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The new network application systems bring us great convenience and at the same timethe huge challenges. In these network application systems, the user nodes are all strangers toeach other, and they communicate and share file resources anonymously. Users in the networkcan anonymously publish and share information, sell or buy goods at any time and any place.The lack of reasonable trust management mechanism causes cheats on each other or evenmalicious attacks in the network application system.
     For these reasons, it is very important in theory and in practice to study on theestablishment of rational trust relationship between users in the open network. It could helpsystem users to reduce their iteration risk when making decisions, and help to promote therobustness, security and reliability of the online network application systems.
     In recent years, more and more research institutions and individuals have carried out theresearch on the reputation-based trust management technology, and they have achieved lots ofvaluable experiences. However, due to inherent characteristics of dynamic, complexity andvariability of trust values, trust management still has several problems need to be solved asfollows:
     (1) The current centralized trust management system is incomplete in incentivemechanism.
     Under the centralized architecture, in the aspect of measure and evolution reasoning ofreputation trust values, the current solutions implement the trust accumulation by simplesummation of the evaluation times. They do not solve such problems as the trust incentive,trust penalty, and trust decline by time. So they can not resist the collusion attack and theattack of obtaining high trust value by multiple small transactions.
     (2) The existing distributed trust management systems did not provide the trustintegrity protection mechanism.
     In the aspect of trust data storage and transmission, the current trust data storage schemesdid not considering the integrity protection of trust data in storage process. Furthermore, thepresent solution of the security protection of trust data in transmission process is realized onPKI certificates, which can not solve the problem of high overhead in certificates storage andcertificates management.
     (3) The incentive mechanism of current decentralized trust management systems isincomplete.
     Under the decentralized architecture, in the aspect of measure and evolution reasoning ofreputation trust values, current trust management models implemented the long accumulationprocess of trust values, but they could not distinguish the reliability and credibility ofrecommendation nodes. And so, they could not reflect the dynamic character and thesubjective uncertainty of trust values.
     In this paper, researches on the existing key problems were carried out, and acertificateless based signature scheme was proposed and was introduced into the trustmanagement field to implement the decentralized secure trust data storage. At the same time,based on the bidirectional-incentive and trust-decline mechanism, a centralized trustmanagement model was proposed, and based on recommendation-credibility andtrust-incentive mechanism, a decentralized trust management model was proposed. The mainresearch contents in this paper were summarized in the following four aspects:
     (1) This paper proposed a bidirectional-incentive and trust-decline basedcentralized trust management model.
     To solve the problem of trust incentive mechanisms in current centralized trustmanagement systems, a bidirectional-incentive and trust-decline based trust managementmodel was proposed to implement the efficient trust management in centralized architecture,to complete the trust incentive mechanism in small scale network application systems.
     (2) This paper proposed a decentralized trust data secure storage scheme based onthe certificateless signature technology.
     To solve the problem of lack of integrity protection in trust data storage scheme, abilinear mapping based certificateless signature scheme was proposed and applied into trustdata storage scheme to implement the integrity protection of trust data in storage andtransmission process, and further to promote the system security of trust management.
     (3) This paper proposed a recommendation-credibility and trust-incentive baseddecentralize trust management model.
     To solve the problem of the distinguishability between the recommendation-credibilityand the reliability of recommendation nodes and the problem of the incompleteness of theincentive mechanism in current decentralized trust models, this paper designed therecommendation credibility scheme and the trust decline scheme, and applied them intodecentralized trust management system, to distinguish the recommendation credibility and thereliability of recommendation nodes, and to give the inactive nodes decline punishment, andfurther to improve the efficiency of trust management in large scale network applicationsystems.
     (4) This paper realized a trust management system based on the trust managementtechnologies discussed above.
     Based on previous research contents, a prototype system of trust management wasdesigned and implemented in this paper. An application example in the decentralizedenvironment was also given at last.
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