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Angela Carter (1940-92) was one of the most controversial feminist writers incontemporary literary scene as her writing handled many gender and cultural issues ina unique subversive way. This thesis will compare Angela Carter's Wise Childrenwith George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss from feminist perspective based onShowalter's "Three Phases" feminism.
     This thesis consists of five parts.
     The first part briefly introduces the study abroad and at home on Angela Carter,and then the structure of this thesis. Chapter one introduces Showalter's "three phasesof women's literary development", and concentrates on women writers' situation ofthe first and third phase, to which George Eliot and Angela Carter belong respectively.Chapter two consists of three parts. The first part is a brief introduction of GeorgeEliot and The Mill on the Floss. The second is the analysis of Maggie, from herattitudes towards love, education, and vocation. The last is the summary of thischapter, which summarizes George Eliot's feminism. Chapter three is similar tochapter two in structure, consisting of three parts too. The first part is a briefintroduction about Angela Carter and Wise Children. The second is the analysis ofDora, also from her attitudes towards love, education, and vocation. The last is thesummary of Augela Carter's feminism.
     The last part is conclusion. From the comparative study on Maggie and Dora,George Eliot's and Angela Carter's feminism above, it is clear that feminism hasdeveloped from wandering to subversion. Both George Eliot and Angela Carter try toachieve harmony between man and woman, but George Eliot is wandering betweenresistance and submission, at last she submits to patriarchy and Angela Carter istrying to reconstruct the contemporary heterosexual relationship by subverting thetradition.
① Nicci Gerrard, "Angela Carter is Now More Popular than Virginia Woolf...", Observer, Life, 9 July 1995, p20.
    ② Paul Barker, "The Return of The Magic Story-Teller", Independent on Sunday, 8 January 1995, p14.
    ③ Lorna Sage ed. Flesh and the Mirror: Essays on the Art of Angela Carter. London: Virago. 1994, p3.
    ① J. Bristow and T. L. Broughton eds. The Infernal Desires of Angela Carter: Fiction, Femininity, Feminism. London: Longman. 1997, p14.
    ② Lorna Sage, "Angela Carter: The Fairy Tale", Danielle M. and Cristina Bacchilege, ed. Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale. Wayne State University Press, 2001, p65.
    ① Elaine Showalter. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2004, p13.
    ① Comte Auguste, Cours de Philosophie Positive. Paris:J. B. Bailliere et fils. 1864. 111.
    ① Barbara Bodichon, Women and Work, New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 1859, p57.
    ② Joan Bennett, George Eliot: Her Mind and her Art. London: Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, 1974, p165.
    ③ Elizabeth Gaskell. Life of Charlotte Bronte. Routledge/Thommes Press, 1997, 279.
    ④ Carolyn Heilbrun, Introduction to May Sarton, Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing, New York, 1974, p16.
    ① The Women's Liberation Movement has not yet had the impact on English women writers that it has had in the United States and in France, But the English movement is beginning to catch up. Parliament has passed equal rights legislation; women's studies' courses have begun at universities,
    ② Patricia Meyer Spaeks, The Female Imagination, New York, 1975, p3.
    ① Elaine Showalter. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2004, p300-301.
    ① Barrett Dorothea. Vocation and Desire: George Eliot's Heroines. London: Routledge, 1989, p57.
    ① Nestor Pauline, Female Friendships and Communities: Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1985, p185.
    ② Thomas Pinney. Essays of George Eliot. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963, p107.
    ③ Mitchell Judith. The Stone and the Scorpion: the Female Subject of Desire in the Novels of Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994, p111.
    ④ Creole Eliot. The Mill on the Floss, A. S. Byatt, ed., London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979, p27. The quotations from this novel will be marked to be "MF" with the page numbers in the following parts.
    ① Barrett, Dorothea. Vocation and Desire: George Eliot's Heroines. London: Routledge, 1989, p57.
    ② Kerry Mcsweeney. George Eliot: A Literary Life. London: Macmillan Press, 1991, p91-92.
    1 Joan Bennett, George Eliot, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p458.
    1 Barrett Dorothea. Vocation and Desire: George Eliot's Heroines. London: Routledge, 1989, p493.
    ① Paxton Nancy L. George Eliot and Herbert Spencer: Feminism, Evolutionism, and the Reconstruction of Gender. Paxton. Princeton, N. j.: Princeton University Press, 1991, p500.
    ① Angela, Carter. Nothing Sacred: Selected Writings. London: Virago, 1982, p4.
    ② Ibid, p11.
    ③ Ibid, p5-6.
    ① Angela. Carter. Nothing Sacred: Selected Writings. London: Virago, 1982, p28.
    ① Lorna Sage, "Death of the Author", Granta, No. 41, Autumn 1992, p236.
    ② Once upon a time, humans believed that the swan, which makes no more than an angry hiss during its lifetime, would burst forth into full and glorious song when it felt the approach of death; this final song, according to Socrates, was joyful because the dying bird knew it would join the pod of poetry and song, the master it served. Today, we call the final work of any performer-her finest work and the culmination of all her artistry-her swan song.
    ① Angela, Carter. Nothing Sacred: Selected Witings. London: Virago, 1982, p24.
    ② Pam Morris, Literature and Feminism: An Introduction, Oxford: Blackwell, 1993, p60.
    1 Angela Carter. Wise Children. London: Vintage, 1992, p70. The quotations from this novel will be marked to be "WC" with the pages numbers in the following parts.
    ① Angela Carter. The Sadien Women and the Ideology of Pornography (SW), 1978, Rpt. New York: antheon Books, 1988, p7.
    1 Angela Carter, The Sadien Women and the Ideology of Pornography (SW), 1978, Rpt. New York: antheon Books, 1988, p107.
    ① Angela Carter. "Notes from the Front Line", Lindsey Tucker, ed. Critical Essays on Angela Carter New York: G. K. Hall & Co. An Imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1998, p72-73.
    Auguste, Comte. Cours de Philosophie Positive. Paris: J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1864.
    Barker, Paul, "Tne Return of The Magic Story-Teller", Independent on Sunday, 8 January 1995.
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    Bristow, J. and Broughton T. L. eds. The Infernal Desires of Angela Carter: Fiction, Femininity, Feminism. London: Longman, 1997.
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