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Stand with dialogue philosophy and existentialism theology, the thought of Martin Buber concerns about the existence of human being in modern world. This is not only represented in his philosophy of mature hood, but also sprouted from his study in youth time. From college time until the first decade of20th century, Buber was involved in Zionism, and interpreted Hasidism and Daoism. Through these three activities, this article attempts to probe into Martin Buber's concern about the existence of human being in modem world, and unfold the connection between the thinking in early time and dialogue philosophy.
     As a student, Buber despaired of the inescapable solitude and alienation of human being in modern world. On the other side, he also acquired a kind of Dionysius enthusiasm from Nietzsche. Meanwhile, under the impact of two teachers in Berlin University, Simmel and Dilthey, Buber crossed over the enthusiasm and began to think about the existence of human being in constructive way. In the sociology of Simmel, Buber found the key point to understand society, the interhuman relationship as a priori structure of society. In the philosophy of Dilthey, Buber acquired a new way to realize the world, Erlebnis, and also a new methodology, Hermeneutic. Based on all these resources of thought, Buber as a college student illuminated his imagination of society in future, in his address about "New Community" and dissertation for doctorate. In Buber's ideal society, every human being would be united with the world, the others, and the scared. The enthusiasm and thinking in college time were deepened in the thought of Buber afterward. In the early time of20th century, Buber was involved in Zionism, interpreted Hasidism and translated Daoism. In these three activities, Buber illustrated a new existence of human being in modern world from three respects, that is culture, religion and oriental spirituality, which represented three meanings, the harmony between human being and society, the communication between human being and God, the unity between human being and world.
     In Hasidism, Buber found an original religious spirituality. Buber summarized four characters in the life of great Hasidism master, which are Hitlahavut, Avodah, Kavanah and Shiflut. Hitlahavut symbolizes a joyful, ecstatic and vigorous life; Avodah and Kavanah establish a communication between daily life and the scared, which lets the individual life is possible to be hollowed and elevated; Shiflut represents the unique of individuation and the responsibility for others. According to Buber, the spirituality represented by these four characters provides a new way of life, in which the existence of human being would overcome the crisis of alienation and separation, and realize the connection between human being and the scared. Through this connection, Buber's Hasidism interpretation transformed the solitude of human being to point at the scared. So religion comes back to the existence of human being by way of religiousness.
     According Buber's view, Zionism is a movement for self-realization of each Jew, and self-regeneration of Jewish people. So he was against the political Zionism, and also not completely agreed with rationalistic culture Zionism. He argued to cultivate a kind of creative Jewish culture, grounded on Jewish art and Jewish education, in order to realize the regeneration of Jewish people and renaissance of Jewish spirituality. The ideal Jewish country of Buber represents a renaissance of Jewish spirituality in long history, in which Jews will get a full free. In the ideal country, there would be a reciprocal relationship and harmony between individual and society. But this ideal was defeated by the real Fin-de-siecle politics in Europe. In1904, because of the disappointment to Zionism, Buber turn around to Hasidism. In Daoism, Buber found the oriental spirituality distinguished from science and law in western culture, which is the teaching of Dao. Due to the unity of Dao, the world is united into one. Tying to the not-knowing and non-action, perfect man could realize the unity of Dao in his daily life, which means to merge into the unity of Dao and world. So the separation would be overcome, and the existence of individuation would get off the complexity of individual world. Buber regarded the teaching of Dao offered a mirror for the western world in the end of century, a kind of unity between human being and Dao, world.
     In his view of Zionism, Buber depicted a ideal society for human being; in Hasidism, Buber found a religious spirituality to hollow daily life; in Daoism, recognized the unity between human being and world. All these three respects consist of Buber's thinking about the existence of human being in modern world in youth.
1 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002. p33
    2 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002. p34
    Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002 p34
    4 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002.p35
    5 Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:A liention and the Quest for Meaning. New York:New York University Press,1989. p27
    6 尼采《偶像的黄昏》。转引自Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber s Social and Religious Thought:Aliention and the Quest for Meaning. Chapter One, Note 27, p273
    'Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber s Social and Religious Thought:Aliention and the Quest for Meaning. p26
    8 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002. p36
    9 "Zarathustra", pp26-27 转引自 Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Aliention and the Quest for Meaning. p28
    10 "Zarathustra",转引自 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p27
    11 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p31
    12 Martin Buber. "Ein Wort Uber Nietzsche und die Lebenswerte", Die Kunst im Leben 1 (December,1900).转引自Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909.注释9,p137
    13 "Ein Wort uber Nietzsche und die Lebenswerte" 转引自 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. p24
    14 "Ein Wort Uber Nietzsche und die Lebenswerte" 转引自 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. pp24-25
    15 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p32
