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Just as the famous Germany Scholar Larenz pointed,"the claim to eliminateobstruction, which theoretical fundamentions as well as legal results are furiouslycontroversial,is the most darkest field in today's private law." The claim to eliminateobstruction and the claim to cease danger are collectively called the claims of defense,which are both provided in the Real Law and Tort Law of PRC. For a long time, it'sabsolutly a highly controversial issue over the nature of the claims, the specificcontent of legal interpretation. Some more fundamental questions, however, are oftenignored: What is obstruction? What is the difference between obstruction and damageon the thing? What is the theoretical basis, for who should bear the responsibility? Wehave satisfied with a descriptive concept on obstruction, based on which, anyinfluence that impedes the consummation of property rights, can be identified as"obstruction". But in this way, it's inevitably impossible to distinguish the concepts ofobstruction and harm, as a result, the general tort liability, which put a basis on fault,could often be escaped through the claim to eliminate obstruction. This shows thatthere is a serious evaluation of contradictions in the legal system. In order to requestthe basis of liability of eliminating obstruction and its legal construction, in thefollowing parts this paper will have a comprehensive and systematic study for claimsin rem.
     Charter I: This paper retrospects the course of historical development about theclaim of defense in rem, as the basis of observation and discussion. The claim ofdefense in rem is derived from the claim of servitude in ancient Roman Laws. Until the end of the18th century, under the influence of jurisprudence of Pandect-school,the claim of servitude in ancient Roman Laws is gradually transformed into claims ofownership. This important academic achievement is finally absorbed by GermanyCivil Law(BGB), and then inherited by other civil law countries such as Switzerland,Japan. Article987of Civil Law Draft Of the Qing Dynasty provided the claim ofdefense in rem first time in chinese history, and seed this particular theory in theacademic circle. In1929, article767of the Chinese Civil Code put the claim ofdefense in rem into practice. After the founding of New China, the Six Laws in theKMT period is abolished. Until the reform and opening up, the "Civil Law GeneralProvisions" reproveided for the defense claims again. Article35of the "Real Law"and the article15and21of "Tort Liabilities Law" are again provided the defenseclaims.
     Chapter II: This part would show the respective defensive protection system ofproperty rights in civil law and common law countries. In civil law countries, thedefense claims system in Germany is unique, which is inherited by many otherdeveloping country, but not the only legislative mode. More earlier than the GermanCivil Code, the French Civil Code inherited characteristics of Roman law, andprotected the use and enjoyment of the property rights by the way of disperseregulations such as actio negatoria, actio confessoire. The French law, although lackof the systematic claims of defensive protection of property, but the actual degree ofprotection in France law, which thanks to its flexible tort damages law, can rival theGermany Law. It is generally believed that, the damage, according to french law,whether occurred or imminent, are part of the adjustment range of the law of damages.On the other hand, the common law is worth to be mentioned in this paper. Therelationship between the common law tort law and property law, is completelydifferent from the common law. For the defensive protection of property rights,mainly through trespass to goods, trespass to land and nuisance, and what's moreimportant, through the procedual instrument—injunctions.
     Chapter Ⅲ: The definition of obstruction and the responsible person of theobstruction. First, as to the definition of the concept "obstruction", the paper advocates the theory of right arrogation, which is come up with by germany juristPicker. According to this theory, obstruction is not only the the target, which theimpaired person desires to remove, but also the object which the responsible personshould let go. At this point, we need to take a twofold perspective on both theimpaired party and the impairing party. Broadly speaking, the obstruction is thefactual "occupation" of other's ownership by a third party. As for the identification ofobstrunction in the specific circumstances, can be divided into acts of obstrunctionand the state of obstrunction, for the purpose of investigation of the arrogation of right.Second, the legal structure of any claim must resolve who have what legal claims towhom? Removal of obstacles responsibility is for the purpose of removal of thetransgression of the status granted to the rights of others, and therefore only need toconsider what is to detain the property interests of the right holders or legal status, andcorrect the scope of the rights, so while determining the "obstruction",it could also beresolved, that who should bear the liabilities. From this perspective, the defensiveclaims in rem need no fault element, just as unjust enrichment request no fault for theelement neither, but the former is the transgression of the "Property", the latter is thearrogation of "interest", both arrogations do not comply with the ownership-order. Forthis reason, it is unnessary to ask if the relative subjective had fulfilled the necessaryduties (fault).
