Woolf:The Inward Voyage.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1970,pp.Ⅹ-Ⅺ.
    [5]Yaseen,Mohammad."Virginia Woolf's Theory of Fiction." Virginia Woolf Critieal Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.126.
    [6]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.173.
    [7]Lee,Hermione."Virginia Woolf's Essays." Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.Ed.Sue Roe.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,pp.91-108.
    [1]Abrams,M.H.A Glossary of Literary Terms(7~(th) Edition).Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004,p.101.
    [2]Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,pp.156-225.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Art of Fiction."The Essays of Virginia Woolf.vol 4,ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press.1994.pp.600-602.
    [2]1947年发表于莱纳德·伍尔夫编辑的《瞬间集》中,具体写作年代不详,见Woolf,Virginia."Editorial Note."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 3.Ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1988,p.ⅹⅹⅳ.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels".The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,pp.165-166.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,pp.160-161.
    [1]转引自 Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.115.
    [2]Goldman,Mark."Virginia Woolf and the Critic as Reader." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.2),p.105-122.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."On Re-reading Novels." The Moment and Other Essays,p.161.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Narrow Bridge of Art".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,pp.18-20.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Together and Apart".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.Ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1985,pp.185-187.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Evening Over Sussex:Reflections in a Motet Car".The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,pp.7-11.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Street Haunting:A London Adventure." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,pp.20-36.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Street Haunting:A London Adventure." The Death of the Moth.p.35.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.4.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth,p.4.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth,pp.4-5.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth,p.5.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth,p.4.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth,p.6.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,pp.74-75.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."A Letter to a Young Poet".The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.221.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia "Personalities." The Moment and Other Essays.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich,Inc.1948,p.170.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,pp.96-97
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Patmore's Criticism".Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:The Hogarth Press,1977,pp.50-54.Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction."Granite and Rainbow.London:Harcocourt Brave Jovanovich.Inc.1958,pp.135-137.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Patmore's Criticism".Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:The Hogarth Press.1977,p.51.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."A Letter to a Young Poet ".The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.223.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.75
    [3]Woolf,Virginia "The Man at the Gate." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,p.109.
    [1]Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,p.313.
    [1]Woolf.Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,pp.15-16.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.14.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.16.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Defoe."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4.Ed.Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1994,p.104.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Jane Austen."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.149.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."'Jane Eyre' and 'Wuthering Heights'."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.170.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Joseph Conrad."The Essays of Virginia Woolf,vol 4,p.232.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Half of Thomas Hardy".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.68.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.pp.45-46.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.46.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.62.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.73.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.75.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.p.75.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.76.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Women and Fiction".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.80.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.79.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.89.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."How should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader:Second Series.London:The Hogarth Press,1959,p.260.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.p.96.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.93.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.97.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Reading".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.178.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia."Reading." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.p.173.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Reading." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays,p.170.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.58.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.59.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.100.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.108.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.p.109.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,p.112.
    [4]WooIf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own,pp.117-118.
    [1]Plato.The Republic,Book 6.Translated by B.Jowett(3rd ed.).Oxford:Clarendon Press,1888.pp.307-309..
    [1]参见 Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,pp.265-284.
    [2]参见 Abrams,M.H.A Glossary of Literary Terms(7~(th) Edition).Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004,pp.94-96.
    [1]转引自Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.p.168.
    [8]在济慈的书信中,他这样表达文学的消隐能力:“‘消隐能力'就是能够置身于不确定的、神秘疑虑的境地而不急于追寻事实和缘由……对于一名伟大的诗人而言,美感高于一切,甚至可以消隐所有思虑。”转引自Abrams,M.H.A Glossary of Literary Terms(7~(th) Edition).Shanghai:Foreign Language Teaching,and Research Press,2004,p.174.
    [9]Abrams,M.H.The Mirror and the Lamp:Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953,pp.313-317.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.98,
    [3]这一观点在《一间自己的房间》(1929)、《小说六型》(1929)、《狭窄的艺术桥梁》(1927)中都有陈述。见 Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.118:Woolf,Virginia."The Narrow Bridge of Art".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,pp.18-19;Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction",pp.117-118.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia."Monday or Tuesday".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.Ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1989,p.131.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia "The Lady in the Looking-Glass:A Reflection".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.Ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1989,pp.215-219.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,New Edition.Ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1989,pp.143-145.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.145.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."Three Pictures".The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.New Edition.Ed.Susan Dick. London:The Hogarth Press,1989,pp.222-225.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.54.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.144.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."Three Petures." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.223.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.pp.58-59
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."In the Orchard." The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf,p.145.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf,vol.3,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1980,p.196.
    [5]Woolf,Virginia A Room of One's Own.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.114.
    [6]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.137.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."Phases of Fiction," Granite and Rainbow:Essays,p.139.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.The Diary of Virginia Woolf,vol.4,ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie.London:The Hogarth Press,1982,pp.10-11.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957,p.118.
    [4]Woolf,Virginia."The Narrow Bridge of Art".Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,pp.18-19.
    [2]Sykes,Gerald."Modernism." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.4).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.11.
    [3]Bullet,Gerald."Virginia Woolf Soliloquises." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.4).p.9.
    [4]Sykes,Gerald."Modernism," Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.4),p.11.
    [5]Forster,E.M."Virginia Woolf." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.1).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.118.
    [1]Goldman,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf,To the Lighthouse and The Waves.Cambridge:Icon Books Ltd.1997,p.65
    [2]Goldman,Jane(ed.).Virginia Woolf,To the Lighthouse and The Waves.p.81.
    [3]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991,p.47.
    [4]Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.p.50.
    [5]Marcus,Jane."Britannia Rules The Waves." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.4).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.75.