    16 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p33
    17 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Buber Manuscript". Association for Jewish Studies Review, Vol.1(1976) p49
    18 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p34
    19 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p34
    20 "Ein Wort uber Nietzsche und die Lebenswerte" p13.转引自 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. p35.或者 Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:A liention and the Quest for Meaning. p29
    21 参见Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909.p129.在这本著作最后附录了布伯在维也纳、莱比锡和柏林学习期间的注册的课程表。
    22 Raymond Aron. German Sociology. Translated by Mary and Thomas Bottomore. New York:the Free Press of Glencoe.1964
    23 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p48
    24 Georg Simmel. "How is Society Possible" in The American Journal of Sociology, Vol.16, No.3.(Nov,1910). pp376-377
    25 R.H.Weingartner, Experience and Culture:The Philosophy of Georg Simmel. Middletowm, Conn:Wesleyan University press,1960. p.ix
    26 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p27
    27 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p27
    28 Georg Simmel. "The Problem of Sociology" in The American Journal of Sociology, Vol.15, No.3.(Nov,1909). p219
    29 Martin Buber's Preface to Die Gesellschaft.转引自 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture.p127
    30 Martin Buber's Preface to Die Gesellschaft.转引自 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture.p128
    31 Martin Buber's Preface to Die Cesellschaft.转引自 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture.p128-129
    32 见西美尔,“论宗教”。西美尔.《现代人与宗教》 曹卫东等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社2003年.p108
    33 参见西美尔,“论宗教”。西美尔.《现代人与宗教》曹卫东等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社:2003年.p88
    34 参见西美尔,“论宗教”。西美尔.《现代人与宗教》曹卫东等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社:2003年.p104
    35 参见西美尔,“论宗教”。西美尔.《现代人与宗教》 曹卫东等译.北京:中国人民大学出版社2003年.p94
    36 马丁·布伯.《论犹太教》刘杰等译.济南:山东大学出版社2002年.1923年序言p3
    37 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p46
    38 谢地坤.《走向精神科学之路:狄尔泰哲学思想研究》.南京:凤凰传媒出版集团2008年.pp193-194
    39 Steven Kepens. The Text as Thou:Martin Buber's Dialogue Hermeneutics and Narrative Theology. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1992. Chapter One, Note 37. p155
    40 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Bubers Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. Chapter Two, Note 40. p141
    41 需要注意的是,大部分狄尔泰的研究者都将该词翻译成生命,其德语原文是Leben,英文翻译为life,字面意义上都包含“生命”和“生活”的双重含义。狄尔泰在Lebensphilosophie中所言说的Leben既不是一种有机的生命,也不是指日常生活,而是与个人存在联系在一起的,人的整全的生存体验。在本文中,我更倾向于翻译为生活哲学,是因为布伯受到狄尔泰哲学的影响,将人类精神提升看成是一种当下生活中的实现,个人的生存体验要筑基与当下生活现实中,而不是对生活的隐藏和逃遁。
    42 张汝伦.《西方哲学十五讲》.北京:北京大学m版社2003年.p84
    43 谢地坤.《走向精神科学之路:狄尔泰哲学思想研究》.南京:凤凰传媒出版集团2008年.p17
    44 Martin Buber Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr. Translated by Esther Cameron. San. Francisco:Harper & Row, Punlisher,1985. Editor's Introduction, p xiv
    45 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber s Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p49
    46 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p50
    47 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976).p43
    48 参见下一节对布伯在“新社会”圈子演讲的分析。
    49 Martin Buber Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr. Translated by Esther Cameron. San. Francisco:Harper & Row, Punlisher,1985. Editor's Introduction, p xiii
    50 Martin Buber Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr. Translated by Esther Cameron. San. Francisco:Harper & Row, Punlisher,1985. Introduction by Martin Buber. p5
    51 See "Towards Authentic Existence". Martin Buber. Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. Translated from the German and edited by Maurice Friedman. New Jersey:Humanities Press International, Inc,1990. Part One.
    52 "With a Monist" in Martin Buber, Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p27
    53 "With a Monist" in Martin Buber, Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p28
    54 "The Demon in the Dream" in Martin Buber, Pointing the Way:Collected Essays, pp11-12
    55 "The Demon in the Dream" in Martin Buber, Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p13
    56 谢地坤.《走向精神科学之路:狄尔泰哲学思想研究》.南京:凤凰传媒出版集团2008年.p154
    57 Steven Kepens. The Text as Thou:Martin Buber s Dialogue Hermeneutics and Narrative Theology. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1992. p9
    58 Steven Kepens. The Text as Thou:Martin Buber's Dialogue Hermeneutics and Narrative Theology. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1992. pp9-10
    5 Martina Urban. Aesthetics of Renewal:Martin Buber's Early Representation of Hasidism as Kulturkritik. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2008. p16
    60 Martin Buber. The Legend of Baal-Shem. Translated from German by Maurice Friedman. New York:Harper& Row, Punlisher,1955. Introduction by Martin Buber, p x
    61 See Martina Urban. Aesthetics of Renewal:Martin Buber's Early Representation of Hasidism as Kulturkritik.p16.或者Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. Translated from German by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. Foreword.
    62 Martin Buber, "My Way to Hasidism'". In Martin Buber, Hasidism and Modern man. Edited and Translated by Maurice Friedman. New York:Horizon Press,1958. pp61-62
    63 Martin Buber, "Reply to My Critics". In The Philosophy of Martin Buber. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp and Maurice Friedman. Illinois:The Open Court Publishing Co.,1967. p731
    64 Martina Urban. Aesthetics of Renewal:Martin Buber's Early Representation of Hasidism as Kulturkritik. Chicago:University of"Chicago Press,2008. p19
    65 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p49
    66 参见叔本华,“附录:康德哲学批判”。 载[德]叔本华.《作为意志和表象的世界》附录.北京:商务印书馆1982年.p569
    67 [德]叔本华.《作为意志和表象的世界》.北京:商务印书馆1982年.p151
    68 [德]叔本华.《作为意志和表象的世界》.北京:商务印书馆1982年.p168
    69 [德]叔本华.《作为意志和表象的世界》.北京:商务印书馆1982年.p483
    70 [德]叔本华.《作为意志和表象的世界》.北京:商务印书馆1982年.p168
    71 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p52
    72 参见《查拉图斯特拉如是说》第三部分中题为《幻影与谜》节。[德]尼采.《查拉图斯塔拉如是说》钱春绮译.北京:生活、读书、新知三联出版社,2007年.pp178-179
    73 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p53.
