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The study on ecotourism is the hot topic in recent years. As a practical type of sustainable tourism, how to achieve the sustainable development of ecotourism is a necessary topic that deserves considering.From the actual status of ecotourism, the development of ecotourism is just at it's crossroad. For its advocator, ecotourism should be considered a type of sustainable tourism to develop, whereas in practice, ecotourism is always regarded as a label which can attract more tourists and enlarge the market, so ecotourism does not achieve the real meaning of "eco'. Therefore, the paper tries to analyze the ecotourism from the point of sociology and probes into the way to achieve the congruence between the theory and practice.
    Following the research road of tourism sociology, this paper put the angle of view on three aspects, that is role, action and interaction, then probes into the function pattern of ecotourism's system by studying the role play, action and interaction of participators. Based on above point views, the paper is composed of 5 chapters as follows:
    Chapter One Ecotourism: An sociological Analysis: Mainly introduces the research status of ecotourism, and builds up an understanding framework of ecotourism's concept, then describes the angle of view, research methods and research content.
    Chapter Two The Structure And The Ecological Function Pattern Of Ecotourism's System: Mainly studies the structure of ecotourism's system, and probes into the ecological function pattern and vicissitudinous mechanism of ecotourism's system, then analyzes the factors of vicissitudinous.
    Chapter Three The role Play Of Participators In Ecotourism Scene: The Introduces the role play of participators in ecotourism scene, discusses the role characteristic and role action of participators.
    Chapter Four The Interaction Of Participators In Ecotourism Scene: Studies the interaction of participators and analyzes the ethic among the participators, which make all participators playing roles in a framework of 'game rule' .Under this framework, all participators can balance there benefits and achieve the perfect reaction.
    Chapter five Summarization And Prospect: summarizes the view and conclusion of the paper, and makes the prospect of the future study.
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