     Chapter IV: The purpose of this part is to undertake the analysis of the thirdchapter, specific analysis of the elements and legal consequences of the claim toeliminate obstruction and the claim to cease danger, in order to resolve the keyproblem—"who have what legal claims to whom". As for the claim of removal ofobstacles, the claimant principally is the one, whose real right is obstacled, and therespondents include the liable person in acts of obstruction and in state of obstruction,also include the obstructing thing's successor and buyer. In legal theory, the claim toeliminate obstruction has the following defenses, including tolerance obligations,limitation of actions and right's abrogation. Another key issue is how to afford thecost of removal of obstacles? The paper argues that the cost of the removal ofobstacles should be taken by the relative party himself, without regard to whether he bears the fault. Prejudice should be fully ruled out in principle; in addition, thereliable person takes no other active obligations or payment. The claim of eliminationof danger request the only element is that,there is a high risk of occurrence ofobstructing other's ownership. The wrongful obstruction may be a danger of the pastand will appear again in the future repeatedly, and may be the first occurrence ofobstruction. For identification of the future obstruction, its decisive criteria is that, onthe specific facts and in accordance with the general social attitudes, now existinghazardous conditions to be judged objectively ownership of all great prejudice thepossibility to protect themselves in advance necessary. The claim to cease danger,which prevents future obstruction to happen or obstruction in the past to repeat, isconstructed on the basis of the pointview of time. As far as the manners of prevention,it may be negative nonfeasance, for example, no further going through others garden,it may also be positive act.
     Chapter Ⅴ: This part will reserch the restrictions of land's use according toadjacent relations in private law, discuss the particular duties of tolerance between theadjacent by the way of balancing of interest. In essence, adjacent relations areextensions and limitations of the intent of ownership, and the most important areas ofduties of tolerance. Specifically, the neighboring relations, typically includes thesituations such as the cross-border building, adjacent relationship with drainage,adjacent relationship with land's use, adjacent relationship with property securityrights, the nuisance as well as the adjacent spatial relationships. The duties oftolerance in adjacent relationship vividly illustrates the dynamic nature of the borderof the property rights, on the other hand shows how to balance the different parties'interests. The law attempts to maintain a balance of interests between the parties, andthe technical means to accomplish this task is that, in some cases, limit land propertyrights, and when the defensive interests prevails, strengthen the defensive claim. Inthe norm, one party's property rights is expansioned, and the other party's propertyrights is limited, at the same time, the law also set up a system of compensation forthe purpose of interests balance. In this context, the duties of tolerance are designed,on the one hand, to dynamically and reasonably bind the property ownership with the purpose of avoiding the deadlock because of the nabor's exercise of the defensiveclaim in rem. On the other hand, the duties of tolerance limit the exercise of thedefensive claim in rem, at the same time, replaced by claim of compensation.
     Chapter Ⅵ: Finally, this paper will explore the relationship between thedefensive claim and the other private claims, including competing relationships andconflicting relationships. The concurrence of claim refers to, there are more than oneclaims on the part of the plaintiff, however, each claim pursues the same interest. Thefocus of this chapter is to discuss the relationships and distinction between thedefensive claim based on possession, the defensive claim based on ownership, and theclaim based on damage in tort. In essence, the defensive claim based on possession isa hidden defensive claim based on ownership. However, the defendant can notpropose the fundamental right as the defense, because of the factual nature in thepossession. These claims have different purposes and effectiveness, independent oneach other, could be sued at the same time or in succession. For the acts of obstruction,there is a coincidence between a defensive claim in rem and a defensive claim in tort.According the principle, that the special law is superior to the general law, it shouldapply prior the defensive claim in rem. But for the state of obstruction, there are nocompeting issues, because it's out of the reach of the claim in tort. In accordance withthe theory of right arrogation, it' s the function of the claim to eliminate obstruction torestore the supposed dominance, which belongs to the ownership, instead ofcompensation for loss, and then there is no coincidence of claims in principle betweenthe defensive claim in rem and the claim in damages.
