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In September 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that the development of strategic emerging industry is a significant strategic decision, which is based on the economic crisis and the long term sustainable development. It is urgent for us to seize the opportunity and promote sound and fast development of China’s strategic emerging industries so as to keep pace with the global development. From the perspective of civil-military integration, we summarize basic modes and history experiences of other countries, and explore our civil-military development modes and measures for strategic emerging industry with industrial economics analysis tools.
     Since the end of World War II, a variety of cases, like China’s“Project of Two Bombs, One Satellite”, USA’s“Manhattan Project”and“Star Wars Program”, are success stories of civil-military integration with different economic systems and measures. Civil-military integration development, especially industrialization and commercialization of dual-use technologies, can enhance national defense industries’fundamental ability, and be significant for their survival and development in market competition.
     In light of the degree of asset specificity and its dependence on national defense industry, we summarize three models from the existing seven representative strategic emerging industries for China’s civil-military integration of strategic emerging industries, i.e.“dependent model”,“interactive model”,“embedded model”. The“dependent model”is suitable for those with higher degree of asset specificity and dependence, like nuclear power, which can not well development without national defense. The“interactive model”means lower specificity and higher dependence, like new energy vehicles, High-end equipment manufacturing. The“embedded model”indicates lower specificity and lower dependence, like new generation information technology, new material, biological industry, et al.
     The“dependent model”industry’s development needs to rely on national defense industry and combine with private enterprise for its high assert specificity. The“interactive model”industry could utilize private capital and national defense foundation to technology fusion for its high degree of dual-use of military and civilian technology. The“embedded model”industry has more flexible mode of development for its lower specificity and lower dependence, can take defense industry as a marginal integration of power.
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