    [6]Gordon,Lyndall.Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986,p.203.
    [7]Woolf,Virginia The Waves:The Two Holograph Drafts.Ed.J.W.Graham.Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1976,p.1.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.The Waves.London:Vintage,2000,p.170.本章此后出自相同著作的引文,只在文后标明页码,不再另行作注。
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."More Dostoevsky".Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:the Hogarth Press Ltd.1977,p.142.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."More Dostoevsky".Books and Portraits,p.142.
    [3]Guiguet,Jean.Virginia Woolf and Her Works.Trans.Jean Stewart.London:The Hogarth Press,1965,p.283.
    [4]Graham,J.W."Point of View in The Waves:Some Services of the Style." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments (Vol.4).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.24.
    [5]Auerbach,Erich."The Brown Stocking." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.3).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994,p.513.
    [6]Miller,J.Hillis."Mrs.Dalloway:Repetition as the Raising of the Dead." Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf.Ed.Morris Bcja.Boston:G K.Hall&Co.1985,p.54.
    [1]Miller,J.Hillis."Mrs.Dalloway:Repetition as the Raising of the Dead." Critical Essays on Virginia Woolf,p.56.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia."Life and the Novelist." Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958,p.42.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev".The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1978,p.54.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays,p.57.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays,p.58.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays,p.57.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.The Letters of Virginia Woolf,vol.4,Eds.Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann.London:The Hogarth Press,1978,p.397.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia."The Novels of Turgenev." The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays,p.61.
    [1]Woolf,Virginia.Moments of Being:Unpublished Autobiographical Writings,Ed.Jeanne Schulkind.London:The Hogarth Press,1985,p.64.
    [2]Woolf,Virginia.Moments of Being:Unpublished Autobiographical Writings,p.64.
    [3]Woolf,Virginia.Moments of Being:Unpublished Autobiographical Writings,p.65.
    [4]Gordon,Lyndall.Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986,p.203.
    [5]Virginia Woolf,The Waves:The Two Holograph Drafts.Ed.J.W.Graham,Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1976,p.42.
    [6]Virginia Woolf,The Waves:The Two Holograph Drafts,p.1.
    [7]Bernard Blackstone,Virginia Woolf:A Commentary.New York:Harcourt Brace,1949,p.165.
    [9]James Naremore,The World Without a Self:Virginia Woolf and the Novel.New Haven:Yale University Press,1973,p.151.
    [10]Lyndall Gordon,Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986,p.203.
    11 Julia Briggis,"The novels of the 1930s and the impact of history",in Sue Roe,Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,p.77.
    [2]Virginia Woolf,The Waves.London:Vintage,2000,p.159.本章此后出自相同著作的引文,只在文后标明页码,不再另行作注。
    [1]Virginia Woolf,"The Death of the Moth." The Death of the Moth.New York:Harcocourt,Brave and Company,Inc.1942,pp.3-6.
    [2]Lyndall Gordon,Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986,p.203.
    [1]Lyndall Gordon,Virginia Woolf:A Writer's Life.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986,p.248.
    [2]Avrom Fleishman,Virginia Woolf:a Critical Reading.Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1975,p.151.
    [5]Murray Stein,Transformation:Emergence of the Self.College Station:Texas A&M University Press,1998,p.7.
    [1]Murray Stein,Transformation:Emergence of the Self,p.10.
    [2]Murray Stein,Transformation:Emergence of the Self,p.10.
    [4]Bernard Blackstone,Virginia Woolf:A Commentary.New York:Harcourt Brace,1949,p.101.
    [3]Virginia Woolf,The Diary of Virginia Woolf.vol.3.Ed.Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie,London:The Hogarth Press,1980,p.316.
    Woolf,Virginia.A Room of One's Own.San Diego:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1957.
    Woolf,Virginia.A Writer's Diary.Ed.Leonard Woolf.London:The Hogarth Press,1953.
    Woolf,Virginia.Between the Acts.London:The Hogarth Press,1941.
    Woolf,Virginia.Books and Portraits.Ed.Mary Lyon.London:The Hogarth Press,1977.
    Woolf,Virginia.Granite and Rainbow:Essays.London:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,Inc.,1958.
    Woolf,Virginia.Jacob's Room.London:The Hogarth Press,1922.
    Woolf,Virginia.Moments of Being:Unpublished Autobiographical Writings.Ed.Jeanne Schulkind,Second Edition.London:The Hogarth Press,1985.
    Woolf,Virginia.Mrs Dalloway.London:The Hogarth Press,1925.
    Woolf,Virginia.Night and Day.London:Duckworth,1919.
    Woolf,Virginia.Orlando.A Biography.London:The Hogarth Press,1928.
    Woolf,Virginia.Roger Fry:A Biography.London:The Hogarth Press,1940.
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    Woolf,Virginia.The Common Reader(Second Series).London:The Hogarth Press,1959.
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    Woolf,Virginia.The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf.New Edition,ed.Susan Dick.London:The Hogarth Press,1989.
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    Abel,Elizabeth.Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis.Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1989.
    Auerbach,Erich."The Brown Stocking." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.3).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994.
    Banfield,Ann.The Phantom Table:Woolf,Fry,Russell and the Epistemology of Modernism.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.
    Bazin,Nancy Topping.Virginia Woolf and the Androgynous Vision.New Brunswick:Rutgers University Press,1973.
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    Bullet,Gerald."Virginia Woolf Soliloquises." Virginia Woolf Critical Assessments(Vol.4).Ed.Eleanor McNees.Mountfield:Helm Information Ltd,1994.
    Caughie,Pamela L.Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism:Literature in Quest and Question of Itself.Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1991.
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