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In order to achieve the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, this dissertation starts from its correlation with the role of the major powers of the United States, China, Russia, Japan and other Asia-Pacific region and its international political relations, revealing to build peace on the Korean Peninsula Community strategy. Especially with the goal of building a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula, the thesis takes a comprehensive review and comparison between the unified philosophy and policies of North Korea and South Korea, and a specific analysis of the major countries around the Korean Peninsula policies and their impact is conducted. On this basis, the in-depth study on the environment and forming constitution of the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula and an objective discussion on the influence of unified Korea to Asia-Pacific region are carried out, so as to explore the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula and its future trends.
     The Korean Peninsula is located in the intersection area of the strategic interests of the United States, China, Japan, Russia and other major powers where their relationship is the most complex. In this geo-strategic situation in Northeast Asia it has an extremely important position.. During the Cold War, as in the most forward position, the Korean Peninsula not only bored the fratricidal tragedy, but also was divided for decades. The two parts of the peninsula are against each other and fight with each other without reaching a real reconciliation and reunification. After the end of the old War, the legacy of the Cold War still has not been liquidated. Not only the North-South relations, and North Korea and the United States and Japan did not achieve normalization of relations. After stepping into the21st century, the international situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula uncertainty and instability still exist. Especially in the last few years, North Korea's nuclear development and the three nuclear tests, further deterioration of the tensions in the region, have become the world's attention one of the major hot spots.
     The theme of this dissertation is that as the main parties in the Korean Peninsula issue, North and South Korea should comprehensively and objectively understand the historical significance and contribution to the region of the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Based on the maintenance of the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula, the North and South Korea are to establish a unified and diplomatic strategy. At the same time, the United States, China, Japan, Russia and other neighboring countries burden a certain historical responsibility for the issue of reunification on the Korean peninsula. From the point of regional peace and development, these countries should actively support and assist the independent and peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
     The dissertation is divided into three parts, namely, introduction, conclusion and the main body which consists of five chapters.
     In the introduction, the purpose and significance of studying the reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the international politics of Asia-Pacific region are put up. In this thesis, the author fully study the literature and researches in China, Korea, the United States, Korea, Japan and other countries, and compared the related researches integrity, using the historical literature researches and empirical analysis.
     The first chapter investigated the historical documents the Koreas'the unified concept and policy of the government and a comparative study pointed out the limitations of unified concept.
     The second chapter comprehensively studies the unified environment and components of Korean peninsula. An objective analysis of the impact of the East Asia international order led by the U.S., China, Japan, Russia and other countries on the Korean peninsula.
     Chapter Three focuses on analyzing the Northeast Asia policy and the policy on the Korean Peninsula of the United States, China, Japan, Russia and surrounding countries, pointing out the impact of the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
     Chapter Four discusses the effects of reunification on the Korean peninsula achieve the reunification of the Korean peninsula to the United States, China, Japan, Russia and other neighboring countries, in order to build regional security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia.
     Chapter Five proposes the realization solutions of peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, and analyzes the reunification solution of the "one country, two governments", pointing out the positive role and future status of the reunification of Korean Peninsula.
     Finally, in the conclusion part, a comprehensive summary of the main points of this dissertation is conducted, pointing out the future development trend. In particular, South Korea and United States, and China's leading role in the building process of the Korean Peninsula peace mechanism is emphasized.
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    38 “我们把革命的源泉地-半岛北部的民主基地,从政治、经济、军事上更加加强,就把民主基地作为反对帝国主义及其走狗的侵略,转变为包围共和国北部的强大力量,而且转变为争取我国统一独立的决定性力量。
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    56 Charles F. Doran, The Politics of Assimilation:Hegemony and its Aftermath, Baltimore:John Hopkins Univ Press,1971.
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    62 Aristide Zolberg, Strategic Interaction and Formation of Modern State:France and England, International Social Journal, Vol.32, No.4,1980, pp.687-716.
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    67 R.B.Farrel, ed., Approaches to Comparative and International Politics, Northwestern University Press,1966, Roy Macridis, ed., Foreign Policy in World Politics,5th ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.1976
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    69 Antony McGrew, Conseptualizing Global Politics, in A. Mcgrew and Paul Lewis, et al., Global Politics: Globalization and the Nation-State, Cambridge:Polity Press,1992.
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    72 美国的对外军事及安全战略一般根据《国家安全战略(National Securitv Strategy:NSS)》《国防战略(National Defense Strategy:NDS)》、《中期国防评估报告(Quadrennial Defens Review:QDR)》、《国家军事战略(National Military Strategy:NMS)》、《东亚地区安全战略计划(East Asian Strategic Initiative:EASI)》、《东亚战略报告(East Asian Strategic Review)》等。
    73 Department of Defense,Office of International Security Affairs,D.C.:U.S.G.P.O.,February 1995.
    74 The White House,A national security strategy of engagement and enlargement,Washington,D.C.:U.S.G.P.O., 1994.
    75 Department of Defense, the United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region, Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense, Nov,1998, pp.30-33.
