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     通过以上研究发现,母体日粮蛋白水平影响到血清中胰岛素及氨基酸的水平,是否影响其下游信号,从而影响骨骼肌的蛋白合成?是否其它因素也参与影响骨骼肌的蛋白合成?我们运用Western blotting方法检测了胰岛素的下游信号胰岛素受体(Insulin receptor,IR)和Akt的蛋白表达,同时检测了氨基酸下游蛋白质合成关键因子——p70S6K和eIF4E的表达。用Real-time PCR检测了肌肉发育相关基因(MSTN、 MyoD、MEF2和Myogenin)及氨基酸下游相关基因的表达,结果发现,母体日粮蛋白水平并没有影响胰岛素的下游信号,但母体低蛋白日粮显著下调了子代断奶阶段氨基酸下游蛋白合成关键因子p70S6K和eIF4E的磷酸化水平(P<0.05),并显著下调了氨基酸下游信号eIF2a的表达(P<0.05);同时我们还发现母体低蛋白日粮显著降低了断奶仔猪氨基酸信号下游关键基因ATF4、LAT1和CHOP的表达(P<0.05),然而对肌肉发育相关的基因除MSTN外,并无显著影响。MSTN是氨基酸敏感基因,并且对骨骼肌蛋白质的合成起重要的调节作用。母体低蛋白日粮,显著降低了子代断奶阶段背最长肌MSTN的mRNA水平(P<0.05),但显著上调了育肥阶段MSTN的mRNA水平(P<0.05)。于是,我们检测了MSTN的受体ACVR2B和ALK5的表达,并检测了其下游信号smad2/3、p38-MAPK、ERK和JNK及其磷酸化形式的表达。结果发现,低蛋白组断奶阶段背最长肌ACVR2B的:mRNA水平显著升高(P<0.05),ALK5的nRNA水平有升高的趋势(P=0.073);smad2和p38-MAPK的磷酸化水平显著升高;而育肥猪两组之间没有显著差异,提示母体日粮蛋白水平可能通过氨基酸和MSTN信号通路影响子代断奶阶段骨骼肌蛋白的合成。
     由以上的研究,我们发现母体日粮蛋白水平对MSTN的mRNA水平在断奶和育肥阶段的影响截然相反,为探索母体程序化作用的机制,我们运用Western blotting方法检测背最长肌MSTN转录因子(FOXO1、MyoD、CREB和C/EBPβ在核内的表达。结果显示,到断奶阶段,低蛋白组C/EBPβ (LAP*)在核中的表达显著降低(P<0.05);提示C/EBPβ可能参与MSTN的转录调控。而到育肥期C/EBPβ的蛋白表达,两组之间均无显著差异。为了探讨C/EBPβ是否参与MSTN的转录调控,采用染色质免疫共沉淀(ChIP)方法检测了C/EBPβ在MSTN启动子区的结合情况。结果发现,断奶阶段,低蛋白组C/EBPβ与MSTN启动子区的3个预测的结合位点的结合情况显著降低(P<0.05),而育肥阶段,低蛋白组C/EBPβ与3个预测的结合位点中的2个的结合情况显著升高(P<0.05);这与MSTN的mRNA水平变化一致,提示C/EBPβ参与MSTN的转录调控。为探索表遗传是否参与MSTN的转录调控,运用ChIP方法检测了MSTN启动子区的组蛋白修饰情况,结果显示,育肥阶段,低蛋白组组蛋白的乙酰化水平显著升高(P<0.05),组蛋白H3第9位赖氨酸的一甲基化(H3K9me1)水平显著降低(P<0.05),而组蛋白H3第27位赖氨酸的三甲基化(H3K27me3)水平显著升高(P<0.05),而断奶阶段两组之间组蛋白的修饰并无显著差异,提示组蛋白的修饰可能参与了育肥阶段MSTN的转录调控。Real-time PCR险测了以MSTN为靶的miRNA的表达,发现育肥阶段低蛋白组miR-500和miR-136的表达显著降低(P<0.05),miR-27a的表达有下降的趋势(P=0.057),而断奶阶段两组之间miRNA的表达并无显著变化,提示miRNA可能参与了育肥阶段MSTN的转录调控。以上结果提示:妊娠和哺乳期间母体日粮蛋白水平影响MSTN的转录调节,并且这一影响呈阶段特异性。断奶阶段MSTN的转录调节可能由C/EBPβ介导,而育肥阶段MSTN的转录不仅由C/EBPβ调节,而且表遗传因素——组蛋白修饰和miRNA也参与其调节。
Myostatin (MSTN) is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth factor. Since MSTN was discovered, the researches about it were focused on the effects of gene knockout or over-expression on muscle and effects on cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro. Recent studies have shown that, MSTN can reduce muscle hypertrophy by inhibition of skeletal muscle protein synthesis, thereby affect muscle growth. However, the signaling pathways of MSTN regulating protein synthesis are not clear. Skeletal muscle is susceptible to nutritional programming, demonstrating high plasticity of muscle fiber phenotype in response to maternal undernutrition or protein restriction during pregnancy and/or lactation. Our previous study found that maternal dietary protein levels can change MyHCIIb gene expression in skeletal muscle of offspring Meishan pigs, and the effects are stage-specific, namely short-term and long-term effects.However, it is not clear whether maternal dietary protein affect protein synthesis and the expression of MSTN in LD muscle, or the effects are stage-specific. Furthermore, the mechanisms underlying such stage-dependent regulation of gene expression in response to maternal nutrition have not been elucidated. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the effects of maternal dietary protein during gestation and lactation on offspring skeletal muscle MSTN activity and transcriptional regulation in Meishan pigs and its mechanism.
     1Effects of maternal dietary protein level on the levels of insulin and free amino acid in the plasma and cross-sectional area of muscle fiber of offspring at weaning and finishing stages
     Meishan sows were fed traditionally on low-protein diets, whereas the standard commercial diets contain at least2folds higher crude protein. In this study,14primiparous purebred Meishan sows were fed on either low-protein (6%and7%) or standard-protein (12%and14%) diets, during gestation and lactation, respectively. Newborn pigs were counted and individually weighed at parturition. Litter size was adjusted to7to8pigs per litter at24h post farrowing in the same group. Newborn piglets were allowed free access to their mothers and weaned at35days (d) of age. After weaning, piglets were raised following the standard feeding regimen with the starter, grower and finisher diets recommended for the breed. Male pigs were killed at weaning (35days of age) and finishing (8months of age) stages, and the myofiber characteristics were observed.
     The longissimus dorsi (LD) was taken for measuring the cross-sectional areas using HE staining, determination muscle protein concentration using bicinchonininc acid (BCA). The levels of insulin and free amino acids in plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay and amino acid auto-analyzer, respectively. The results showed that:Body weight, LD muscle weights and muscle protein concentrations were significantly lower(p<0.05) in LP piglets at weaning stage with decreased cross-sectional area muscle fiber (CSA)(p<0.05). The levels of insulin and free amino acid were decreased significantly in LP piglets at weaning stage (p<0.01).At finishing stage, none of body weight, muscle weight or muscle protein concentration was affected by maternal dietary protein, so did insulin or free amino acid in plasma. However, cross-sectional area of muscle fiber was showed a tendency of increase (p=0.057) in LP pigs. These results suggest that maternal dietary protein level may regulate the growth of skeletal muscle by affecting skeletal muscle protein synthesis in pigs at weaning stage.