    74 [德]尼采.《悲剧的诞生》赵登荣等译.桂林:漓江出版社2000年.p100
    75 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p57.或者他的“Alte und neue Gemeinschaft:An Unpublished Buber Manuscript"', in AJS Review, Vol.1 (1976). p41.这两篇文献作者相同,所根据的原始材料都是来源于布伯的手写稿本(Martin Buber Archive,47/b),但在时间上存却社略微差异,前者认为演讲是在1901年,后者认为手稿作十1900年并在“新社会”聚会上宣读。本文采用前者说法,是因为前者出版时间较晚,另一可能的解释是手稿的确写于1900年,但演讲却是在此之后。
    '6 Paul R.Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript"in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976).p42
    77 "Vom hochsten Wissen" in Das Reich der Erfullung 第1期16页.转引自 Paul R.Flohr and Bernard Susser. "Alte und neue Gemeinschaft:An Unpublished Buber Manuscript".p42
    78 "Die neue Gemeinschaft" Das Reich der Erfullung,第2期.转引自Paul R.Flohr and Bernard Susser."Alte und neue Gemeinschaft:An Unpublished Buber Manuscript".p43
    79 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser. "'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976).p43
    80 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p50
    81 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p46
    82 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p46
    83 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser."'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p46
    84 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989. p58
    85 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p12
    86 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p13
    87 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser. "'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p52
    88 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser. "'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p45
    89 Paul R. Flohr and Bernard Susser. "'Alte und Neue Gemeinschaft':An Unpublished Manuscript" in AJS Review. Vol.1(1976). p44
    90 Martin Buber, "Zur Geschichte des lndividuationsproblems"(Toward a History of the Problem of Individuation). Martin Buber Archive,2/A.布们1904年将论文提交给Friedrich Jodl和Laurenz Mullner两位教授,并在当年答辩通过,该文现存于耶路撒冷的马丁·布们档案馆。
    91 "Zur Geschichte des Individuationsproblems".转引自Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years: From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p35
    92 "Zur Geschichte des Individuationsproblems"转引自Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue: Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1989. p59
    93 Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1989.p59
    94 "uber Jakob Bohme" in Wiener Rundschau. Vol,12 (June 15,1901).关于这篇文章可参见Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1989. pp60-62; Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p39; Phil Huston. Martin Buber's Journey to Presence. New York:Fordham University Press,2007. pp37-39
    95 Maurice Friedman. Martin Buber's Life and Work, Early Years 1878-1923. New York:Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co., Inc.,1981. p77
    96 Phil Huston. Martin Buber's Journey to Presence. New York:Fordham University Press,2007. p38
    97 Phil Huston. Martin Buber's Journey to Presence. New York:Fordham University Press,2007. p38
    98 "Zur Geschichte des Individuationsproblems".转引自Paul Mendes-Flohr. From Mysticism to Dialogue: Martin Buber's Transformation of German Culture. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1989. p60
    99 Grete Schaeder. The Hebrew Humanism of Martin Buber. Translated by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press. p60
    100 参见Israel Cohen, Theodor Herzl:Founder of Political Zionism, New York:Thomas Yoseloff Ltd.1959作者的这篇赫茨尔的传记,就是以“政治犹太复国主义之父”命名的。
    101 [美]卡尔·休斯克.《世纪末的维也纳》李伟译.南京:江苏人民出版社2007年.p150
    102 [美]卡尔·休斯克.《世纪末的维也纳》李伟译.南京:江苏人民出版社2007年.p152
    103 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p35
    104 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p38
    105 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p73
    106 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p72
    107 [美]卡尔·休斯克.《世纪末的维也纳》李伟译.南京:江苏人民出版社2007年,p159
    108 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p81
    109 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p82
    110 [美]卡尔·休斯克.《世纪末的维也纳》李伟译.南京:江苏人民出版社2007年.p162
    111 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p116
    112 Theodor Herzl. The Jewish State. New York:Herzl Press,1970. p47
    113 Theodor Herzl. The Jewish State. New York:Herzl Press,1970. p50
    114 Alex Bein. Theodor Herzl:A Biography. Translated from German by Maurice Samuel. Philadelphia:Press of the Jewish Publication Society,1941. p232
    115 Shlomo Avineri. The Making of Modern Zionism:The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981. p89
    116 [美]阿尔弗雷德·高乔克. 《理性之光——阿哈德·哈姆与犹太精神》徐新张利 游炜等译.呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社1999年.p17
    117 Steven J. Zipperstein Elusive Prophet:Ahad Ha'am and the Origins of Zionism. Berkely and Los Angeles: University of California Press,1993. p1
    118 贤延宾.《阿哈德·哈姆犹太复国主义思想研究》.南京人学哲学系东方哲学与宗教专业博士:论文,2010年8月通过答辩。p14
    119 [美]阿尔弗雷德·.高乔克. 《理性之光——阿哈德.哈姆与犹太精神》徐新张利伟 游炜等译.呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社1999年.p7
    120 Leon Simom. AHAD HA-AM:A Biography. New York:Herzl Press,1960. p171
    121 文章本身参见《犹太复国主义观念:一个历史分析和读本》 "The Jewish State and the Jewish Problem" in The Zionist Idea:A Historical Analysis and Reader Edited and with an Intriduction and Biographical Notes by Arthur Hertzberg. New York:Happer & Row Publishers,1959. pp262-269或者参见Shlomo Avineri. The Making of Modern Zionism:The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State. London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981. p113
    122 "The Jewish State and the Jewish Problem" in The Zionist Idea:A Historical Analysis and Reader Edited and with an Intriduction and Biographical Notes by Arthur Hertzberg. New York:Happer & Row Publishers,1959. pp263-264
    123 "The Jewish State and the Jewish Problem" in The Zionist Idea:A Historical Analysis and Reader Edited and with an Intriduction and Biographical Notes by Arthur Hertzberg. New York:Happer & Row Publishers,1959. pp264-267
    124 Shlomo Avineri. The Making of Modern Zionism:The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981. p116
    125 Shlomo Avineri. The Making of Modern Zionism:The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981. p119
    126 "Flesh and Spirit" in The Zionist Idea:A Historical Analysis and Reader Edited and with an Intriduction and Biographical Notes by Arthur Hertzberg. New York:Happer & Row Publishers,1959. pp256-260
    127 "the Jewish State and the Jewish Problem" in The Zionist Idea:A Historical Analysis and Reader Edited and with an Intriduction and Biographical Notes by Arthur Hertzberg. New York:Happer & Row Publishers,1959. p259
    128 Martin Buber. Hasidism and Modern Man. Edited and Translated by Maurice Friedman. New York:Horizon Press,1958. P57
    129 Maurice Friedman. Martin Buber's Life and Work:Early Years. New York:Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co., Inc.,1981. p37
