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Our country is the nation that has huge energy consumption and especiallythat the building energy consumption accounts for nearly30%in the total energyconsumption, whether new or existing buildings, which is the urgent work thatshould be solved right now. The new and market-based energy efficiencymechanism introduced from relatively mature in the developed countries, calledEnergy Performance Contracting, is began to work out to solve this problem byour government. And comprehensive using of legal, economic, technical andnecessary administrative means, based on specific needs of our government,issued a series of policies and measures to promote energy efficiency market,especially with particular emphasis on the use of price, finance, taxation,banking and other economic incentives trying to use market mechanisms toaccelerate the pace of building energy efficiency, and the energy efficiencyservices market has taken to great achievements. However, due to energyefficiency are non-pure public goods, coupled with weak energy efficiencyawareness of the whole society and incentive policies implementation obstacle,incentive funds inefficient using, and at the same time, the government tend toover-focus on hard targets, as output, investment, restricted by the energy,financial and government performance, there are many problems in the supplyand demand of building energy efficiency services market, which needsgovernment reform in single nurturing way of the past, and introducing of newmechanisms to deal with these issues. Therefore, how to efficiently andstandardized government behavior to cultivate energy efficiency services marketto ensure the effective and rational allocation, to solve the problem of supply anddemand, has become a significant scientific problems.
     This article has been deeply excavated building energy services marketcultivation government behavior and its motivation mechanisms based on thedevelopment of building energy efficiency service market realities, andsystematically research the market cultivation government behavior based onsupervision and cultural construction. Main purpose of this article is to embedgovernment behavior as supervision and cultural construction into the existingmodel to improve the existing supply and demand issues, based on the explosionof the government and participants’ behavior mechanism in the current marketmode cultivation of the market. This would provide a theoretical basis topromote building energy efficiency services market development sustainably.
     Based on existing research, this paper revolved around the subjects of thebuilding energy efficiency services market government cultivation behavior,researching respectively from market development issues of the supply anddemand of the market cultivation. It cleared the government motivation ofbuilding energy efficiency services market, and proposed theoretical framework.On this basis of analysis, the government behavior based on supervision andcultural construction are two key markets cultivation behavior.
     The government cultivation behavior based on supervision and culturalconstruction is addressed separately the supply and demand building energysaving service market. On the basis qualitative analysis of the institutionalreasons, the use of game theory, group selection theory and other relatedknowledge constructed government behavior model based on supervision andcultural construction, which explained the government behavior, and thendesigned market cultivation government behavior contracts based on agency byagreement and analyzed the influence of various parameters on the model, to putforward the corresponding control measures to promote construction energyservices market development healthily and orderly.
     Feasible building energy services market cultivation government behaviorpatterns is proposed further, which is, the behaviors based on the supervision andcultural construction embedded into the core of government incentives tomonitor and promote the building energy services market healthy development.
     To validate effectiveness of the mode of government cultivation behaviorbased on supervision and cultural construction, by relative theory of CellularAutomata, government cultivation behavior based on supervision and culturalconstruction is simulated. The evolutionary process of government cultivationbehavior based on supervision and cultural construction and the influence of eachparameter to government behavior are observed clearly and directly so that thesuggestion to regulate the government behavior is proposed pertinently.
     In this paper, focus on current energy efficiency service market developmentproblems and surround the research of the building energy services marketcultivation government behavior, which can further enrich our energy efficiencyservice market cultivation theory and method, in which the supervision andcultural construction of the government behavioral model will be certainsignificance for the building energy efficiency services market.
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