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The paper quantitatively analyze the soluble salt ions content and their dynamic regularity of Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis’s different parts & corresponding soil in different soil salinity. The results showed as follows, 1. At any month, there was no CO32-in any parts; In any parts K+ content was the highest and Na+ content was the lowest in the positive ions; HCO3- content was the highest in the negative ions at any month. 2. The salt content was highest in May. The sequence of salt content from May to August was, leaves > one year branches > roots > many year branches > heartwood and sapwood. However, in April , September , and October , roots was higher than one year branches. 3. From the season variation, the dynamic of salt content of Populus alba L.var. pyramidalis were more influenced by the need of growth than soil salinity. From the salt content, the high content of Cl-、Mg2+、Na+ in the offtake soil were reflected in the roots, Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis can control SO42-、Ca2+ into roots; it had strong selectivity of absorbing K+, the content of HCO3- were small different in the soil and the roots. The character of transportation and the ions content of overground parts were same in various vegetal phase.
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