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     (二)嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌芽胞的制备。本试验,芽胞悬浮液中的营养菌体可选择两种方法除去,一是用溶菌酶法,二是加热离心法。通过两种方法的对比,并且考虑到成本因素,本文选择加热离心法。斜面菌种培养后,用生理盐水洗下菌苔,振荡,过滤,制成一定浓度的悬浮液进行加热离心制备芽胞。悬浮液70℃加热10 min在有效除去营养菌体碎片的情况下比更高温度、加热更长时间下存活的芽胞数量多,效果最好。
     (四)营养要求的研究,利用正交试验选择的最优营养液配方是:葡萄糖的添加量为1%,蛋白胨为1%。营养液的pH值控制在7.2左右,1.6%的指示剂的添加量为每100 mL营养液加入0.06 mL。
     (五)确定检测条件:处理好的牛奶样品检测时,每个检测小管内添加0.2 mL紫色营养液,再加入牛奶样品0.1 mL。在65℃水浴培养150 min。取检样200份,检测时间为135 min,其中173份为阴性,27份为阳性,没有可疑样品,阳性率为13.5%,本研究方法具有可行性。
     (六)稳定性试验:将制备好的检测小管在4℃保存1周、2周、3周以及4周,记录其阴性检测时间分别为前三周都是135 min,第四周检测时间开始增加为150 min,但也在检测时间范围内,所以本方法的检测稳定性为一个月。
This paper studied the detecting antibiotics residual in milk with Bacillus stearothermophilus's gemmas of embeded. I have studing some indexs for increasing the method's sensitivity and stability. These indexs are nutritive substances, indicator's quantities, conditiones of embedded and conditiones of detected ect. By to contrasting with subsample fermentation method, encoding standard (TTC) methed, kit (ECLIPSE50) method and paper method which these four methods, then statistics positive rates and further to confirm the article's experiment method's feasibility and sensitivity.
     This empirical studing mainly including below several aspects :
     1. First we let the test organism of purchase (ATCC12980=NCTC10339) form CGMCC rejuvenescent, optimize and cultured at the tryptone-soy-agar medium. let they growth in the condition that temperature is 65℃and pH value is 7.2, then choice colonys which growth fast. Bacillus stearothermophilus's colonys only have pinhead-sized. they are Gram-positive bacteria.
     2. To prepare gemmas of Bacillus stearothermophilus .in this experiment have two methods can to get rid of nutrition thallus from gemmas soliquoid, one is lysozyme method the other is to heat and centrifuge. By the two methods to contrast, and to consider the cost factor, I choose to heat and centrifuge method in the article. After cultured inclined plane strain washed lawn with normal sodium, succussed, filtered, make it to some density gemmas soliquoid, and then heated and centrifuged. gemmas soliquoid in 70℃heated 10 minutes can survival more gemmas , the effective is best than higher temperature and heating more time.
     3. Embedded gemmas of Bacillus stearothermophilus :by contrasting the four medium of gel strength, diffusibility, simple and easy level of operating that carrageenan, gellan gum, guar gum, calcium alginate . I choose calcium alginate for gemmas medium of Bacillus stearothermophilus.each detection tubule are to put two or three gelatum beads . sealled up at 0~4℃until used.
     4. The optimization medium to use direct cross experiment is glucose 1%, peptone 1%. The pH value of medium is controlling about 7.2, every 100mL medium are added to 0.06mL 1.6% of indicator.
     5. Determine the detection of condition: raw milk sample after treated , every detection tubule are to add 0.2 mL purple medium then to put 0.1mL treated milk sample, at 65℃are culturing 2.5 hours.I take detection samples 200 in all , detection time are 135 minutes, negative samples are 173 and positive samples are 27, no doubtful sampl- es , positive rates are 13.5%, so this studiing method to have feasi- bility.
     6. Stability experiment: detection tubules were put in to 4℃until one month , every week detect once , record they are negative time , front three weeks detection time are 135 minutes, the fourth week detection time are 150 minutes, but all the time are normal . so this experiment's detection stability is one month.
     7. This experiment comparie to subsample fermentation method, encoding standard (TTC) methed, kit (ECLIPSE50) method and paper method: preparation 40 samples ,each sample have five parallel and use the five methods detect which sensitivity. positive rates subsample fermentation method 22.5%, encoding standard (TTC) 25%, this method 23.75%, kit (ECLIPSE50) 26.25%, paper 32.5%.
     The studiing method sensitivity between subsample fermentation and kit method ,the sensitivity have reliability. Sensitivity of subsample fermentation method low, no do- ubtful samples too more of TTC method, even operation too complex ,bacterium liqu- id density hard to controlling. Commercialization of kit and paper methods oper- ation are simple but the cost very expensive, they can use in laboratory, not easy to general nursery and milk station.
     This paper aims at developing the detection method of antibiotic in milk by Bacillus stearoth- ermophilus based on exisiting detection method, and set up a simple rapid and sens- itive antibiotic detection method which can be applied widely. This method can arrive the detection limit and detection time and the detection cost decrease largely . So the method is available.
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