    2See Sturges v Bridgman (1879) LR11Ch D852.转引自[美]罗纳德·哈里·科斯:“社会成本问题”,龚柏华、张乃根译,载《企业、市场与法律》,盛洪、陈郁译校,格致出版社、上海三联书店、上海人民出版社2009年版,第105页。
    1Larenz/Canaris, SchRⅡ2,§86Ⅱ, S.675.
    1Münchener Kommentar zum BGB/Baldus,§1004,Rn2.
    3ABGB§523In Ansehung der Servituten findet ein doppeltes Klagerecht statt. Man kann gegen den Eigentümerdas Recht der Servitut behaupten; oder, der Eigentümer kann sich über die Anma ung einer Servitut beschweren.Im ersten Falle mu der Kl ger die Erwerbung der Servitut oder wenigstens den Besitz derselben als einesdinglichen Rechtes, im zweiten Falle mu er die Anma ung der Servitut in seiner Sache beweisen.“
    1Vgl. Erwin Deutsch,Hans-Juergen Ahrens,Deliktsrecht,5Aufl., Carl Heymanns Verlag2009, Rn736.
    1Vgl.Wolfgang Wiegand, Kommentar zum ZBG, Art.641, Rn40.
    1Vgl.Wolfgang Wiegand, Kommentar zum ZBG, Art.641, Rn.58f.
    2Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.79.
    1Vgl.Bezirksgericht Rheinfelden v.22.1.1945, SJZ42(1956)S.203. Nr.81.转引自Gerhard Hohloch, Die
    2negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975, S.75.Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.76-77.
    3Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975, S.77-78.
    4Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.78.
    1Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.80.
    2Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.81.
    4Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.91.
    5Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975, S.92f..
    1Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.108.
    3Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.111f.
    2See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.85.
    3Torts (Interference with Goods) Act1977, Section1:“In this Act ‘wrongful interference’, or ‘wrongfulinterference with goods’, means—(a)conversion of goods (also called trover),(b)trespass to goods,(c)negligenceso far at it results in damage to goods or to an interest in goods.(d)subject to section2, any other tort so far as itresults in damage to goods or to an interest in goods.”
    1See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, p484.
    2See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp484-485.
    1See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp486-492.
    3W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law of Torts,
    5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.86.
    1(1829)9B&C591.转引自See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston,Basil Markesinis, Oxford University Press,2007, pp.496.
    2[1954]2QB182,196,204.[1956] AC218,242,244.转引自See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, bySimon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, Oxford University Press,2007, pp.496.
    3Civil Aviation Act1982, Section76(1)“No action shall lie in respect of trespass or in respect of nuisance, byreason only of the flight of an aircraft over any property at a height above the ground which, having regard to wind,weather and all the circumstances of the case is reasonable, or the ordinary incidents of such flight, so long as theprovisions of any Air Navigation Order and of any orders under section62above have been duly complied withand there has been no breach of section81below.”
    4See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.496-497.
    1See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.499.
    2See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.68.
    3See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.68.
    4See Keeton, Trespass, Nuisance and Strick Liability,1959,59Col.L.Rev.457, p.468.
    5See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.82.
    2See J. F. ranklin Brenner, Nuisance Law And The Industrial Revolution,1974,3J. Legal Stud.403, p.403.
    3See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.510.
    2(1851)4De G&Sm.315;64ER846, per Knight-Bruce V-C.?????????
    3See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.522-529.
    4See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.616.
    1“An injunction is sought to prevent the continuance of a tort or in anticipation of a threatened tort.” SeeMarkesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, Oxford UniversityPress,2007, p.1029.
    2See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.1029-1032.
    3See Dan B. Dobbs, Law of Remedies2th ed. West Publishing Co.1993, pp.163-164.
