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Since the1980s, the knowledge economy and network economy are further integrated with modern development trend of economic globalization. Enterprises are facing a complicated and changeable environment, especially the rapid development of information and communication technology, great changes have taken place in enterprise form. The dependence between network organization, organization and members and members of the organization enhanced. How firms adapting to the environment in the rapidly changing society, and how to improve firm performance have becoming a topic of research scholars.
     In the field of knowledge management, organizational memory and knowledge sharing is the major parts of the enterprise knowledge management behavior. Organizational memory is a historical behavior, and it has a driving force to the development of enterprise. If long-term accumulation, path dependence will be built. Knowledge sharing is one of the effective way for the knowledge innovation in enterprise, and it is also an important measure to maintain the competitive advantage of enterprise. The performance of the firm performance by them will affect the enterprise development, especially in the past studies, it confirms that the organizational memory to the firm performance, the knowledge sharing to the firm performance, both have three situations: positive effect, no significant effect and negative effect. The balance and the development between organizational memory, knowledge sharing, and firm performance become the most important problem for the enterprises to solve. In the study, on the condition of the theory of organizational memory and knowledge sharing, we build four different knowledge management system, including the organizational memory and firm performance, knowledge sharing and firm performance, organizational memory, knowledge sharing and firm performance, then established the related concept model. The enterprises in Yangtze river delta area of china as the main enterprise, we analysis these assumptions model empirically. The main research contents are as follows:
     First of all, the study from the perspective of the resource-based theory, strategic management theory, organizational learning theory, knowledge management theory and social capital theory, using the adoption of information, flexible business strategy, corporate social capital, and other related theory to analyze the influence of firm performance. Previous studies treated organizational memory as a part of the organizational learning and then to analyze it. However this study argues that organizational memory and organizational learning is a paratactic behavior of enterprise, and the theory of organizational learning and the dynamics model is ancillary to them. For verifying the organizational memory has linear or non-linear curve relationship with enterprise performance.
     Secondly, through literature review and empirical methods to systematically study the relationship between organizational memory and firm performance, knowledge sharing and firm performance, and organizational memory, knowledge sharing, and the firm performance. In order to open the black box about how can the organizational memory and knowledge sharing influence the firm performance, we using the empirical way to test and verify.
     (1) In the short term organizational memory has a positive effect on firm performance. In the long run, the organizational memory for nonlinear u-shaped relationship between firm performance. In the long term, the relation between the organizational memory and the firm performance is no linear U shape.(2)The general relationship between knowledge sharing and firm performance is nonlinear inverted u-shaped. But in different periods and stages it maybe positive or negative effects, not a single effect, but a curve relationship. Thereinto, the firm knowledge transfer ability and knowledge absorption ability has some positive effect; the relationship between firm knowledge transfer and the expected performance is positively u-shaped. While the enterprise knowledge absorption and expected performance is inverted u-shaped. Absorption of knowledge is the partial mediating in the process when the knowledge transfer effect the firm performance.(3)Studying the process of relationship between organizational memory, knowledge sharing and firm performance, we found that in the short term, organizational memory has a positive effect on firm performance; But in the long term, the relation between the organizational memory and the firm performance is no linear U shape. In the short term, knowledge sharing has a positive effect on business performance; But in the long term, the relation between the knowledge sharing and the firm performance is no linear U shape. In general, organizational memory has a positive effect on the knowledge sharing (this requires enterprises to adapt to the environment, the flexible decision-making, and building effective knowledge management mechanism, continuously eliminate the old knowledge, learn the new knowledge, timely transform into productivity), but no significant effect on knowledge sharing; in organization memory and the partial mediating role between firm performance. Knowledge sharing is the partial mediating effect between organizational memory and firm performance.
     Finally, by building a moderated-mediator variable effects model, we further analyzes the affection of knowledge sharing on entrepreneurs' social capital while knowledge sharing is the mediator between organizational memory and firm performance. Verifying the organizational memory can keep pace with the times, in time to adapt to the environment, then it has positive effect on firm performance at a certain period. At the same time, once again to verify knowledge sharing is the partial medatior between organizational memory and firm performance, and the entrepreneurs' social capital is one of the factors that make up the partial effect. The entrepreneurs' social capital moderate the relationship between knowledge sharing behavior and firm performance, the stronger the ability of entrepreneurs' social capita is, the better to promote enterprise performance by knowledge sharing behavior.
     In this way, it can provide the feasible development path for firm performance, making the organization flexible, and promoting the firm strategy flexibility, thus for enterprise to exploit all kinds of management system, promoting the members of enterprise, enterprise and members, the unit of enterprise, the integration and development between enterprises, solving the problem of enterprise knowledge management, providing a solution for society.
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