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Improvement of the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks, not only is the key issue for Chinese financial industry sustainable development, but also is the essential condition for these challenges of meeting foreign banks. Undertaking a study of evaluation and analysis for efficiency of Chinese commercial banks adds improves the efficiency of domestic and foreign banks theory and methods; and help Chinese banking regulators to determine the level of banking efficiency, provide a theoretical basis on targeted regulatory policies; help investors understand the Bank's investment decisions to correctly guiding the flow of funds; help banking and its branches determine this no inefficiency gap with other bank system to optimizing distribution for the resources; it contribute to the transformation of development mode of commercial banks and the sustainable development in Chinese bank industry.
     In the paper, basis of learning from the outstanding achievements of their predecessors we analyze the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks, observe the impact of ownership structure and regulatory policies on the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks, and discover the issue related to banking reform through theoretical analysis, model building and empirical testing.
     First, we examine the concepts of the efficiency, not only banking system efficiency, but also cost effectiveness and profit efficiency, and the sources of economies of scale, economies of scope and X-efficiency, introduce the measure models and evaluation methods for banks efficiency, and analyze the research status and existing problems of empirical research on domestic and foreign commercial banks efficiency.
     Second, the ordinary DEA method is used to analyze empirically the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks. We find relative to the shareholding commercial banks the efficiencies of state-owned commercial banks are generally low, but the increments are higher than the shareholding commercial banks in the sample period. The network DEA method is used to analyze empirically the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks. We discover the technical efficiencies of state-owned commercial banks are lower than the shareholding commercial banks, but the pure technical efficiencies are not lower than the shareholding commercial banks, but the performances are very stable. While the technical efficiencies of the four major state-owned banks fluctuate significantly, and vulnerable to the country's financial policy and financial crisis, especially structural reforms promote commercial banks efficiency. Then the Fourier Flexible Cost Function is used to analyze the impact of resource allocation efficiency on bank efficiency under monetary policy intervened by the government and loose control policy can get better the efficiency of banks, which bank ownership is more favorable to enhance the efficiency of banks.
     Finally, for equity diversification reform under the loose control of policy, business expansion, the introduction of foreign strategic investors, and strengthening the coordination of internal resources, carrying out financial product innovation, making flexible operational mechanism, improving service quality, etc., we give some policy recommendations to promote the efficiency of Chinese banking.
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