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     正是由于存取所产生的巨大影响,人们对存取寄予了过多的期望,甚至出现了存取将取代拥有(Access over ownership)的观点。到1991年,美国研究图书馆协会(ARL)的成员馆中有80%在文献资源建设活动的规划或实施中都强调了存取而不是拥有的政策、服务和资金再分配。也有人认为,既然用户的信息需求可以全部或大部分通过因特网的存取来满足,图书馆又何必再拥有信息资源呢。那么在这样的一种氛围下难道传统的模式就要消失?暗淡?失去优势?
In the Internet environment, the construction of documents resources is no longer carried out through concrete ways.A new model to take and store information is widely discussed.lt is the Internet that gives the construction of contemporary documents resources brand-new meanings:the expanded scale of documents,renovated construction modles for storing documents and information and sharing resources.However, how and through what ways to fulfil the construction is arguable.
    Through the research on the documents information construction under new circumstances merites our attention.Especially during the Western Development.the documents information construction in the western region plays a strategic part in ensuring a sound economic development in a long run.The research on the western region documents and information construction is of great importance.
    The traditional documents resources stress what a library possesses,and its facilities to store information,while modern document information resources depend more on the Internet.and through the Internet expand the scale of document information construction.By ways of super-texts and HTML language fixing,all the information such as data base,electronic BBS,special discussion,electronic books and journals is,for the sake of the computer users,gathered together through the Internet. Information resources in main computers in different parts of the world will be conveniently taken and stored by users.Geography,culture,language and time problems will be solved.In the Internet time.lnternet is indeed a resource-sharing system.In such a demand-orientated documents system,the information resources construcion by means of the Internet focuses on meeting the readers' information requirements.
    In another word,with the development of computer technology and telecommunication .long-distance information access will be the main formula of library resources construction.The new model will massively and inevitably influence the tranditional model which empahsizes ownership concrete facilities. So far as "the ownership"for a library is concerned.the traditional documents information consturction conception has been lashed.The growth of modern Internet infrastructure,digital libraries and Internet information resources,plus the successful operation of the OCLC books lists utilization communities and UNCOVER data base providers,on the other hand,have encouraged the development of the new model.
    Due to the massive influence caussed by this rmdel.from which people have expected too much,a new conception'."Access over ownership"has came into being.Up till 1991,80% of the documents resources construction and programmings of the ARL member libraries had iterated the policy of Access
    over Ownership,services and fund distribution.Meanwhile.some have questioned:if the information demand could wholly or partly be satisfied through the access to the Internet.what is the point of libraries owning information resources . The tradional model would lose its dominant position and fade away?
    Acces and ownership are no more than two different ways of documents information constuction in different historical period. The serve our readers and provide them with better documents information services.Ownership refers to conducts to satisfy the information demand of library attendens and computer users by storing information resources.while access is another way of meeting the information demand of library attendens and computer users by using information provided by member libraries or information providers.
    The resouces of document information of the West of China have witnessed a frail basis.As far as the documentary information is concerned.the most important thing is the basic demands of it.Therefore.to our western areas.for one thing,we should strengthen the construction of basic resources for the purpose of enhancing the main quality of western people to meet the bassic needs of readers and popularize libraries;for another ,in order not to give rise to a new tendency of scarcity of the
