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研究高温高密的核物质以及寻找夸克胶子等离子体(QGP),实验上最有效的方法是通过极端相对论性重离子碰撞。近二十年来,从美国布鲁海汶国家实验室(BNL)质心系能量(SNN)~(1/2)=5GeV的AGS实验,欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)(SNN)~(1/2)=17.2GeV的SPS实验,到2000年开始并且目前正在运行的BNL(SNN)~(1/2)=130GeV,200GeV的相对论重离子对撞机(RHIC)实验,人们已经积累了大量丰富的实验数据。通过对实验数据的全面仔细分析和理论考虑,有迹象表明夸克胶子等离子体这一新物质形态已在RHIC实验中形成。美国哥伦比亚大学著名学者M.Gyulassy教授撰文(arXiv:nucl-th/0403032)认为“QGP已在RHIC实验中发现”。预计在2007年,将在CERN建成的大型强子对撞机(LHC),其质心系能量大约是RHIC的30倍,将产生寿命更长的QGP物质,有助于进一步了解QGP的基本特性。在夸克胶子等离子体是否形成的信号研究中,人们相继提出大横动量光子和双轻子对的直接产生,奇异粒子相对产额的增长,J/ψ压低,Bose-Einstein关联等。在RHIC能区,由于碰撞能量很高,硬或半硬过程是重要的,与碰撞硬过程相关的硬探针信号,特别是喷注淬火(Jet Quenching)或喷注能量损失成为目前QGP信号研究的热点。
     M.Gyulassy和Xin-Nian Wang在QCD框架下提出了一个模型(G-W模型),率先讨论了在重离子碰撞中非弹性碰撞产生的部分子喷注穿过强作用介质时由多重散射诱导胶子辐射导致的能量损失,指出和弹性碰撞的能量损失相比,
Hard process are considered as a good tool to study the properties of the quark matter produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision because it can probe the early stage of the evolution of dense system, during which a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) could exist for a short period of time. One important aspect of hard processes is jet's energy loss or jet quenching due to gluon radiation induced by multiple rescattering for a energetic parton jet going through the strong interacting medium.
    In addition to the gluon radiation, the bremsstrahl ung processes induced by multiple rescattering include also the photon radiation. Based on the GW model, we apply the opacity expansion technique to investigate the induced photon radiation and dilepton production in strong interacting medium. The real photon radiation and the dilepton invariant-mass spectrums are given up to the first order in opacity expansion. It is shown that, both the real photon radiation and dilepton invariant spectrums decrease with increasing the transverse momentum: In the low transverse momentum region the rescattering effect plays an important role; At fixed transverse momentum the dilepton production induced by multiple rescattering decrease with increasing dilepton's invariant-mass. For real photon radiation the Abelian LPM effect lead to that the parton jet's energy loss has
    linear dependence on the thickness of the targets instead of quadratic dependence arising from non-Abelian LPM effect for gluon radiation.
    Because parton jet energy loss gives rise to modification of fragmentation functions, jet quenching in heavy ion collision leads to the suppression of large transverse momentum hadrons spectra as compared to pp collision at the same energy. Taking into account the jet quenching, we calculate numerically single hadron spectra at next-to-leading order (NLO) and the ellipse flow parameter v2 caused by the asymmetric energy loss in transverse plane in Au+Au collisions (s~(1/2)=200GeV). It turns out that the jet quenching can describe the large pr pion and charged hadron spectra in heavy-ion collisions at the RHIC energies very well by different centrality in Au+Au. We also calculate dihadron production in Au+Au collisions (s~(1/2)=200GeV) and the corresponding parameter v2. It turns out that the invariable mass spectrum and large transverse momentum dihadron are all suppressed for the central nucleus-nucleus collision because of jet quenching effect. It is similar to the p-p collision, the produced hadron back-t
    o-back correlation is strong for the peripheral nucleus-nucleus collision. This correlation is much weaker with decreasing the compact parameter. For central collision, the back-to-back correlation disappears. We show that w2 is approximately a constant in large transverse momentum region both in single hadron and dihadron production.
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