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本文主要基于资源基础观RBV(Resource Based View)研究了MICK-4FI(Material, Information, Capital, and Knowledge 4 Flows Integration)资源运营模式的应用理论与方法。
This paper presents MICK-4FI (Material, Information, Capital, and Knowledge 4 Flows Integration) resource operation mode based on RBV (Resource Based View).
     Firstly, a new classification method is proposed based on new economy character, resources are classified to four kinds as MICK, which explain contacts and differences between various resources definitely. The scientificaalness of MICK classification is demonstrated by Empirical Analysis. These would construct a solid theoretical foundation for the following research of MICK-4FI mode.
     Then, MICK-4FI operation mode is proposed based on resources classification. We establish a framework based on I-O Mode and analyses the mechanism of MICK-4FI Mode. This paper discusses the principle and methods of organizational structure design supporting resources operation theory. The process and framework of the formation of competence is also discussed to construct a target system scaling resource and competence efficiency.
     The author indicates that enterprises could integrate MICK resources rapidly to reply the change of market demand based on leveraging. Therefore, the evolution mechanism of strategic alliances is analyzed from the angle of resource leverage in the paper. It solves the path dependence problem of resources operation theory using the results of supply chain management maturity research, and specifically describes the development path of MICK-4FI mode. It designs a Make or Buy Decision-Making tool for firms to guarantee the validity of outsourcing decision.
     Resources operation information platform is helpful for resources conformity. This paper studies the required function of information platform, analyses the constructing mechanism of information platform and its applied technology, and puts forward the solution of MICK-4FI information platform construction.
     Finally, the author introduces a case to compare capital operation and resource operation, and to analyze the advantage of resource operation. It is considered that resource operation could not only achieve the same effect as capital operation, but also keep firms away from losing control power.
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