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Nowadays the new military revolution is in the ascendant. The U.S., the earliest to start the revolution, has made the most rapid progress, achieved the most advanced level, and already made considerable accomplishments. Therefore, it is a must to assimilate from the U.S. the successful experience of developing defense science and technology. Based on the above notions, this thesis analyzes the function and position of U.S. civil research organizations in the system of national defense research and development, with reference to the three typical ways used by U.S. government and Defense Department: sponsoring, design and technology competition and independent R&D subsidy, which aim at motivating civil organizations to participate in the defense research and development. Applying componential analysis and the motivation theory as well as information economic theories, this thesis has a detailed analysis on the institutional settings, effects, advantages and disadvantages, and the institutional conditions and environmental factors of each directing methods in the US, so as to inform us from a macroscopic view of the institutions and approaches of US in directing civil organizations. This thesis also analyzes the problems of defense scientific research system in our country and in referring to the U.S. success proposes a series of suggestions to promote civil and military merge, to enhance the depth and width of fair competition, and to use flexible and effective motivation mechanism to develop technology for both military and civil use. Finally, this thesis proposes the suggestions and measures to reform our national defense scientific research system, and to improve the defense research ability as well as the efficiency of defense research investment.
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