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     比较暴力家系施暴组(Abusers with Violent Pedigree,简称AP)、无暴力家系施暴组(Abusers without Violent Pedigree,简称ANP)、暴力家系非施暴组(Non-Abusers with Violent Pedigree,简称NAP)、无暴力家系非施暴组(Non-Abusers without Violent Pedigree,简称NANP)四组间个体儿童期虐待及目睹家庭暴力情况、家庭环境、创伤经历以及个体愤怒情绪、冲动特质之间的差异,探讨家庭暴力严重躯体施暴行为代际传袭的环境-素质因素。
     2采用横断面设计,对AP组136例、ANP组93例、NAP组105例及NANP组198例进行社会心理学特征的比较。评估工具采用自编社会人口学资料及自编精神活性物质使用问卷,自编家庭暴力高发家系调查定式访谈问卷,自编儿童期目睹家庭暴力及目前家庭暴力状况问卷,儿童期虐待简式问卷(Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form, CTQ-SF),状态-特质愤怒表达量表2(State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, STAXI-2), Barratt冲动量表-11(Barratt Impulsive Scale11Version, BIS-11),家庭亲密度与适应性量表-Ⅱ(Family Adaptability and Cohedion Scale-II, FACES-II)及创伤性生活事件量表(Traumatic Life Event Questionnaire, TLEQ)。
     2四组家庭亲密度与适应性评分呈逐渐上升趋势:AP组     3创伤性事件分与儿童期遭受各型虐待分及总分、目睹家暴分均呈显著正相关,而家庭亲密度分与儿童期遭受虐待分、目睹家暴分、创伤性事件分均呈显著负相关,家庭适应性分与儿童期各型忽视、儿童期受虐总分及创伤事件分均呈显著负相关。儿童期遭受各型虐待分及儿童期受虐总分与分别愤怒感觉、躯体愤怒、冲动分呈显著正相关,而儿童期遭受躯体虐待分与愤怒表达外投分呈显著正相关,儿童期情感忽视、躯体忽视及儿童期受虐总分与愤怒对内及对外控制均呈显著负相关。家庭亲密度与躯体愤怒得分、愤怒对内控制呈显著负相关,而创伤经历得分与躯体愤怒分及愤怒表达外投分呈显著正相关。
     对四组不同家系来源的国内社区成年男性家庭暴力严重躯体施暴者及对照的创伤症状以及偏执型、边缘型、反社会型人格障碍特质进行比较分析;采用AMOS软件运用结构方程模型的方法建立创伤症状及人格障碍特质作为严重躯体施暴行为代际传袭的中介因素模型,并对AP组及严重躯体施暴组(Severe physical violence, SPV组,即AP组+ANP组)两组进行多群组分析。
     调查方法同第一部分,研究工具包括一般资料(同前)、事件影响量表(Impact of Event Scale-Revision, IES-R)及人格障碍诊断量表(Personality Diagnostic Questionaire-4+, PDQ-4+)中对偏执型、边缘型、反社会型人格障碍的分量表。
     2采用连接酶检测反应和测序法对5-HTT rs2066713,rs6354SNP, COMT rs4680, rs4818SNP及MAOA-uVNTR基因型进行判读,并四组各多态性比较基因型、等位基因型及单体型之间的差异。运用MDR软件探讨基因-基因交互作用以及基因-环境交互作用对严重躯体施暴行为代际传袭的影响。
Part I Psychosocial factors in the intergenerational transmission of male-perpetrated severe physical violence in Chinese Community
     To compare childhood abuse, witness DV, family environment, traumatic experiences and state-trait anger, impulsivity in the four groups: the group of the Abusers with Violent Pedigree(AP), the group of Abusers without Violent Pedigree(ANP), Non-Abusers with Violent Pedigree(NAP), Non-Abusers without Violent Pedigree(NANP), and to explore the environmental and predisposing factors of the intergenerational transmission of severe physical violence(SPV).
     1we identified cases of domestic violence based on appeals for help to police stations, local Women's Federations, Residents'Community Committee, Center of Community Health Services, the judicial branch of city governments.
     2Using Cross sectional design to compare the psychosocial characteristics of AP group(n=136), ANP group(n=93), NAP group(n=105) and NANP group(n=198). Assessing instruments were adopted including self-edited questionnaires of psychosocial data and using psychoactive drug, self-edited structured interview questionnaire of domestic violence pedigrees, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form(CTQ-SF), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2(STAXI-2), Barratt Impulsive Scale11Version(BIS-11), Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale-II (FACES-II), Traumatic Life Event Questionnaire (TLEQ).