    130 Maurice Friedman. Martin Buber's Life and Work:Early Years. New York:Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co Inc.,1981. p54
    131 Martin Buber. The Philosophy of Martin Buber. edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp and Maurice Friedman. La Salle: Open Court,1967. p18这里布们既用charisma这个词称赞赫茨尔,也包含着对他独断型性格的批评。
    132 Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books.1991. p65
    133 Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue. edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr;translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books,1991. p74
    134 Martin Bubers Life and Work:Early Years p55
    135 赫茨尔计划接受当时英国殖民大臣约瑟夫·张伯伦(Joseph Chamberlain)的提议,在英国的东非殖民地上分出一部分土地给犹太人建立家园,位于今天的肯尼亚和乌干达境内。
    136 Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books,1991. p97或者Maurice Friedman. Martin Buber's Life and Work:Early Years. New York:Elsevier-Dutton Publishing Co., Inc.,1981. pp62-65
    137 Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books,1991. p97
    138 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,"Theodor Herzl" Freistatt 6, no.29, July 23,1904.转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p149
    139 《赫茨尔与历史》, "Herzl and die Histore" Ost und West 4, no.8(Aug,1904) and no.9(Sept,1904).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and Translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p160
    140 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p151
    142 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p151
    142 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p153
    143 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p152
    144 《西奥多·赫茨尔》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p153
    145 Martin Buber. Hasidism and Modern Man. Edited and Translated by Maurice Friedman. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p58
    146 《他与我们》,"Er und Wir" Die Welt 14, no.20(May 20,1910).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p167
    147 《他与我们》In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p169
    148 《他与我们》In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p170
    149 Jacques Komberg. ed. At the Crossroads:Essays on A had Ha-am. Albany:State University of New York Press, 1983. p146
    150 Ernst Simon. "Martin Buber and German Jewry" in Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook,1958. p12.
    151 Martin Buber, "A Spiritual Center" In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p 118
    152 从阿哈德·哈姆的信件记录来看,布们和阿哈德·哈姆的接触最早开始于1902年。参见Jacques Komberg. ed. At the Crossroads:Essays on Ahad Ha-am. Albany:State University of New York Press,1983.注释3.p199
    153 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Bube's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p86
    154 Martina Urban. Aesthetics of Renewal:Martin Buber's Early Representation of Hasidism as Kulturkritik. Chicago and London:University of Chicago Press,2008.p71
    155 [以马丁·布伯.《论犹太教》刘杰等译.济南:山东大学出版社2002年.p35
    156 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p87
    157 "Der Wagende",转引自Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p88
    158 《大会宣言》Die CongresstribUne", Die Welt 5, No.36(Sept,1901):1-2.转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p28
    159 《大会宣言》.In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p26
    160 《大会宣言》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p27
    161 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p57
    162 《关于第五次犹太复国主义者大会》.Ein Wort zum 5. Kongress", Judische Volksstimme 2,no.24(Jan,15,1902).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p91
    163 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p58
    164 《关于犹太艺术的演讲》"Referat uber judische Kunst", Die Welt 6, no.3, (Jan,17,1902)转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p47
    165 《关于第五次犹太复国主义者大会》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p93
    166 《关于笫五次犹太复国主义者大会》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p95
    167 《关十第五次犹太复国主义者大会》, In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p100
    168 《我的犹太复国主义之路》"Wege zum Zionismus". Die Welt 5, no.51 (Dec.1920,1901):5-6.转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. pp105-109
    169 《我的犹太复国主义之路》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p107
    170 《一个精神中心》 "Ein geistiges Zentrum"Ost und West 2, no.10 (Oct,1902)转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p20
    171 《一个精神中心》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p122
    172 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p63
    173 《一个精神中心》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p126
    174 《关与犹太艺术的演讲》, In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p48
    175 《关于犹太艺术的演讲》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p49
    176 《关于犹太艺术的演讲》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p51
    177 《关于犹太艺术的演讲》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p61
    178 布伯对赫茨尔批评就是认为他不能算是一个真正的、完全的犹太人,只能是半个犹太人,参见《赫茨尔与历史》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p160
    179 《一个精神中心》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p123
    180 《紧迫的工作》,"Gegenwartsarbeit".Die Weit 5, no.6(Feb,8,1901).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p24
    181 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. p66
    182 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,"Das judische Kultur-Problem und der Zionismus'", Die Stimme der Wahrheit:Jahrbuch fur wissenschaftlichen Zionismus. Ed. Lazar Schon, Volume 1(WUrzburg:Verlag N. Philippi,1905).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. pp 176-195
    183 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p183
    184 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. pp183-185
    185 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p186
    186 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. pp187-188
    187 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p188
    188 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p177
    189 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p177
    190 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p178
    191 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p178
    192 《犹太文化问题和犹太复国主义》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p181
    193 《犹太复兴》,"Judische Renaissance" Ost und West,1. no.1 (Jan.1901).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p31
    194 《犹太复兴》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p32
    195 《犹太运动》,"Jusdiche Bewegung" General-Anzeigerfur gesamten Interessen des Judentums 4, no.36(Sept.3,1905).转引自The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999. p172
    196 这半一个需要澄清的问题是,哈斯卡拉发源于西欧,特别是以德国为代表,但布伯所欣赏的却不是这种以西欧为中心的哈斯卡拉运动,而是后来传播到东欧的哈斯卡拉。在他看来,由十西方犹太人丧失了自己的语言并且走出隔都后也没有一种具有凝聚力的社区生活,因此西方犹太人的解放只是一种外在的解放。只有在东欧,虽然物质上不如西欧富裕,但由十对意地绪语和犹太传统的保持,保存r犹太精神的积极性和创造性因素,使得东欧的犹太人成为犹太复兴的关键。参见Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. pp51-54
