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In recent years, the sudden pollution incidents of urban source water in China have increased and they are hard to be detected and tracked in time by automatic monitoring stations because of their fixed positions. Besides these automatic monitoring stations, the commonly mobile monitoring equipments are water quality monitoring trucks or vessels which are manned drived, they need high cost and may bring secondary pollution. What's more, some unmanned monitoring vessels have the shortcomings of large size and bad portability. Therefore, the low-cost and portable mobile online monitoring equipment for water quality is urgent to be developed.
     Based on the analysis of national and international mobile water quality monitoring system applications and their advanced techniques, a small mobile online water quality monitoring system was designed in this paper with the advantages of small size, low cost,fast detection and remote data transmission. It can be used for emergency monitoring and tracking of water pollution incidents, as well as the daily water quality inspection of the source water.
     The main contents of this paper are as follows.
     (1)The development, typical products and disadvantages of the national and international mobile water quality monitoring system were described, and the advanced techniques of the existing products were analyzed.
     (2) The small mobile water quality monitoring system was designed, it consists of the sampling module, monitoring terminal, monitoring center and handheld terminal and it can achieve rapid detection of water quality, high-precision water quality sampling and online evaluation. One sampling module supports the interface of 1 to 8 water quality sensors. The communication and positioning of this system was based on the wireless/GPS.
     (3) The hardware and software of the system had been completed, especially the high-precision sampling circuit and multi-channel water quality sensor interface.
     (4) The water quality evaluation software was finished in the monitoring center server, it could evaluate the source of drinking water based on the real time data which were provided by the mobile online monitoring system.
     The main innovations of this paper are as follows.
     (1) The designed small mobile online water quality monitoring system has some advantages such as small size, low cost, good portability and easy to be operated. It is suitable for mobile monitoring of the surface source water and real-time tracking of unexpected contamination.
     (2) The electronic compass and GPS were used for navigation, which are not only convenient for moving control, but also capable of autonomous navigation.
     (3) The water quality sensors with fast responses meet the needs of mobile testing.
     (4) The water quality evaluation method which is based on water plant process can provide real-time evaluation and early warning information based on the water quality sampling data.
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