    1See Dan B. Dobbs, Law of Remedies2th ed. West Publishing Co.1993, pp.164-165.
    6在英美法上“滋扰”制度也涉及到何种程度应课以禁令责任的问题,可为对照。See RichardA. Epstein,Nuisance Law: Corrective Justice and its Utilitarian Constrains,8J. Leg. Stud.49(1979).
    1Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.20.
    2Schmidt, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1924, S.41f.
    3Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.21f.
    1Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.22.
    2Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.23.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.49.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.50.
    1Westermann, Sachenrecht,7.Aufl.,1998, S.259f.
    2Westermann, Sachenrecht,7.Aufl.,1998, S.261.
    41930,270Mass.511,170N.E.385.转引自W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G.Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law of Torts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.79.
    59Cir.1936,84F.2d755.转引自W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosserand Keeton on The Law of Torts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, pp.79-80.
    1Second Restatement of Torts,§159.
    2Anderson v.Souza,1952,38Cal.2d825,243P.2d497.转引自W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E.Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law of Torts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, pp.80-81.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn27.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn29.
    3Vgl.Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.98.
    1Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn33.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn30.
    4比较法上可参见英国判决:Douglas Valley Finance Co. Ltd. v. S. Hughes (Hirers) Ltd.[1969]1QB738.
    5Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.84.
    1Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn37.
    2Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.91f.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn43.
    3Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn45f.
    1BGHZ41,393ff.,转引自Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010, S.564.
    1Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010, S.573.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn51.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn52.
    3Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004, Rn48.
    1Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.109.
    2Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn49.
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn30.
    5Westermann, Sachenrecht,7.Aufl.,1998, S.263.
    6Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn51.
    1Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn52.
    2Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn55.
    3Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn55.
    2Vgl. Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010, S.580f.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.93.
    5Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.102f.
    6Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn53.
    1Vgl. Westermann, Sachenrecht,7.Aufl.,1998, S.262.
    3F Baur, Der Beseitigungsanspruch nach1004BGB, AcP160(1961)465,479f.转引自Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn96.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.103.
    2Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.104.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.107.
    2See Noel, Nuisances from Land in Its Natural Condition,1943,56Harv.L.Rev.772.
    3See W. Page Keeton, Dan B. Dobbs, Robert E. Keeton&David G. Owen, Prosser and Keeton on The Law ofTorts,5thed., West Publishing Co.,1984, p.390.
    4[1967]1AC645.转引自Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6thed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, BasilMarkesinis, Oxford University Press,2007, pp.513-515.
    1[1980]QB485.转引自Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6thed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, BasilMarkesinis, Oxford University Press,2007, pp.516-520.
    2See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6thed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, p.514.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.171f.
    2Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.172.
    1Vgl. Larenz/Canaris, Schuldrecht Ⅱ2§86IV1b.
    4Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.181.
    5Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn175.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.173-174.
    3Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.174.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.174-175.
    2Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.175-176.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.176f.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn173.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn173.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.181f.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn93f.
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn94.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn94,
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn17.
    4Westermann, Sachrecht,7. Aufl.,1998., S.265.
    1Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004,Rn73.
    2Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004, Rn17.
    3Vgl. Münchener Kommentar/Baldus,§1004, Rn17.
    4Vgl. Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010, S.575.
    1Vgl. Prütting, Sachenrecht,33.Aufl.,2008, S.232.
    2Vgl. Prütting, Sachenrecht,33.Aufl.,2008, S.233f.
    3Vgl. Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010, S.575, Fn2310.
    1Vgl. Rudolf Schmidt, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch, Enke,1924, S.11f.转引自Picker, Dernegatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.27f.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.27f.
    3Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.29.
    4Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.27.
    1Vgl. Rudolf Schmidt, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch, Enke,1924, S.41f.转引自Picker, Dernegatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.20.
    23Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.30f.Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.31.
    1Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.32.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.33.
    1Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.34.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.34f.
    3Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.35.
    4Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.36.
    1LG Tübingen RdL54,44.转引自Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.38.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.39.
    1Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.42.
