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From the last decades of Qing Dynasty to the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, few Chinese people attempted to get Chinese literature“walk toward the world”via translation. After 1949, the Foreign Language Bureau, a government-manipulated institute, took the lead in translating Chinese literature to the outside world in a large and systemic scale. In 1981, the Panda Books Series was initiated by Chinese Literature Press, a branch under the leadership of China International Publishing Group (the Foreign Language Bureau its antecedent), to enable a wide dissemination of both Chinese literature and culture among major western countries through translation, in which modern and contemporary Chinese novels were given a top priority. Since then, governmental institutes played a dominant role in making Chinese literature“walk toward the world”, however, whether such practice can be successful remains to be questioned, especially when Chinese Literature Press, opened in 1987 to take a full charge of the translation and publication of the Panda Books Series, was closed in 2000 for a couple of problems, with its financial crisis in book marketing as one. It is obvious that the project of translating Chinese literature to foreign countries by governmental institutes meets an unprecedented dilemma, which calls for a systemic analysis from empirical and theoretical perspectives. The dissertation, taking the Panda Books Series characteristic of institutional translation project as its research object, attempts to probe into the theoretical and empirical mechanisms in translating Chinese literature by governmental institutes from the perspectives of medio-translatology and newly-developed theories in Translation Studies. As a positive response to the national strategy of introducing Chinese culture to foreign countries, the study will further provide a series of suggestions over how to better disseminate Chinese literature globally. Judged from medio-translatology and newly-developed theories in Translation Studies, the practice of Panda Books Series for actual fact can be viewed more as a quintessence of literary communication, influence and dissemination than a simple lingual translation. To ensure a better distribution and dissemination of Chinese literature in western countries, we had better take the whole translation process into consideration because besides the lingual translation from the original text to the target, what really counts here is a couple of questions to be answered like what texts according to which criteria are selected, for whom the texts are translated and how they are read and interpreted by the target readers. To be specific, the tri-causes of“ideology, poetics and patronage”in the target culture will, to a large extent, determine how the Panda Books Series is received.
     Based on the above-mentioned Introduction, Chapter Two aims to examine the Panda Books Series as a type of domestic cultural production in its 1980s context, in which other discourses praxis joined so as to complicate the book series’motives. Generally speaking, the Panda Books Series was an original-culture-oriented project that was launched by the state to maintain a friendly relationship with foreign countries by reshaping a new image of the state with translating Chinese literature. Besides, the elite intellectuals then actively engaged themselves in such a state-manipulated project with a hope to pursue their dream of literary autonomy free of political interference, thereafter to shape their cultural identities. In such a translation project pregnant with ideologies, both sides more or less appear either cooperative or oppositional. It is true that making use of the reforms carried on by the dominant ideology, the elite intellectuals can modestly express their own aesthetical interests within certain limits, which proves that even a governmental institute initiated translation project can harbor different voices in a partly harmonious way.
     In Chapter Three, our focus shifts from domestic production to the book series’distribution and reception in the USA and the UK. By introducing Pierre Bourdie’s concepts of“field”and“capital”, the chapter tries to have a panoramic view of the Panda Books Series’distribution and reception in the cultural and literary fields in the two countries. The relevant data shows that from 1981 to 1989, only a few translations from the book series enjoyed a better reception among readers from the two above-mentioned countries. Book reviews and articles on the book series appear frequently in some important journals and newspapers, such as New York Times Book Review and World Literature Today, to name just two. In the reading of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, including the Panda Book Series, foreign readers prefer interpreting the novels from a politically aesthetic perspective, by which means some of the readers expect to read narrations concerning either politics or cultural revolution, thus to some extent neglecting the aesthetic novelties; whereas other readers tend to appreciate Chinese literature from western poetics based upon western canons, but to find that Chinese literature is by comparison immature aesthetically. Nevertheless, such practice of interpreting Chinese literature, for actual fact, implies that it smells of something ideological in aesthetical judgment. It can be asserted that if some translations from the Panda Books Series can be read in accordance with the politically aesthetic perspective, the translations will be warmly accepted, or they are woefully overlooked by western readers.