     1Scores of childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, CTQ-SF added scores and witness domestic violence(DV) in AP group were higher than the other three groups. Scores of childhood emotional, physical and sexual abuse, emotional neglect, witnessing DV in NAP group were higher than ANP and NANP group significantly. Scores of SPV were positively related with scores of the sub-scales and added scores of childhood abuse, scores of witness DV.
     2Scores of FACES-II in the four groups were increasingly escalated: AP group     3The numbers of traumatic events were positively correlated with the scores of sub-scales and added scores, witness DV, and the scores of family cohesion were negatively related with scores of sub-scales and added scores of CTQ-SF, witness DV, traumatic events, the scores of family adaption were negatively related with scores of childhood neglect and added scores of CTQ-SF, traumatic events. The scores of sub-scales and added scores of CTQ-SF were positively related with anger feeling, physical anger and impulsivity, the scores of childhood physical abuse were positively correlated with the scores of anger expression, and the scores of childhood emotional and physical neglect, added scores of CTQ-SF were negatively related with anger control. The scores of family cohesion were negatively related with physical anger and anger control to self, and the numbers of traumatic events were positively related with physical anger and anger expression outside.
     4Using Multivariate Hierarchical Logistic Regression methods, the environmental and predisposing factors of the intergenerational transmission of SPV were witness DV, impulsivity, traumatic experiences, verbal anger, anger expression to self, childhood physical abuse by turns according the Relative Risk of the model, and the coefficient of determination of the model was46.5percent. Furthermore, the family cohesion was the protective factor in the model.
     1The intergenerational transmission of SPV exists in the Chinese community, but childhood witness DV influences more on the intergenerational cycle than experiencing childhood abuse.
     2Estrangement of family relations, lacking for emotional investment and support among family members, stereotyping or fixed family structure, difficulty to adapt for changes of family situation, may increase the risk of the intergenerational cycle of SPV. On the contrary, moderately intimate family relations and strong adaptive capacity of family members may buffer the risk of the intergenerational cycle of SPV.
     3Perpetrators with violent pedigree experience the most traumatic events. Despite violent pedigree, individuals experience more traumatic experiences are more possible to perpetrate SPV. Some traumatic experiences may be the protective factors of the intergenerational cycle. The anger and impulsivity of AP group are more significant than the other groups, and the ability of anger control is worse than the other groups. Despite violent pedigree, individuals with more verbal anger and anger reaction, anger expression are more possible to perpetrate SPV, while in the family without violent pedigree, more able to control anger to self, more impossible to perpetrate SPV.
     4Individuals with more experiences of childhood witness DV and physical abuse are more impulsive, irritable, and more likely to control anger inside or express angry to self. They experience more traumatic events, and their family relations may be more estrange, separating from each other, lacking for benign communication and interactivity. The risk factors mentioned upper may increase the risk of the intergenerational cycle of SPV.
     Part II Traumatic symptoms and personality features:Mediating analysis on the intergenerational transmission of male-perpetrated severe physical violence
     1To compare the traumatic symptoms and paranoid, borderline and antisocial personality disorder features in the four groups of participants;
     2To analyze the mediating mechanism of the traumatic symptoms and personality disorder features on the intergenerational transmission of SPV through establishing the structural equation modeling(SEM) model using AMOS software package, and carry out the multi-group analysis of AP group and SPV group(AP+ANP).
     The procedure methods and partial assessing instruments were the same as part I. Additionally included Impact of Event Scale-Revision (IES-R) and Personality Diagnostic Questionaire-4+(PDQ-4+).
     1The scores of avoidance and intrusion and added scores of IES-R in AP group were significantly higher than the other groups, the scores of hyper-vigilance were higher than NAP and NANP group. The scores of paranoid, borderline and antisocial personality disorder features were the highest in the four groups.
     2The scores of witness DV, childhood emotional, physical and sexual abuse and added scores of CTQ-SF were positively related with the scores of three main traumatic symptoms. Furthermore, the numbers of traumatic events were positively related with the traumatic symptoms and personality disorder features.
     3Using Multivariate Hierarchical Logistic Regression methods to analyze the psychopathological factors, results showed that paranoid and antisocial personality disorder features and intrusion entered into the model, and the coefficients of decision was31.4percent.
     4The three SEM models of traumatic symptoms, borderline and antisocial personality disorder features as mediating factors on the intergenerational transmission of SPV had satisfactory adaptation. Multi-groups analysis showed their invariance. Traumatic symptoms were the partial mediators of relationships between childhood abuse and SPV, and the full mediators between traumatic experiences and SPV. Borderline and antisocial personality disorder features were the full mediators between the traumatic experiences, childhood abuse and SPV, and antisocial personality disorder features were partial mediators between witness DV, childhood abuse and SPV.
