梨属(Pyrus L.)植物RAPD反应体系的建立及其应用研究
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梨为蔷薇科(Rosaceae),梨亚科(Pomoideae)之梨属(Pyrus L.)植物。世界梨属植物约有60余种,分布于欧、亚、北美洲及南半球温带地区。我国是世界梨属植物的起源中心之一,蕴藏的梨属种质资源极为丰富。本研究借助RAPD技术对鸭梨及其9个变异系和其它44个梨属植物进行了DNA水平上的研究,旨在探讨RAPD技术在梨树芽变鉴定中的作用;通过对梨属部分种质进行鉴定和亲缘关系分析,解决例如苹果梨等在分类上存在争议的品种的归属问题,为梨属种质的科学利用和分子标记辅助育种提供参考。本研究取得的主要结果如下:
     1.通过系统的比较,反复验证,建立起了梨属植物RAPD分析的优化反应体系,即在25μL的反应体系之中含有100 mM KCl、8 mM (NH_4)_2SO_4、10 mM Tris-HCl(pH9.0)、2.0 mM MgCl_2、200μM dNTP、0.4 μM引物、40ng模板DNA、1.5UTaq DNA聚合酶。经与前人结果进行比较,认为梨属植物RAPD分析的最佳反应条件在不同实验室之间有较强的一致性,只需对引物、Taq DNA聚合酶和Mg~(2+)的用量进行小幅度调整。
     梨属(P))ri’ L.埔物RAPD反应体系的建立及其应用研究
Pyrus plants belonged to Rosaceae, Pomaceae, Pyrus L. There were more than 60 species in the world, which were distributed over Europe, Asia, North America and the Temperate Zone area of the Southern Hemisphere. One of the origin centers of Pyrus was China, which was abundant in Pyrus germplasm resources deposits. Yali pear and it's mutation types and other 44 Pyrus plants were studied using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) technique. This study aimed at discussing the feasibility of RAPD applying on Pyrus germplasm resource, delving the function of RAPD in bud mutation identification of fruits. This study also aimed at delving and clearing the genetic relationships of partly Pyrus germplasm, which could find out the ownership of some cultivars, such as Pingguoli and so on. The main results were as follows:
    1. The optimized RAPD reaction system was established: in a total volume of 25 L, containing 100mM KC1, 8mM (NH4)2SO4, 10mM Tris-HCl(pH9.0), 2.0mM MgCl2, 200 M dNTP, 0.4 M primer, 40 ng template DNA, 1.5U Tag DNA polymerase. This condition was similar to those obtained in other labs, with little different in the concentrations of primer, Taq DNA polymerase and Mg2+.
    2. 18 primers selected from 50 ones were identified to be high polymorphic and were applied on RAPD amplification of 44 Pyrus plants. The amounts of bands were 4-11 and the molecular weight mainly was 450bp-2000bp. A total of 118 DNA bands were amplified, including 11 same bands and 107 polymorphic bands.
    3. Yali pear and it's mutations were studied using RAPD technique at the first time. Four primers were selected from 50 ones. They were S28, S32, S176, and S1450. The
    results amplified based on the four primers as follows:
    (1) Compared to other mutations, the RAPD amplification of ChuizhiYali pear existed one specific band: S32-600.
    (2) Compared to other mutations, all of the RAPD amplifications of WeixianjuYali pear, TianYali pear and ChuizhiYali pear were short of two specific bands: S28-400 and S28-650.
    (3) Compared to other mutations, both of the RAPD amplifications of WeixianjuYali pear and Yanzhuangzihua Yali pear were short of two specific bands: SI76-900 and S176-1150.
    (4) There was no polymorphism among the mutation types, which were polymorphic by primer S1450, but the abundance of S1450-750 of JinxiandaYali pear was changed. The band S1450-750 of JinxiandaYali pear was one strong band, but that of others was one weak band.
    4. Basing on the RAPD data obtained, clustering analyses on the 44 materials of Pyrus were carried out, and the tree diagrams were established by Ward method. The relationships within different systems of Pyrus were discussed.
    5. Aiming at the existent demurral on systematic status of Pingguoli pear, we considered that Pingguoli should belong to White-pear system.
    6. Aiming at the existent demurral on systematic status of Ku'erlexiangli pear, we considered that Kuerlexiangli pear should belong to White-pear system.
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