    197 《犹太运动》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p174
    198 《犹太运动》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. p33
    199 《犹太运动》,In The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. pp33-34
    200 哈西德(Hasidism)是18世纪在波兰兴起的犹太教神秘主义运动,以出神、大众狂热、紧密的社区生活和克理斯马领袖(柴迪克)为显著特征。哈西德派强调个人内在的宗教情感,贬低律法知识,认为通过一种源自内心的真诚祈祷就能与上帝建立活生生的联系。参见Encyclopedia Judaica. Vol.7. "Hasidism". Jerusalem:Keter Publishing House Ltd,1971, p.1390;或者徐新:《犹太文化史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2006年,第171-174页。
    201 Donald J. Moore. Martin Buber:Prophet of Religious Secularism. New York:Fordham University Press,1996. p27
    202 Martin Buber. For the Sake of Heaven, New ed. Trans. Ludwig Lewisohn. New York:Harper Torchbooks, 1996. Introduction, p.xii
    203 Martin Buber. The Tales of Haisidsm. With a new Foreword by Chaim Potok. New York; Schoken Books Inc, 1991. p ⅷ
    204 Martin Buber. The Origin and Meaning of Hasidism. Ed and Trans by Maurice Friedman. New York:Harper Torchbooks,1966, "Author's Forward"(1959). p22
    205 布伯创造的这个词原文足德语Vergegnung。在英文中被翻译成mismeeting或者miscounter。参见Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York: Routledge,2002, p22
    206 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York:Routledge,2002. p23
    207 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. pp55-56
    208 Martin Buber. Meetings:Autobiographical Fragments,3ed. Ed and Introduced by Maurice Friedman. New York:Routledge,2002. p25
    209 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p53
    210 柴迪克是哈西德社区的领袖,被认为是神圣之人,是人与上帝之间的沟通者,使人亲近上帝,也使上帝施恩于人。参见Encyclopedia Judaica. Vol7. "Hasidism". Jerusalem:Keter Publishing House Ltd,1971, p.1406
    211 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. P54
    212 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. P57
    213 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p57
    214 Dan Avnon. Martin Buber:The Hidden Dialogue. Lanham Md:Rowman &Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,1998. pp24-25
    215 其中特别能与他志同道合地讲述哈西德故事的是犹太作家S.Y Agnon,他于1966年获诺贝尔文学奖。1924年,一场大火烧毁了他的希伯来藏书室和所有手稿,其中就有他与布伯一起收集并计划出版的哈西德文集。参见Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books,1991. P22
    210 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. P59
    217 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. P62
    218 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. pp63-68
    219 Maurice Friedman. Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue. Fourth Edition. London:Routledge,2002. p17
    220 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956, p4
    221 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956, p5
    222 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956, p6
    223 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956, p6
    224 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956, p8
    225 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p10
    226 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956.p11
    227 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956.p12
    228 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. pp12-13
    229 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. Foreward.
    230 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p21
    231 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956 pp21-22
    232 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956 p24
    233 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p30
    234 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956.p31
    235 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p34
    236 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956.pp19-20
    237 T Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p27
    238 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p28
    239 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. pix
    240 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p x
    241 Baal Shem Tov的意思是“通晓神名的人”,与Master of the God's name(美名大师)是同样的意思。参见Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p11
    243 [美]大卫.·鲁达夫斯基.《近现代犹太宗教运动:解放与调整的历史》傅有德李伟刘平译.济南:山东大学出版社1996年版.p130
    244 "Israel Ben Eliezer BA'AL SHEM TOV" in Encyclopaedia Judaica. Volume 9. New York:The Macmillan Company,1971 p1050
    245 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. p12
    246 Martin Buber. "My Way to Hasidiam" In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p49247 将布伯的作品划分为1919年以前(或1923年以前)和以后两个阶段是布伯传记作者的通常做法。布伯自己也认为《我与你》是他生命中的转折点。精确的分水岭的年份在1919(可能最早到1916)到1923年之间。学者们通过提出各种各样的关于影响和决定布伯转向因素的见解来讨论精确的日期,尽管如此,所有人都认为布伯成熟时期的标志是《我与你》的出版。参见Dan Avnon. Martin Buber:The Hidden Dialogue. Maryland:Rowman & Litterfield Publishers, Inc.1998. p35
    248 Martin Buber. Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958.Editor's Introduction, pp14-15
    249 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p3
    250 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p7
    251 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p9
    252 Geiya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Alabama,1995. pp103-104
    253 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p10
    254 埃洛希姆(Elohim)是希伯来语中对“上帝”的另一种称谓,在《希伯来圣经》中出现多达2500多次,是犹太人对上帝的主要称呼之一。参见徐新凌继尧主编:犹太百科全书[M],上海:上海人民出版社1993年,第557页
    255 犹太人对上帝的称呼之一(“存在于内心中的”):存在于世界中并与以色列人一起流放的神灵,在人们中间的神的显现。参见马丁·布伯:《论犹太教》,刘杰等译,济南:山东大学出版社,2002年,第197页,注释3
    256 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p13
    257 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p16
    258 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p15
    259 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. pp19-20
    260 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p22
    261 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p28
    262 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p30
    263 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p37
    264 Gershom Gerhard Scholem是现代最负盛名的犹太神秘主义研究学者,其主要贡献在于对喀巴拉文献的整理和研究。其主要著作包括《犹太教神秘主义主流》、《关于喀巴拉及其象征主义》、《犹太教中的弥赛亚观念及关于犹太精神性的其他论文》等。其中《犹太神秘主义主流》已有中文本,涂笑非译,四川人民出版社2000年。另外一本译成中文的著作是他关于本雅明的回忆录,[以]G·肖勒姆.《本雅明——一个友谊的故事》[M].朱刘华译.上海:上海世纪出版集团2009年。关于其生平和思想可参见他的白传,From Berlin to Jerusalem:Memories of My Youth. New York:Schocken Books,1980,.或者Gershom Scholem:the man and his work, edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr, New York:State University of New York Press,1994
    265 Jon D. Levenson. "The Hermeneutical Defense of Buber's Hasidism:A Critique and Counterstatement" in Modern Judaism. Vol.11, No.3(Oct,1991). pp302-303
    266 G·肖勒姆《本雅明——一个友谊的故事》.上海:上海世纪出版集团2009年8月,p5。在该书中,索伦讲述了自己与本雅明第一次见面时,就聊起了当时在犹太青年群体中非常有影响的布伯。他一方面对本雅明对布们的轻蔑表示反感,同时也完全支持本雅明对战争的立场。
    267 Martin Buber. The Letters of Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schoken Books,1991,p33
    268 Gershom Scholem, "Martin Buber's Hasidism. A Critique", Commentary,32, No.4 (October 1961). The whole essay is on pp 304-316.
