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斑痣盘菌科(Rhytismataceae)是菌物系统中的一个重要组成部分。本文采用现代菌物学和林木病理学研究技术,从形态解剖、个体发育、生态、地理分布、产果期等方面对斑痣盘菌科的部分种进行较系统的分类研究。同时,对引起松落针病的主要病原菌——松针散斑壳(Lophodermium pinastri)进行了生物学特性研究,包括培养性状和子囊孢子萌发特性两部分。
    以Darker(1967)、Cannon & Minter(1986)、Johnston(1986)等人提出的分类系统为主要依据,对自行采集和保存在森林保护教研室的160余号斑痣盘菌干标本进行鉴定与分类,共查明隶属于小双梭孢盘菌属(Bifusella)、散斑壳属(Lophodermium)、斑痣盘菌属(Rhytisma)、小鞋孢盘菌属(Soleella)4属的13个种,其中除了9个国内仅见报道或描述不详的已知种外,还包括4个新种:硕唇散斑壳(Lophodermium crassichilum)、红唇散斑壳(L. rufolabium)、映山红斑痣盘菌(Rhytisma rhododendri-simsii)、微皱斑痣盘菌(R. rugulosum)。编制了4属的分种二叉式检索表,对各种提供了形态解剖学特征的描述与图解、寄主、中国和世界分布、生态及产果期的记载,并加以讨论。其寄主植物涉及7科,即蕨类植物中的里白科、裸子植物中的杉科和松科以及属于被子植物的茶科、冬青科、槭树科和杜鹃科。新种的模式标本保存于安徽农业大学森保教研室(AAUFP)。
    对合肥地区引起松落针病的病原进行鉴定,确定松针散斑壳(L. pinastri)为主要病原菌。以组织分离法获得松针散斑壳的纯菌落,研究了不同营养、pH值、温度、光照条件对菌落特征及生长量的影响,同时采用生长速率法进行了3种杀菌剂(百菌清、甲基托布津、多菌灵)对L. pinastri的毒力测定。结果表明:试验所用的4种培养基对该菌的生长量影响不大;生长最适pH值为5.6-6.4,在pH值3.0-7.2时菌落均可生长;光照条件对菌落生长量影响的差异不显著;生长的温度范围为2-35℃,生长最适温度为24℃,超过35℃时菌丝几停止生长;毒力测定试验表明:3种杀菌剂对松针散斑壳生长均有一定的抑制作用,其中50%多菌灵的抑制中浓度(EC50)为0.1100μg/ml、甲基托布津EC50为0.2649μg/ml、百菌清EC50为1.7920μg/ml,综合考虑用于防治松针散斑壳引起落针病的杀菌剂以50%多菌灵为最好,其次为70%甲基托布津,75%百菌清效果最差。
Rhytismataceae is an important part in the fungi. In this present thesis, the classification, morphology, ecology, geographical distributions, fruiting periods of some species of Rhytismataceae were systematically studied with the techniques of modern mycology and forest pathology.
    More than 160 specimens were examined, and 4 genera (Bifusella, Lophodermium, Rhytisma, Soleella) and 13 species were identified according to the taxonomic principles of Darker (1967), Cannon & Minter (1986), Johnston (1986). Among the taxa besides 9 species known for this country, which were neither systematically described nor only mentioned simply. There were still included 4 new species: Lophodermium crassichilum, L. rufolabium, Rhytisma rhododendri-simii, R. rugulosum. Keys were compiled for identification of all recognized species. Morphological characteristics were described and illustrated, and hosts, geographical distributions, fruiting period were recorded, and discussions were provided here. The host species included 7 families, which were Theaceae, Aceraceae, Ericaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae, Gleicheniaceae. New species’ type specimens were deposited in the Forest Protection Laboratory of Anhui Agricultural University (AAUFP), Hefei, China.
    A pathogen caused needle cast of pine, which was widely spreaded in Hefei city, was identified to be Lophodermium pinastri. The effects of nutrition, light, temperature and pH values on mycelia growth of L. pinastri were studied, and the mycelia growth inhibition rates of 3 kinds of fungicides were measured. The results showed that: there was small difference in mycelia growth on 4 kinds of culture media. The optimum pH value was 5.6-6.4. The difference of light influence on the mycelia growth was not remarkable. The mycelium growth range of temperature and the optimum temperature were 2-35℃ and 24℃ respectively. The toxicity of fungicides revealed that 50% carbendazim, 70% thiophanate-mehyl and 75% chlorothalonil all could inhibit mycelia growth and their fungicides EC50 were 0.1100μg/ml, 0.2649μg/ml and 1.7920μg/ml respectively. Above all, the most effective fungicide was 50% carbendazim.
    The effects of nutrition, pH values, light and UV on ascospores’ germination of L. pinastri were also studied. The results were reported as follows: the rate of ascospores germination was the highest in 25% decoction of pine-needle, and the following is 2% glucose solution, 20% potato decoction, 2% sucrose solution and sterile water. The ascospores could germinate within the range of pH3.0-8.0, and could hardly germinate in
    pH9.0. The rate of germination was the highest in pH5.0 and the acid condition was beneficial to their germination. The effect of light on ascospore germination was not remarkable. The optimum temperature for ascospore germination was 25℃, and ascospores were inhibited to germinate by ultraviolet radiation and comparing with contrast group. The rate of germination of ascospores was reduced notably and ascospores were dealt with ultraviolet radiation for more than 10 minutes could not germinate.
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