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With the development of high-tech industries, science and technology business incubators which play an important role in the process of promoting the technological industrialization also have considerable progress. With the growth of type and quantity, technology business incubators have two significant changes:one is multiple investors having been formed gradually; the other is the process of industrialization having been speeded up. These two changes mean that technology business incubators have to face the market directly. The risks in their business are continuously increasing. These risks come from two aspects:one is the innovation risk of new economic organization, the other is the competition risk in the expand market. In order to reduce risk and to seek a greater developing opportunities, it is necessary to improve the survival rate and hatching efficiency of incubators through the implementation of effective risk management.
     This dissertation first analyzes the background, purpose and meaning of this research. Based on the reviews of related theory of technology business incubators and risk management, the current major issues to be resolved are presented. Secondly, this dissertation analyzes in detail business incubators' content, property, function, type, operating system, value chain theory, externality theory, new institutional economics theory and constructs theoretical basis of risk management of business incubators. Thirdly, starting from the concept of risk, combining the industrial characteristics of business incubators and based on the analysis of the risk features of business incubators, this dissertation proposes the objectives, content, principles and processes of risk management of business incubators. Fourthly, using the process method and system analysis method, this dissertation identifies the risks of science and technology business incubators comprehensively and points out that the risks of science and technology business incubators come from inside and outside of the organization. These risks include four major categories:environmental risk, management risk, seeds risk and operational risk. Each major category is composed of several subprojects, which together constitute the science and technology business incubators' risk factors system. Fifthly, based on the risk identification, this dissertation applies ISM to evaluate the risks of business incubators qualitatively and points out that the incubation risk is business incubators' major risk. The risk directly comes from the decision risk, policy risk and the risk of seed. It comes from managing risk and market risk eventually.sixthly, based on the risk evaluation index system of technology business incubators and experts' research, this dissertation applies fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate business incubators' risks quantitatively and points out that business incubator have a higher risk. Seventhly, based on the analysis of risk decision-making characteristics and decision-makers of business incubators, this dissertation constructs business incubators' 3H6S risk decision-making paradigm. The paradigm includes three levels and six steps of risk decision.Besides, takeing advantage of multi-objective decision-making model, this dissertation use decision tree method and the layered series to establish the risk of decision-making model of business incubators and the model is explained. Eighthly, this dissertation puts forward the key risk prevention measures of business incubators. The first place, risk aversion strategies of business incubators are analysied from four aspects:strategic risk, seeds risks, incubation risks and investment risks.The second place, the main way of risk transfer of business incubators are stated from five aspects: insurance transfer, contract transfer, assignment transfer, security transfer and outsourcing transfer.The third place, risk sharing mechanism of technology business incubators is analysied from the joint perspective of business incubators and venture capital.The fourth place, business incubators' operating modes of risk warning and the index system of risk pre-control are established, and the main measures of risk pre-control are proposed.Ninethly, combined with the developing situation of Wuhan business incubators, this dissertation selects a professional incubator to conduct empirical analysis of risk management and reaches that the incubator has high-risk. Finally, the full-text content and innovations are summarized, and the relevant research in the field where the need for further deepening and the future Prospect of the study are pointed out.
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