    269 在论文集中,索伦又添加一个针对布伯所做回应的附录,补充说明自己的观点。参见 Gershom Scholem, "Martin Buber's Hasidism Interpreting". In The Messianic Ideal in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. New York:Schocken Books,1976. pp228-250
    270 Kristi A. Groberg, "The Life and Influence of Simon Dubnov (1860-1941):An Appreciation". In Modern Judaism, Vol.13, No.l(Feb,1993) p72
    271 Gershom Scholem, "Martin Buber's Hasidism Interpreting". p233
    272 Gershom Scholem, "Martin Buber's Hasidism Interpreting". p234
    273 参见布伯关于虔敬(kavana)的论述,Martin Buber, "The Life of the Hasidism". In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p99
    274 Laurence J. Silberstein Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Alienation and the Quest of Meaning. New York:New York University,1989. p54
    215 参见布伯在崇敬(avoda)概念中关于简单人(simple man)的论述Martin Buber, "The Life of the Hasidism". In Hasidism and Modern Man. New York:Horizon Press,1958. p94
    276 Gershom Scholem. "Martin Buber's Hasidism Interpreting". p245
    277Gershom Scholem, "Martin Buber's Hasidism Interpreting". pp247-248
    278 Martin Buber, "Interpreting Hasidism", in Commentary 36, No.3, Sep,1963. pp218-225也可参见布伯对沙茨-乌芬海默批评的回应。Martin Buber, "Reply to My Critics". In Philosophy of Martin Buber, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp and Maurice Friedman. La Salle:Open Court,1967. pp731-741
    279 Martin Buber, "Interpreting Hasidism", in Commentary 36, No.3, Sep,1963. p218
    280 Martin Buber, "My Way to Hasidism". In Hasidism and Modern man. pp61-62.
    281 Martin Buber, "Reply to My Critics". In The Philosophy of Martin Buber. P731
    282 希们来语:(?)其意思是指“亲近上帝”,是犹太神秘主义传统中的核心概念,特别是在喀巴拉和哈西德中。参见Gershom Scholem, "Devekut, or Communion with God". In The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. New York:Schocken Books,1976. p203
    283 Martin Buber, "Interpreting Hasidism". p222
    284 Martin Buber, "Interpreting Hasidism". p224
    285 Maurice Friedman, "Interpreting Hasidism:the Buber-Scholem Controversy" in Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, Vol.33 (1988), pp449
    286 参见Steven D. Kepnes, "A Hermeneutic Approach to the Buber-Scholem Controversy," In Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol.38 (1987); Laurence J. Silberste, Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought. pp53-70.前者用哲学解释学的方法为布伯的哈西德解释辩护,主要是狄尔泰和伽达默尔的解释学理论。后者用文学批评的理论为布伯辩护,主要依赖罗蒂等人的强文本解释学方法。
    287 Gershom Scholem, On Jews and Judaism in Crisis:Elected Essays. New York:Schocken Books,1976. p19
    288 Laurence J. Silberstein Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Alienation and The Quest of Meaning. New York:New York University,1989. Introduction, p1-3
    289 Steven D. Kepnes. "Buber as Hermeneut:Relations to Dilthey and Gadamer" in The Havard Theological Review. Vol.81 No.2p193
    290 Martin Buber. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman, trans by Maurice Friedman. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1956. Foreword.