     2Effects of maternal dietary protein levels on the downstream signal of insulin and amino acid and MSTN downstream signal pathway in LD muscle of offspring at weaning and finishing stages
     As mentioned above, maternal dietary protein levels changed the levels of insulin and free amino acids in plasma, and did it affect their downstream signal or not? We investigated insulin receptor (Insulin receptor, IR) and Akt protein expression of insulin downstream signaling and protein aynthesis key factors of amino acid downstream signaling using Western blotting. We detected the expression of genes (MSTN,MyoD, MEF2and Myogenin) related to muscle development and amino acid downstream signal genes using Real-time PCR.We found that maternal dietary protein levels did not affect downstream of insulin signaling, but maternal low dietary protein decreased protein aynthesis key factors p70S6K and eIF4E activity of amino acid downstream signal significantly (p<0.05),and reduced eIF2a expression of amino acid downstream signal in LD muscle of offspring at weaning stage. We also found that the expression of ATF4, LAT1and CHOP of amino acid downstream signal were decreased significantly in LP piglets at weaning stage (p<0.05),but the expression of muscle development related genes were not affected except MSTN.MSTN is susceptive to amino acid, and it played an important role in skeletal muscle protein syntheis. Maternal low dietary protein decreased MSTN mRNA levels significantly in LP piglets at weaning stage, but the MSTN mRNA level was increased in LP pigs significantly at finishing stage (P<0.05). Thus, we examined the expression of MSTN receptor (ACVR2B and ALK5) and the changes of its downstream signal smad2,3, p38-MAPK, ERK, JNK and their phosphorylation forms. The results showed that ACVR2B mRNA levels was significantly increased (p<0.05) and ALK5mRNA levels showed a trend of increase in LP piglets at weaning stage (p=0.073), the phosphorylation levels of smad2and p38-MAPK were significantly increased in LP piglets at weaning stage. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences between the two groups at finishing stages.Our results suggested that maternal dietary protein levels may affect muscle protein synthesis by amino acid and MSTN signaling pathways at weaning stage.
     3The molecular mechanism of maternal dietary protein level affecting transcriptional regulation of MSTN gene
     From the above, we found that the effects of maternal dietary protein on MSTN expression were distinct at weaning and finishing stages. To investigate the mechanism of maternal programming, we detected the expression of MSTN transcription factors (FOXO1, MyoD, CREB and C/EBPβ) in nuclear lysates of LD muscle by western blot analysis. Significantly lower (p<0.05) C/EBPβ (LAP*) protein content was detected in LD muscle of LP piglets. It suggested that C/EBPP may be involved in transcriptional regulation of MSTN. But it was no difference between the two groups at finishing stage. In order to clarify whether diminished C/EBPβ protein content in nuclear lysates takes part in the transcriptional regulation of MSTN,we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis with anti-C/EBPβ antibody followed by qPCR assay using2pairs of specific primers to amplify MSTN promoter regions containing3putative binding sites for C/EBPP, respectively. The ChIP-qPCR analysis revealed significantly (p<0.05) decreased C/EBPβ binding to all the three binding sites on MSTN promoter in LP piglets at weaning stage. The results indicate that maternal low-protein diet decreases both nuclear content of C/EBPβ protein and C/EBPβ binding to the promoter of MSTN gene, which may be responsible for the down-regulation of MSTN mRNA expression in offspring pigs at weaning. However, the binding of C/EBPβ to putative binding sites2/3at MSTN promoter region was significantly up-regulated (p<0.05) in LP pigs, which was in agreement with the up-regulated MSTN mRNA expression. To determine whether histone modifications, including histone acetylation and methylation, on the promoter of MSTN gene are involved in the transcriptional regulation of MSTN gene, we performed ChIP assay with specific antibodies against4respective histone modification marks, namely acetyl-H3(H3ac), H3K4me3, H3K27me3and H3K9me1.At finishing stage, LP pigs showed increased level of H3ac (p<0.05) and H3K27me3(p<0.01), but decreased H3K9mel (p<0.05) on the promoter of MSTN gene in LD muscle. H3K4me3did not differ between the two groups. None of the histone modification marks showed differences between SP and LP piglets at weaning. Those results imply the involvement of histone modifications in the programming effect of maternal dietary protein on transcriptional regulation of MSTN gene at finishing stage. We also checked the expression of miRNAs predicted to target MSTN. The expression of ssc-miR-136and ssc-miR-500was reduced significantly (p<0.05) in the skeletal muscle of LP pigs at finishing stage, with a trend of decrease for ssc-miR-27a (p=0.057). None was differently expressed between the two groups at weaning stage. These results indicate that maternal dietary protein affects expression of miRNAs predicted to target MSTN at finishing stage. In conclusion, our results indicate that maternal dietary protein affects MSTN expression through distinct transcriptional regulation mechanisms at different stages. The immediate effect at weaning is mediated by C/EBPβ binding without epigenetic modifications, whereas the long-term effect at finishing stage involves both C/EBPβ binding and epigenetic regulations including histone modification and microRNA expression.
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