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目的:应用光学相干断层扫描(Ocular Coherence Tomography,OCT)来研究弱视及屈光不正性弱视儿童的视网膜神经纤维层(Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer,RNFL)厚度和黄斑区神经上皮层厚度,并设立正常组为对照进行分析,从而探讨弱视及屈光不正性弱视发病的外周机制。
Object: we use Ocular Coherence Tomography to study the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer thickness and macular thickness of the amplyopia and refractive errors amplyopia , we also found the common group to be the comparison for analysis, thereby , we can investigate the periphera incidence mechanism of the amplyopia and ametropic amplyopia.
     Methods: We did the OCT examination respectively for the children who came to the Clinic of department of ophthalmology of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital from July 2007 to September, measured its thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer and macular neurosensory thickness, and we also put these children into the overall visually-impaired group, ametropia amblyopia group and the normal group according to relevant standards. The data collected of visually-impaired group and ametropia amblyopia Group are used SPSS12.0 statistical software compared with the normal group to see whether there is differences with the normal group. P> 0. 05 is not significant, P <0. 05 for statistical significance.
     Results: (1) In the overall group suffering from amblyopia, the retinal neurosensory thickness of macular fovea is unchanged compared with the normal group (P> 0.05); in their macular parafovea , the top retinal thickness is the thickest, the bottom and the nasal are similar, the temporal Side is the thinnest, it is the same with the normal retinal thickness distribution, furthermore , in all the parts, the retinal neurosensory thickness has no differences with the normal group (P>0. 05); in their macular perifovea, the nasal retinal thickness is the thickest, next is the the top, the third is the bottom, and the temporal is the thinnest, the distribution is the same with the normal retinal thickness, but all of their retinal neurosensory thickness were significantly thickened (P <0.05).
     In the common , the above RNFL thickness is the thickest, followed by the bottom and then the temporal, the nasal is the thinnest, but in the overall group suffering from amblyopia, the above and the below RNFL thickness are similar, the temporal and the nasal are also similar but are thinner than the above and the bottom. The below and the nasal RNFL thickness of the amblyopia eyes were significantly thickened than the common(P <0. 05), and the above and the temporal RNFL thickness compared with the normal group had no significant changes (P> 0.05), the average RNFL thickness of the overall group suffering from amblyopia are thicker than the common, but there is no statistical significance (P> 0.05). (2) The macular neurosensory thickness and the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer of the ametropia amblyopia compared with the normal group, its result is the same with the whole amblyopia group.
     Conclusion: (1) The distribution of the macular retinal neurosensory thickness and the RNFL thickness of the overall group suffering from amblyopia and the refractive errors amblyopia are basically the same with the common.
     (2) Part of the thickness of the macular retinal neurosensory and the RNFL of the overall group suffering from amblyopia and the refractive errors amblyopia are thicker than the common.
     (3) The retinal of the amblyopia patients is involved which furtherevidences the statement of peripheral pathogenesis.
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    2 Matuo T,Matsuo C,Matsuoka H,et al.Detection of strabismus and amblyopia in 1.5-and 3-year-old children by a preschool vision-screening program in Japan.Acta Med Okayama,2007,61(1):9-16.
    3 Gronlund MA,Andersson S,Aring E,et al.Ophthalmological findings in a sample of Swedish children aged 4-15 years.Acta Ophthalmol Scand.2006,Apr;84(2):169-76.
    4 Wang]],Foran S,Mitchell P.Age-specific prevalence and causes of bilateral and unilateral visual impairment in older Australians:the Blue Mountains Eye Study.Clin Exp Ophthalmol,2000,28:268-273.
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