     1In the violent pedigrees, abusers have the most severe traumatic symptoms. The traumatic symptoms, especially intrusion and hyperarousal symptoms are more severe, more possible to perpetrate SPV. The predictors of traumatic symptoms are witness DV, traumatic experiences, childhood abuse by turns, and childhood abuse or witness DV may be the indirect predictor of SPV. Traumatic symptoms are the partial mediators of relationships between childhood abuse and SPV, and the full mediators between traumatic experiences and SPV.
     2Despite violent or non-violent pedigrees, paranoid, borderline or antisocial personality disorder features of abusers are more significant. Borderline personality disorder features are the full mediators between the traumatic experiences, childhood abuse and SPV, and antisocial personality disorder features are partial mediators between witness DV, and SPV, and full mediators between childhood abuse, traumatic experiences and SPV.
     Part III Preliminary study on the genetic factors and interaction between genetic and environmental factors of the intergenerational transmission of male-perpetrated severe physical violence
     1To investigate the related single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) of5-HT transporter(5-HTT) and Catechol-O-methyltransferase(COMT) gene, Monoamine oxidase A-uVNTR(MAOA-uVNTR) polymorphism of male perpetrated sever physical violence from different violent pedigrees in the Chinese community.
     2To explore the interaction between gene and gene, interaction between gene and environment of the the intergenerational transmission of male-perpetrated severe physical violence.
     1The methods of sampling were consistent to the part one. The blood sampling and DNA extraction from the whole blood of the112SPV abusers (including53AP and59ANP) and183non-abusers (including61NAP and122NANP) were finished in our study.
     2Using the ligase detection reaction and sequencing methods, the genotype interpretation of rs2066713, rs6354SNP, rs4680, rs4818SNP and MAOA-uVNTR were finished. Then we compared the frequences of the alleles and haplotypes of four different polymorphic genotypes. Using MDR software package, the analysis of G×G interaction and G×E interaction on the intergenerational transmission of severe physical violence were conducted.
     1The genotype frequency of MAOA-uVNTR3-repeat was different in the four groups, and the frequency of3-repeat in AP group was higher than NAP group significantly, and the frequency of rs6354A allele in AP and ANP group was higher than NAP and NANP group respectively.
     2The genotype frequencies of rs6354AA in SPV group(AP+ANP group) were higher than NANP group. The frequencies of rs6354A allele, rs4680G allele were higher than NANP group.
     3To compare SPV group and NANP group, the Risk Ratios of the rs2066713-rs6354haplotypes T/A and T/C were1.694,1.505respectively. The Risk Ratios of the rs4680-rs4818haplotype A/G and G/C were0.629,1.281respectively. To compare AP group and NANP group, the Risk Ratio of the rs4680-rs4818haplotype A/G was0.452. To compare ANP and NANP group, the Risk Ratios of the rs2066713-rs6354haplotype T/A was2.128, the Risk Ratios of rs4680-rs4818haplotype G/C was1.535.
     4In the G×E analysis of SPV and NANP group, the consistency of cross validation of the rs6354-childhood abuse-family cohesion-family adaption model was the best. In the GXE analysis of AP and NANP groups, the consistency of cross validation of MAOA-uVNTR-childhood emotional neglect-childhood abuse model was the best, next was rs6354-MAOA-uVNTR-childhood emotional neglect-childhood abuse.
     1A allele of5-HTT rs6354, G allele of COMT rs4680, MAOA-uVNTR3-repeat may increase the risk of perpetration of SPV. The rs2066713-rs6354hypoltypes T/A and T/C, the rs4680-rs4818hypoltype G/C may be the risk factors of SPV, while the rs4680-rs4818hypoltype A/G may be the protective factor of SPV, especially in the violent pedigrees. In the non-violent pedigrees, the rs2066713-rs6354hyplotype T/A and rs4680-rs4818hyplotype G/C may increase the risk of perpetration of SPV.
     2Despite violent pedigree, individuals with rs6354AA homozygote experienced childhood abuse in the estrange family, and the family lack for emotional support, communication and interactivity, difficult to adapt family change and life stress, may perpetrate SPV.
     4In the violent pedigrees, MAOA-uVNTR3-repeat and rs6354A allele may increase the risk of SPV in the individuals with the history of childhood abuse, and interaction between rs6354A allele and MAOA-uVNTR3-repeat may increase the risk of SPV in the individuals with the history of childhood abuse.
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