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As a result of the world globalization, English, as an international language, plays a more and more important role in the modern society. The fact that China is now undergoing a rapid economic growth and its entry to the World Trade Organization calls for more and more talents who can communicate in English with people from other parts of the world. Therefore, people have reached a consensus in paying particular attention to English teaching nowadays in China.
     However, a number of surveys show that very traditional ways of teaching listening classrooms in middle schools in China are easy to find. In traditional classes,English listening is conducted in a quite fixed mode: explaining new words,listening to the tape,doing written exercises,and then checking of answers. This type of traditional English listening class is not teaching listening but testing listening, as a result, students cannot achieve sufficient skill development. New English Curriculum Standard obviously advocates the application of task-based language teaching (or task-based learning) in Chinese middle schools in order to develop students’comprehensive competence in using the language. Bearing this in mind, the present study tries to explore the listening comprehension instruction in middle schools in China in a process of three stages: pre-listening,while-listening and post-listening. The purpose of the study is to find out whether the implementation of TBLT in listening classes is an effective way to improve students’English level,stimulate their interest in learning English,and help them to acquire a certain number of listening strategies.
     It is suggested that is a very good practice in teaching listening in task-based language teaching (TBLT), and hopefully, the positive results of this study will be able to solve some of the existing problems in English listening teaching even though there is still a long way to go. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduce the background and purpose of this study. Literature review and theoretical basis of the study, including the definition of TBLT, the study at home and abroad, are presented in Chapter Two. Chapter Three mainly deals with the survey and experimental teaching. The related data and analysis can be seen in Chapter Four. Chapter Five serves as the conclusion.
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