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The main historical features of the Islam in the island regions of Southeast Asia presented by localization, ethnicity, uneven development and secular, is somewhat different from the "pure" Islam in the Middle East in many ways. The combination of Islam and the political forces is also loose relatively.
     The integration of the nation-state is undoubtedly an important and difficult issues commonly faced in the political development of the developing countries after independence. To study the Nation-states in the island regions of Southeast Asia, we can easily find the history of nation-state of the majority of these countries is very short, and the degree of integration of the countries is fragile and limited as well. Therefore, how to build and enhance its level of integration of these countries is no doubt a very real and pressing problem. Islam is a very important factor in the development of the local community and have an extremely wide range of influence on the integration of nation-states, whether these nation-state was first established or since independence, however, the Islamic influences is not only multifaceted, but also complex in the integration of the nation-states of the southern island regions of Southeast Asia because of its religion and a social system and a way of life
     There is an outstanding performance on influence complexity on Islam in Southeast Asia, which is different in different countries, even in different regions, fields in a country. In fact, the Islam plays a role presented by both the positive aspects and the negative levels on integration of a country. On the positive side, some Islamic countries represented by Indonesia and Malaysia in Southeast Asia after independence, emphasis on the status and role of Islam in national integration and continue revolting the values of Islam in all aspects of daily life and developing Islamic culture under the global wave of modernization. The national spirit is shaped to meet the needs of the times so as to strengthen the integration of the nation-state by reinterpretation of the classics such as the Koran and the Hadith. In other areas the promotion of Islam is also significant. In the political arena, the regime's legitimacy and the rationality of policy are enhanced and the social control is strengthened constantly through the use of Islam, while it can't also be ignored on the cultivation of civil society from Islamic NGO and the advance of political democracy by Islamic political parties. In the economy, society's "fair" and "justice" are cared through the establishment of Islamic banks and other measures. In the education, Islamic education plays some roles not only in the complement of secular education, but also in a stable society, and the promotion good against evil forces.
     Of course, but there are also many problems on the nation-state integration in the island regions of Southeast Asia, many of them are more closely associated with Islam. There are three aspects performed prominently:firstly, the separatist problems from Muslim regions which are particularly typical in the Moro region in southern Philippines, the four provinces of southern Thailand, and Aceh region in Indonesia. In these Muslim-concentrated areas, Islam has often been considered to be an important catalyst caused social fragmentation and the formation of unstable. At the same time, Islam often becomes a fuse caused ethnic conflicts in the regions such as Papua and Maluku. Secondly, the development of Islamic extremist (terrorist), which is more compelling since the Islamic renaissance, especially after the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Thirdly is the controversy on Islamic State. Although this problem has always existed in some countries such as Malay and Indonesia after independence, it seems that this debate is heated more since the21st century. Therefore, Islam presented in many cases is a variable on the integration of nation-state.
     Undoubtedly it is a comprehensive problem to build and improve the integration of nation-states, which is not simply one aspect among political, economic, social, historical or cultural issue. However the focus may vary in different historical periods and in different countries. Islam has always been the norm of the relevant factors to integrate and enhance the nation-state in the island regions of Southeast Asia as an important region of the Islamic world. So it's no doubt very important and a huge challenge as well how to build a harmonious relationship between Islam and the nation-state for a nation-state. It's necessary to deal with the associated' disharmony' factors and to make targeted policy to achieve a "harmonious" state in my view which mainly includes:to efforts to eliminate the historical wounds between the nations under the colonial legacy; to make the suitable national equality policy, and to respect the traditional Muslim culture so as to narrow the gap on the level of social development among regions quickly; to pay attention to handling relations with the Islamic world in the Middle East: to strengthen communication and cooperation inside the island regions of Southeast Asia. Only in this way, the relation between Islam and the integration of nation-state was likely to move towards a virtuous circle.
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