    3Motive Ⅲ S.424.
    4Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.42.
    1Vgl. Hans Stoll, Unrechtstypen bei Verletzung absoluter Rechte, in: AcP162,转引自Vgl. Picker, Dernegatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.43.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.43f.
    1Vgl. v. Tuhr, Der Allgemeine Teil des Deutschen Buergerlichen Rechts, Bd.Ⅰ, Berlin1910, S.250.f.转引自Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.45.
    2BGH41,393ff.转引自Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.45.
    3Vgl.Pleyer, Die Haftung des Eigentuemers fuer Stoerungen aus seinem Eigentum, AcP156[1956]291,299f.转引自Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.47f.
    1Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.128f.
    2Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.130.
    3Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.130.
    1Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.130f.
    2Vgl. Westermann, Sachrecht,7. Aufl.,1998, S.266.
    2Westermann, Sachrecht,7.Aufl.,1998, S.260f.
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004, Rn88.
    1Münchener Kommentar zum BGB/Baldus,§1004,Rn26.
    2Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.137.
    3Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.144。
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn118.
    2Larenz/Canaris, SchRⅡ2§86Ⅲ3a.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn194.
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn60.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn207.
    3vgl. Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.159.
    4vgl. Vgl. Picker, Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.168.
    1Vgl. Prütting, Sachenrecht,33.Aufl.,2008, S.236.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn157.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn157.
    1Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.164.
    3Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.157.
    4Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.157.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn144.
    3Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.158.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn147.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn153.
    3Vgl. Larenz/Canaris, SchRⅡ2§86Ⅵ1d.
    5Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972. S.135
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn150.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn152.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn155.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn162.
    4Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn136.
    5Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn144.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn211.
    4Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972,173f.
    5Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn174.
    6Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn211.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky (2006),§1004, Rn226.
    4Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky (2006),§1004, Rn227.
    7Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky(2006),§1004, Rn210.
    2Vgl. Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl.,2010,S.573, Fn2307.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Roth (2009)§912Rn4.
    4Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.94.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Roth(2002),§912, Rn75.
    3Vgl. Staudinger/Roth(2009)§912, Rn35.
    4Vgl. Staudinger/Roth(2009)§912, Rn38.
    1See Markesinis and Deakin's Tort Law6th ed, by Simon Deakin, Angus Johnston, Basil Markesinis, OxfordUniversity Press,2007, pp.549-550.
    2Vlg. Staudinger/Roth(2009)§906, Rn1.
    4Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn30.
    5Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn30.
    6Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004,Rn29.
    2Westermann, Sachrecht,7. Aufl,1998., S.147.
    1Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky (2007),§892, Rn2.
    2Vgl. Westermann, Sachrecht,7. Aufl., S.145-146.
    4Vgl. Westermann, Sachrecht,7. Aufl., S.148.
    3Vgl. Wilhelm, Sachenrecht,4.Aufl., S.578.
    2Vgl. Deutsch/Ahrens,Deliktsrecht,5. Aufl., Rn734.
    3Vgl. K tz/Wagner, Deliktsrecht,11. Aufl., Rn409;Deutsch/Ahrens,Deliktsrecht,5. Aufl., Rn738f.
    2Vgl. Staudinger/Gursky,§1004, Rn15f.
    1Picker AcP178[1978]499,501.
    4Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz, S.15.
    5Vgl.Motive Ⅲ, S.425.
    1Vgl. Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz, S.247.
    1Vgl. Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz, S.248f.
    2Vgl. Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz,2006,S.250f.
    1Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S
    4Vgl.Gerhard Hohloch, Die negatorische Ansprueche und ihre Beziehungen zum Schadensersatzrecht,1975,S.243f.
    1Vgl. Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz,2006,S.234f.
    2Vgl. Marc Wolf, Negatorische Beseitigung und Schadensersatz,2006,S.236.
    1Vgl. Picker,Der negatorische Beseitigungsanspruch,1972, S.51.
    1Münchener Kommentar zum BGB/Baldus,§1004,Rn25.
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    3. Joseph William Singer, Introduction to Property, Aspen Publishers Inc.1996.
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