    291 Paul Mendes-Flohr and Jehuda Reinharz, eds. Jews in Modern World. New York:Oxford University Press, 1980. pp310-28
    292 参见布伯的诗An Narcissus", chapter 3.这首诗也收录在The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. edited and translated from German by Gilya G. Schmidt. New York,1995. pp9-11
    293 Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Alienation and the Quest for Meaning. New York:New York University Press,1989. P48
    294 Martin Buber. The Legend of the BAAL-SHEM,2ed. New York:Routledge,2002. p29
    295 Laurence J. Silberstein. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Alienation and the Ouest for Meaning. New York:New York University Press,1989. P44
    296 Gilya Gerda Schmidt. Martin Buber's Formative Years.From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1995. pp91-92
    297 Paul Mendes-Flohr, "Fin de-Siecle Orientalism, the Ostjuden and the Aesthetics of Jewish Self-Affirmation". In Divided Passions:Jewish Intellectuals and the Experience of Modernity. Detroit:Wayne State University Press, 1991. p80
    298 Martin Buber. Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr and Translated by Esther Cameron. New York:Harper & Row Publishers,1985. Editor's Introduction, pxiii
    299 Martin Buber. Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr and Translated by Esther Cameron. New York:Harper & Row Publishers,1985. Editor's Introduction, pp xvii-xviii
    300 Martin Buber. Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr and Translated by Esther Cameron. New York:Harper & Row Publishers,1985. Editor's Introduction, p xiv
    301 [奥地利]维特根斯坦.《逻辑哲学论》 贺绍甲译.北京:西务印书馆1996年.p104
    302 Martin Buber. Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr and Translated by Esther Cameron. New York:Harper & Row Publishers,1985. Introduction by Martin Buber. p10
    303 Martin Buber. Ecstatic Confessions. Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr and Translated by Esther Cameron. New York:Harper & Row Publishers,1985. Introduction by Martin Buber. p1
    304 Martin Buber. Chinese Tales:zhuangzi:Sayings and parables and Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. Translated by Alex Page. With an Introduction by Irene Eber. Atlantic Highlands:Humanities Press International, 1991.Introduction, pix
    305 他在与布伯的通信中经常署名为Chingdao Wang, C. Wang, Ch, Wang.而Irene Eber在Chinese Taels的导言中认为是Wang Jingdao。不过在后来的论文,她接受了Wang Ching-t'ao的拼法。参见Jonathan R. Herman. I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press.导言注释7, p205
    306 Martin Buber. Chinese Tales:zhuangzi:Sayings and parables and Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. Translated by Alex Page. With an Introduction by Irene Eber. Introduction, p xi
    307 Martin Buber. Chinese Tales:zhuangzi:Sayings and parables and Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. Translated by Alex Page. With an Introduction by Irene Eber. Introduction, p xi
    308 Martin Buber. "China and Us", in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. Translated from the German and Edited by Maurice Friedman. New Jersey:Humannities Press International, Inc.,1990. ppl 22-124
    309 Maurice Friedman. "Martin Buber and Asian" in Philosophy East and West, Vol 26, No.4 (Oct,1976). p422
    310 《庄子》篇目的划分在郭象之前就已经存在,小过最初是内外篇的划分,后来才又从外篇中区分出杂篇。一种观点认为是准南王刘安及其门客最初作出了内外篇之划分,张恒寿现在《庄学新探》中持此观点;另一认为是刘向校对整理面成,崔大华在《庄学研究》中持此观点。“《庄子》篇目划分经历两个阶段:先有将全书作内、外篇之划分,这是汉代刘向所为;然后由外篇中分出杂篇的划分,这是魏晋时期由司马彪开始、郭象完成的”。参见张恒寿,《庄学新探》,湖北人民出版社1983年,第22页。崔大华,《庄学研究》,人民出版社1992年,第60页。
    311 刘笑敢,《庄了哲学及其演变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1987。《文献疏证》第一章和第二章。
    312 崔大华,《庄学研究》,北京:人民出版社:1992年,第96页。
    313 A. C. Graham Chuang-Tzu:The Inner Chapters. Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Co.2001.
    314 Jonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber s Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press. Introduction, p3
    315 参见Jonathan R. Herman. I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press. Chapter One, note 1. p241,或者 Martin Buber. Chinese Tales:zhuangzi:Sayings and parables and Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. Translated by Alex Page. With an Introduction by Irene Eber. Introduction, p ⅸ
    316 Jonathan R. Herman,I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press, note 8, p209
    317 [清]郭庆藩《庄子集释》上.王孝鱼校.北京:中华书局1961年.pp91-92
    318 Jonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press, pi 8
    319 [清]郭庆藩《庄子集释》上.王孝鱼校.北京:中华书局1961年.p108
    320 Jonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press. 注释 8. p205.
    321 [英]詹姆斯·乔治·弗雷泽.《金枝》,徐育新等译.背景:大众文艺出版社,1998-pp75-91
    322 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. Translated from the German and Edited by Maurice Friedman. New Jersey:Humanities Press International, Inc. p32
    323 布伯用这个术语主要强调教导要求的内在统一性。其德语原文是“das Eine, das not tut", Jonathan Herman在《我与道》中翻译为the one that is necessary,而Maurice Friedman在《指路》中翻译为the one thing needful.