    76 美国东亚战略报告.1995年2月27日.
    77 美国国防部编.1998年东亚战略报告.1998年11月23日.
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    79 日本学者渡边昭夫在其所著《战后日本的对外政策》一书中,谈到日本对朝鲜半岛政策时指出,“日本对南北朝鲜开展等距离外交,尽可能控制朝鲜半岛统一的节奏,保持半岛局势的稳定,最符合日本的利益。”(日)渡边昭夫.战后日本的对外政策,东京:有斐阁,1985,p.112.
    80 http://csis.org/files/publication/120810 Armitage USJapanAlliance Web.pdf引用日期:2013年1月10日)。
    81 (韩)金大中.建设和平与民主.北京:世界知识出版社,1991,p.174.
    82 高崇云.中共与南北韩关系的研究.台北:中正书局,1989,p.109.
    83 日本战略家腹部卓四郎指出:“从地理位置来看,朝鲜半岛宛如从亚洲大陆深处的一把匕首.直对日本列岛的侧腹。因此,在朝鲜半岛上有一个同日本保持政治军事紧密关系的稳定势力,是日本国防所必需的重要条件”。(日)腹部卓四郎.大东亚战争史(第一册).北京:商务印书馆,1994,p2.
    84 陈峰君,王传剑.亚太大国与朝鲜半岛.北京:北京大学出版社,2002,p.201.
    85 中国政府明确主张,一直把朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定当作处理朝鲜半岛问题的基本原则。“对朝鲜半岛问题的中国的立场”,请参考驻韩中国大使馆公式网站:http://www.chinaemb.or.kr检索日:2013年2月12日)。
    86 楚树龙编.中国外交战略和政策.北京:时事出版社,2008,p.172.
    87 冷战结束以后,中国为了防止在朝鲜半岛发生武力冲突,一方面通过对朝鲜的经济援助和合作等外交手段,支持其局势的稳定和经济恢复;另一方面,加强与美、韩两国之间的沟通,促进改善其与朝鲜之间的关系,尽力使朝鲜感到安全感,从而试图缓和朝鲜半岛的紧张局势。楚树龙编.中国外交战略和政策.北京:时事出版社,2008,p.172.
    88 朝鲜的金日成国家主席1949年10月到1991年1月为止,一共39次访问了中国。但是1992年8月中韩建交以后,到1994年7月去世之前,他一次也没有访问了中国。1992年中韩建交之后,一直到1999年6月 金永南最高人民会议常任委员长访华之前,中朝之间一度中断过两国首脑之间的互访。
    89 《人民日报》,2004年11月12日。
    90 《人民日报》,2006年1月19日。
    91 《人民日报》,1992年8月25日。
    92 江泽民在韩国国会发表讲演,《人民日报》,1995年11月15日。
    93 楚树龙编.中国外交战略和政策.北京:时事出版社,2008,p.176.
    94 Gerrit W. Gong, Korean Unification:Implications for the United States and Northeast Asia, Amos A. Jordan ed., Korean Unification:Implications for Northeast Asia, Washington, D. C.:Center for Strategic and International Studies,1993.
    95 (韩)韩国战略问题研究所编.东北亚战略环境的变化和韩美关系的未来.首尔:韩国战略问题研究所,2001.
    96 Michael J. Green, Japan and the Future of the Korean Peninsula, Korea and World Affairs, Summer 1998.; Michael H. Armacost and Kenneth B. Pyle, Japan and the unification of Korea:Challenges for U.S. Policy Coordination, Nicholas Eberstadt and Richard J. Ellings(ed.), Korea's Future and Great Power, Seattle:the National Bureau or Asian Research in association with University of Washington Press,2000.
    97 新华社(莫斯科).2001年8月4日电.
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    99 (韩)朱星焕.南北经济发展水平和产业结构比较以及经济交流合作方向.首尔:集文堂,2002,p.110.
    100 (韩)金世元.国际经济秩序的变化和韩国经济的选择.首尔:大韩教科书株式会社,1993.
    101 (韩)闵炳天.和平安全保障论.首尔:大旺社,2001,p.59.
    102 (韩)金明基.关于构筑和平机制的理论概观.(韩)郭泰焕编.韩半岛和平机制的摸索.首尔:庆南大学极东问题研究所,1997,p.96.
    103 (韩)宋大成.韩半岛和平机制:历史考察及可行性方案.城南:世宗研究所,1998,p.87.
    104 朝鲜核试验:根源在哪儿?.新华网.2013年02月16日.
    105 朝核问题仍将被美日借题发挥.国际先驱报道.2013年1月14日.
    106 (韩)权永庆.7.1措施以后北韩政权的经济改革开放战略与今后展望.北韩研究学会会报.2008(1).
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