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     1. Se纳米管液相生长过程的原位XAFS研究
     2. Ag2Se超晶格结构的XAFS研究及相变动力学模拟
     β-Ag2Se具有低的热导率、高的Seebeck系数和低的电阻率,是一种有着重要应用前景的热电材料。近年来,很多研究报道了非计量比的超晶格β-Ag2Se且有特殊的优良性能。然而对超晶格β-Ag2Se性质的深入研究受限于其原子结构仍不明确。为了在原子尺度上探测超晶格β-Ag2Se的结构信息,我们采用了同步辐射XAFS实验技术。示差量热法(DSC)研究表明样品显示出了除常规正交-立方相变之外的新相变过程。我们采用模拟退火方法来辅助拟合Se K边的扩展X射线吸收精细结构谱(EXAFS)的x(k)函数,获得超晶格β-Ag2Se的精确结构参数。拟合结果显示在超晶格β-Ag2Se中存在一个间隙位Ag原子。根据这一结构模型进行的第一性原理分子动力学研究发现,新的相变过程来自于间隙位Ag原子周围的结构扭曲。这些结果为超晶格β-Ag2Se的相变机理研究提供了理论基础。
In the developing process of the human society, exploiting functional material plays a crucial role. Various functional materials such as semiconductors, photovoltaic materials, catalysts, and thermoelectric materials, are of vital importance in the industrial and scientific fields. To optimize this utilization, deep understanding in the atomic structures of functional materials is required. As the advanced synchrotron radiation technique, X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) has become a powerful tool to precisely determine atomic structure of samples, by which the properties of maters could be reviewed from a basic aspect. In the thesis, we detected the atomic structures of semiconductors (Se nanotubes), thermoelectric materials (Ag2Se nanoparticles), photoelectrode catalyst (CoxO) and photoelectrochemical materials (TiO2). Based on the obtained structure information, we discovered their growth mechanism, phase-transition process and activities. The main contents in this thesis are as follow:
     (1) Growth mechanism of Se nanotube revealed by in situ XAFS technique
     As a kind of extrinsic semiconductor with an indirect gap of1.6eV, Se is extensively studied and widely used in semiconductor industry. The common Se, t-Se with a hexagonal crystal structure, is an ideal precursor for1-dimension nanostructures. The previous study on the growth mechanism of1-dimension Se nanostructures based on morphology could not provide precise growth process of Se nanotubes or nanowires, especially in the initial stage. We adopted XAFS with high sensitivity of local atomic structure to explore the growth mechanism of Se nanotubes. The Se K-edge XANES spectra reveal that both of the basic units for the precursors (Se nanoparticles) and Se nanotubes are Se monatomic chains. In Se nanoparticles, monatomic chains are irregularly packed whereas they are regularly packed in a hexagonal prism pattern in Se nanotubes. This study provided important information about growth mechanism of Se nanotube in atomic scale.
     (2) Superlattice structure of Ag2Se investigated by XAFS and dynamic simulation
     P-Ag2Se is a promising thermoelectric material due to its low thermal conductivity, high Seebeck factor and low resistivity. Recently, non-stoichiometric (3-Ag2Se with superlattice structure was reported to be with excellent performance. However, deep understanding of non-stoichiometric β-Ag2Se is hindered by its unclear atomic structure. We prepared β-Ag2Se with superlattice structure, which exhibits a new phase-transition. We fitted the XAFS results with simulated annealing method to obtain the structure of P-Ag2Se, which reveals that an interstitial Ag atom is in the lattice of β-Ag2Se. We also performed the first-principle molecular dynamic simulation based on the obtained structure parameters. The results demonstrate that the new phase-transition arise form local distortion around the interstitial Ag atom.
     (3) Investigation on the local structure and degradation property of Mo-doped TiO2photocatalysts
     TiO2is a promising semiconductor for photochemical catalyst due to its high activity, long carrier lifetime, high chemical stability and biosafty. However, visible light cannot be effectively absorbed by TiO2because of its wide band gap. Using XAFS technique, we studied the Mo-doped TiO2with enhanced photochemical activity. The detailed XANES and EXAFS analysis reveal that all of the Mo atoms substitute Ti atoms in the anatase lattice with shrinkage of Mo-O bond length. Density functional theory (DFT) calculation reveals that such shrinkage arises from higher co-valency of Mo-O bond than that of Ti-O bond, which is also the origin of decrease of band gap. The results in degradation of methylene blue experiments confirm the enhanced photochemical activity of Mo-doped TiO2.
     (4) Local structure and optical characteristic of water oxidation catalysts studied by in-situ XAFS and UV-Vis Spectroscopy
     Solar-powered water splitting for generating oxygen and hydrogen is a promising way to store clean energy. The energy conversion efficiency of semiconductor oxides (for instance, TiO2) suffers from the high overpotential of water oxidation in the surface of photoelectrodes. Transition metal oxide (for instance, CoxO) is an efficient catalyst to reduce the overpotential. We introduced proton acceptor in the electrolyte to realize high activity of CoxO catalyst in a wide pH range. We also explored the active sites of CoxO catalyst with in-situ XAFS and UV-Vis spectroscopy to investigate the origin of catalyst activity and the relationship between catalyst activity and electrolyte.
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