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    4 Access Versus Ownership, Encyclopedia of Library and Information science, Vol.64, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, p.1-21
    5 Jankowska, M.A.. Economic and Technological Aspects of Electronic and Printed Recorded Knowledge. Encyclopedia of Library of Information Science, Vol.61, suppl.24, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, p. 121-130
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    7 肖碧云.高校图书馆特色文献信息资源建设模式.图书馆学刊,2001(3):37-39
    8 刘兹恒,张久珍.对存取与拥有的再思考.图书馆杂志,2000(12):12-16
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    11 许涛,袁明华.试论网络环境下图书馆的信息资源建设.图书馆学刊,2001(3):35-37
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    14 James W.Marcum. From Information Center to Discovery System: Next Step for Libraries?. The Jouranl of Academic Librarianship, vol.27, No.2, 2001, p. 97-106
    15 Collection Development in an Interdisciplinary Context, by Myoung Chung Wilson and Hendrik Edelman, The Jouranl of Academic Librarianship, vol.22, No.3, 1996, p. 195~200
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    21 曹臻.我国图书馆文献信息资源体系建设的基本思路.图书馆杂志,2000(1).4-7
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    24 索传军,张怀涛.网络环境下虚拟馆藏的建设.中国图书馆学报,2000(1):62-66
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    26 Karen Commings. Access over ownership. Computers in Libriaries,Vol.17,No.4, 1997, p.24-26
    27 Payne-V-J;Burke-M-A. A cost effectiveness study of ownership versus access.Serials Librarian.Vol.4, No 32, 1997, p39-52
    28 Mosher P H. Real Access as the Paradigm of the Nineties. See: Baker S k, Jackson M.E. The Future of Resource Sharing. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc., 1995.39-47
    29 刘蜀仁.网络出版物的发展与图书馆资源引进对策.图书馆杂志,2000(1):31-33
    30 王纯.关于西部数字图书馆建设的思考——从文化部西部文化建设的意见谈起.图书馆理论与实践,2001(1):38-39
    31 吴晓骏.论网络环境下的图书馆文献资源建设.大学图书馆学报,2001(3):49-51,55
    32 孙听.图书馆资源共享的成本与效益分析.图书馆学研究,2001(2):23-24
    33 贺玲勇,肖自力.从文献资源建设到知识信息存取.情报资料工作,2000 (4):8-11
    34 代根兴,周晓燕.信息资源类型研究.中国图书馆学报,2000(2):76-78
    35 徐仕敏.论文献载体网络化对文献功能的影响.图书馆理论与实践,2001(3):41-43
    36 吴秋鸾.论西部开发中的公共图书馆建设.中国图书馆学报,1997(1):29-33
    37 姚倩.西部贫困地区图书馆的困境与出路.图书馆界(南宁),1995(2):1-6
    38 张平.成立西北血省(区)图书馆信息咨询集团公司势在必行.图书与情报,1994(4)15-50
    39 Ann Peterson Bishop. Measuring Access,Use,and Success in Digital Libraries. Journal of Electronic Publishing. Vol.14, No 12, 1998, p54-76
    40 Cited in Peter S.Graham. Research Patterns and Research Libraries: What Should Change. College & Resezrch Libraries, Vol.51, No.4, 1989, p430-440,434
    41 R.Pikowsky. High Serials Prices Lead to the Debate Over Access vs.Ownership. Serials Librar., Vol.32, No. 5, 1997, p33-37
    42 Caswell, J.V.. Building an Integrated User Interface to Elecronic Resources. Inform. Tech. Libr., Vol.16, No.3, 1997, p63-72
    43 Gorman, M.. Ownership and Access: A New Idea of "Collection". C&RL News,Vol.8, No.8, 1997, p498-499
    44 Kane,L.T.. Access vs. Owneership: Do We Have to Make a Choice?.
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    45 吕俊生.网络环境下图书馆文献资源建设与文献保障体系.中国图书馆学报,2000(2):42-45
    46 雷永兴,杨成杰.OCLC网络化发展道路的启示.中国图书馆学报,2000(2):56-59
    47 高波,吴慰慈.从文献资源建设到信息资源建设.中国图书馆学报,2000(5):24-27
    48 杨沛超.21世纪中国文献资源建设发展战略构想.图书馆建设,1996(2):2-6
    49 李金玲.新信息坏境对图书馆藏书发展的影响及对策.图书馆工作与研究,2000(2):45-47
    50 董向荣.现实馆藏与虚拟馆藏.图书馆学、信息科学、资料工作(人大复印资料),2001(1):76-78
    51 肖大成.西部大开发与图书馆建设.图书馆理论与实践,2001(2):53-55
    52 杜靖华.论西部开发中的公共图书馆建设.图书馆理论与实践,2001(2):58-60
    53 王月华.略论西部大开发中的图书馆信息资源开发.图书馆理论与实践,2001(3):51-53
    54 方宝花.网络环境下馆域信息资源建设的理性思考.图书情报知识,2001(6):33-35
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    57 张玉礼.文献资源建设理论体系设计.图书馆工作与研究(津),1996(3):4-8
    58 龚义台.面向21世纪的中国图书馆事业(二):信息资源建设.图书情报工作,1996(6)7-10
    59 杨文祥,王秀亮,夏跃军.文献信息资源共建共享的历史回顾与现实任务.大学图书馆学报,2000(2):31-36
    60 缪家鼎.国外图书馆实现资源共享给我们的启示.图书情报工作,1996(6):49-51
    61 黄凯卿.美国俄亥俄州高校网的信息服务及其对我国的启示.图书情报知识,1997(4):45-47
    62 张绪胜主编.西部大开发.:战略、对策、信息.北京:经济管理出版社,2000.5
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