    324 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p34
    325 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p34
    326 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays.pp34-35
    327 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p38
    328 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p39
    329 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p40
    330 Ibid.布伯引用的这段话并未标明出处,但类似于《史记》中对老子生平和思想的叙述,乔纳森教授认为所有传记方面的引用都来自于《史记》。参见lonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press.注释15,p232.而《史记·老庄申韩列传》原文是“老子修道德,其学以自隐无名为务。居周久矣,见周之衰,遂西去。至关,关令尹喜日:‘子将隐矣,强为我著书’。于是老子遂著书上下篇,言道德之意五千余言而去,莫知其所终。”
    331 知其白,其守黑”语出《道德经·二十八章》。但布们显然是按照自己的理解翻译了这句话。
    332 语见《庄了·天道》,参见《庄了集释》(上),p489
    333 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p42
    334 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p43
    335 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p44。语出《史记·老庄申韩列传》,原文是“我宁游戏污渎之中白快,无为有国者所羁,终身不仕,以快开志”。
    336 布伯翻译的The Useless Tree参见Jonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press. pp16-17.语出《庄子·逍遥游》,参见《庄子集释》(上),pp39-40
    337 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p45.布伯将赫拉克利特的逻各斯思想看作是最接近中国道家思想中道的观念。
    338 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p46
    339 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p46语见《道德经·一章》
    340 语出《庄子·齐物论》,参见《庄子集释》p63。布伯这里碎片式引用,从《齐物论》的一段话中选出这两句。原文是“道恶乎隐而有真伪?言恶乎隐而有是非?道恶乎往而不存?言恶乎存而不可?道隐于小成,言隐于荣华。故有儒墨之是非,以是其所非而非其所是。欲是其所非而非其所是,则莫若以明。”
    341 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p47语出《道德经·三十九章》。
    342 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p47
    343 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p48.语出《庄子·齐物论》。参见《庄子集释》(上),p79
    344 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. pp49-50
    345 Martin Buber."The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p51
    346 Martin Buber. "'The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p51.语出《庄子.·齐物论》,参见《庄子集释》p79。不过布伯只是片段性的引用两句话的前半段。
    347 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p51.语出《庄子·逍遥游》,参见《庄子集释》pll
    348 "The Butterfly".参见Jonathan R. Herman. I and Tao:Martin Buber s Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press. p21.语出《庄子·齐物论》,参见《庄子集释》p112
    349 "The Conditioned and the Unconditioned"参见Jonathan R. Herman. I and Tao:Martin Buber s Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press, p18.语出《庄子.·齐物论》,参见《庄子集释》 pp97-108
    350 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p52.语见《道德经·.四十七章》
    351 "The Organ-Playing of Heaven"参见Jonathan R. Herman.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. New York:State University of New York Press, p17.语出《庄子·齐物论》,参见《庄了集释》pp43-51
    352 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p54.语出《道德经·.二章》
    353 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p53.语出《庄子·天运》,参见《庄子集释》p519,p522
    354 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p54.语出《庄子·在宥》,参见《庄子集释》p369
    355 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p55.语出《道德经·四十九章》
    356 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p55.语出《道德经·二十九章》
    357 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p56,语出《道德经·五十七章》
    358 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p56语出《道德经·五十七章》
    359 Martin Buber. "The Teaching of Dao" in Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. p56语出《道德经·七十五章》
    360 Martin Buber,1 and Thou. Translated by Ronald George Smith. Edinburgh and London:Morrison and Gibb Ltd,1937. pv
    361 马丁·布伯.《我与你》陈维刚译.北京:生活·读书、新知三联书店,1986年.p149
    362 马丁·布伯.《我与你》陈维刚译.北京:生活·读书、新知三联书店,1986年.pp20-21
    363 马丁·布伯.《我与你》陈维刚译.北京:生活·读书、新知三联书店,1986年.pp26-28
    364 马丁·布们.《我与你》陈维刚译.北京:生活·读书、新知三联书店,1986年.pp137-140
    Buber, Martin.I and Thou. Translated by Ronald George Smith. Edinburgh and London: Morrison and Gibb Ltd,1937
    Buber, Martin. At the Turning:Three Addresses on Judaism. New York:Farrar, Straus and Young,1952
    Buber, Martin. The Legend of Baal-Shem. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman. New York:Harper,1955
    Buber, Martin. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman. New York:Horizon Press,1956
    Buber, Martin. Hasidism and Modern Man. Edited and Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman. New York:Horizon Press,1958
    Buber, Martin. Pointing the Way:Collected Essays. Edited and translated with an introduction by Maurice S. Friedman. New York:Harper & Row,1963
    Buber, Martin. On Judaism. Edited by Nahum N. Glatzer. New York:Schocken Books,1972
    Buber, Martin. The Letters of Martin Buber:A Life of Dialogue. Edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and Paul Mendes-Flohr; translated by Richard and Clara Winston and Harry Zohn. New York:Schocken Books,1991
    Buber, Martin. Chinese Tales:Zhuangzi Saying and Parables and Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. Translated from the German by Alex Page. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press International,1991.
    Buber, Martin. The First Buber:Youthful Zionism Writings of Martin Buber. Edited and Translated from German by Gilya Gerda Schimidt. New York:Syracuse University Press,1999
    Buber, Martin. Meetings:Autographical Fragments.3rd. Introduced by Maurice Friedman London:Routledge,2002
    Friedman, S. Maurice. Martin Buber's Life and Work:The Early Years(1878-1923). New York:E. P. Dutton,1981
    _________, Martin Buber:The Life of Dialogue. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1955
    _________, The Philosophy of Martin Buber. Edited together with Paul Arthur Schilpp. La Salle,I11:Open Court,1967
    Herman, R. Jonathan.I and Tao:Martin Buber's Encounter with Chuang Tzu. Albany:State University of New York Press,1996
    Kepnes, Steven. The Text as Thou:Martin Buber's Dialogue Hermeneutic and Narrative Theory. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1992
    Mendes-Flohr, A. Paul. From Mysticism to Dialogue:Martin Buber's Transformation of German Social Thought. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1989
    _________, Martin Buber:A Contemporary Perspective. New York:Syracuse University Press,2002
    _________, German Jews:A Dual Identity. New Haven, Conn.:Yale University Press,1999
    _________, Divided Passions:Jewish Intellectuals and the Experience of Modernity. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1991
    Moore, J. Donald. Martin Buber:The Prophet of Religious Secularism.2nd Ed. New York:Fordham University Press,1996
    Schaeder, Grete. The Hebrew humanism of Martin Buber. Translated from German by Noah J. Jacobs. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1973
    Schimidt, G Gerda. Martin Buber's Formative Years:From German Culture to Jewish Renewal,1897-1909. Alabama:The University of Alabama Press,1995
    Scholem, G Gershom, Messianic Ideas in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. New York:Schocken Books,1971
    _________, On Jews and Judaism in Crisis:Selected Essays. Edited by Werner J. Dannhauser New York:Schocken Books,1976
    _________, From Berlin to Jerusalem:Memories of My Youth. New York:Schocken Books,1980
    Silberstein, J. Laurence. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought:Alienation and the Quest for Meaning. New York:New York University Press,1989
    Urban, Martina. Aesthetics of Renewal:Martin Buber's Early Representation of Hasidism as Kulturkritik. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2008
    Vermes, Pamela. Buber. London:Halban Press,1988
    _________, Buber on God and Perfect Man. Chico, Calif.:Scholars Press,1980

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