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     确定三个家系均为视网膜色素变性X连锁隐性遗传方式。根据计算而得的LOD值判断三个家系均不能排除与RPGR基因和RP2基因连锁的可能。在WYS家系首次检测到了RPGR基因上致病基因突变c.2336_2337insC,突变位于RPGR基因ORF15突变热区,为碱基插入的移码突变,造成翻译水平上多肽链氨基酸种类和顺序改变,蛋白质结构发生变化,引起发病。在WXM家系首次检测到了RP2基因上致病突变c.385 T>A,c.392 G>T,突变位于RP2基因的第2外显子,均为错义突变,造成氨基酸编码错误,引起发病。YYZ家系检测到以报道突变RPGR基因c.2233_2234delAG,碱基缺失造成移码突变,突变位于RPGR基因ORF15突变热区。
     首次检测到RPGR基因上致病基因突变c.2336_2337insC,RP2基因上致病突变c.385 T>A,c.392 G>T。发现RPGR基因上已报道突变c.2233_2234delAG。
     To analyze the linkage status of three Chinese families with X-linked recessive retinitis pigmentosa with the known loci.To find the candidate genes and perform genetic study and mutation screening of these families.
     Materials and Methods
     1.Clinic cases were collected and three X-linked recessive retinitis pigmentosa families were identified by family survey,past medical history,ophthalmologic examinations,combined with ERG if necessary.
     2.Venous blood was collected from research subjects and genomic DNA were extracted.Several STRs ranging from RPGR gene to RP2 gene about 20 cM long were labeled and then amplified by PCR.The haplotype was then identified by SDS-PAGE and argentation.Linkage package was used to calculate LOD scores.
     3.Twelve pairs of primers designed from hot spot ORF15 of RPGR gene and exon sequences of RP2 gene were used to amplify all these exons.PCR were carried out with human genomic DNA as the template.The PCR products were sequenced after being purified.
     4.Mutation was identified by comparing DNA sequences of patients with those of normal controls.If there was any change in the family genome, the DNA sequences of all the family members were analyzed and colony screening was performed.
     The genetic pattern of the three families was confirmed as X-linked recessive.There were possibilities that all three families were linked to RPGR and RP2 gene.Mutation c.2336_2337insC was detected on hot spot ORF15 of gene RPGR in family WYS.It was a single insertion which led to frameshift,resulting in structural changes of its coding protein and subsequent onset of retinitis pigmentosa.Mutation c.385 T>A,c.392 G>T were detected in the 2~(nd) exon of gene RP2 in family WXM.They changed the coding amino acids of the spots and induced the onset of retinitis pigmentosa.Mutation c.2233_2234delAG was detected on hot spot ORF15 of gene RPGR in family YYZ.
     Novel mutations of c.2336_2337insC and c.2233_2234delAG on gene RPGR, and novel mutations of c.385 T>A and c.392 G>T on gene RP2 were identified,among which the mutation of c.2233_2234delAG on gene RPGR has already been reported.
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