     As in Chapter Three, Chapter Four tries to draw a full picture of the book series’distribution in the next ten years from the“June Forth Event”in 1989 to 2000. The“June Forth Event”had a great impact on the distribution of Chinese literature in the cultural and literary fields in the USA and the UK. First, after the political event, western countries tented to imagine China as a“totalitarian society”with no freedom and human rights, as a result to increase the cultural capitals shared by those dissident writers from China. Second, the event itself drove the general public in the west to view Chinese government a political regime, which in turn encourages the publishers in the west to try every means to cater to western readers’political and literary imagination. Novels with symbolic and allegorical parodies will be comparatively welcomed warmly, whereas the aesthetic readings of Chinese novels are overlooked. Third, right after the“June Fourth”event, western readers including professional readers began to question the selection lists of works and writers advertised by Chinese official institutes, among which China International Publishing Group, responsible for the publication and translation of the Panda Books Series, was affected. Finally, after the“June Fourth”event, Yang Xianyi, who took charge of the book series, was forced to leave the general editor’s post, for what he has done during the Students’Movement in 1989. Without his effort, the Panda Books Series published through the whole 1990s appear to be more conservative in its book selection, in order to avoid a tension with the Bureau’s party cadres. The above-mentioned factors join together to get the book series to decline in marketing overseas. It can no longer appeal to western readers, who came to realize how to get what they want through other medias, like touring, visiting, watching films and Telecommunications, to name a few. Under such new circumstances, the Panda Books Series was finally ended in a failure, though it attempted every means possible to get out of the dilemma after 2000.
     The above analysis leads to the following conclusions. First, the state-institute manipulated translation project is generally speaking source-oriented. The sender countries can have fewer choices in controlling the reception of translations, because translated texts need to be read and interpreted by readers from the receiving countries. Second, if translated texts run against its receivers’expectation, they will not be better received. Third, the reasons why a translation is badly received can be ideological, poetical and economic. Taking the three points into consideration, we need to realize that the translating project like the Panda Books Series involves not only linguistic transfer from original language to target language, but also cultural communication. During the whole translation process, our attention must be paid to the ideology, poetics and patronage in the target system. With those points in mind, we can better get Chinese literature“Walk Outside of China”, if we persist in cooperating actively with others and finding more different methods of introducing Chinese literature into other countries.
    5辜鸿铭所著The Spirit of the Chinese People(《春秋大义》)主要向西方人介绍中国文化,顺带翻译了中国古典文学。
    2王际真(Chi-Chen Wang, 1899-?),字稚臣,原籍山东省桓台县,是第一位将中国古典小说《红楼梦》翻译成英文的华人,早年毕业于留美预备学堂,1922年赴美留学,后一生时间大都在美度过。
    1 1936年,凌叔华与英国青年诗人朱利安·贝尔(Julian Bell)合作,将自己的小说《无聊》翻译成英文“What’s the Point of It?”,发表于温源宁主编,上海出版的《天下》(T’ien hsia)月刊第3卷第1期。1937年4月,她又与贝尔合作,将自己的小说《疯了的诗人》翻译成英文“A Poet Goes Mad”,发表于《天下》月刊第4卷第4期。同年12月,她独立将自己的小说《写信》译成“Writing a Letter”,发表于《天下》月刊第5卷第5期。
    4受到“西方冲击—中国反应”这一研究视角的制约,部分西方学者如夏志清将中国新文学视为是对西方文学的模仿,于是中国现代文学处于追赶西方现代文学的模式之中,其价值自然不会得到公允的评价。见C. T. Hsia, Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today As a Product of Traditional Culture, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 1/2 (Jul., 1988), p. 133.
    5 Wang Ning, Globalizing Chinese Literature: toward a rewriting of contemporary Chinese Literary culture, edited by Jie Lu, China’s Literary and Cultural Scenes at the Turn of the 21st Century. Routledge: London & New York, 2008, pp.103-118.
    4 AndréLefevere. Translated Literature: An Integrated Theory. The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association, (Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring, 1981), pp. 75-76 in pp.l68-178.
    1 James Holmes. The Name and Nature of Translation Studies, Lawrence Venuti, (ed.) Translation Studies Reader. Routledge: London and New York, 2000, p.177.
    2 Susan Bassnett. Translation Studies (Third Edition). Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004, p.45.
    2.张曼涛编,《佛典翻译史论》,大乘文化出版社,1978 /1983年。
    3 20世纪50-70年代,从结构主义语言学研究翻译成为学术共同体的主导性研究范式。
    4 Eugene A Nida and C. R. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969, p.12.
    5 J. C. Catford. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, 1965, p.1.
    6 Ibid. p.20.
    7 Peter Newmark. About Translation. CLevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1991, p.27.
    3 Eugene Chen Ouyang. The Transparent Eye: Reflections on Translation, Chinese Literature, and Comparative Poetics. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993, p.27.
    1 Sherry Simon. Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. Routledge: London and New York, 1996, p7.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Susan Bassnett and AndréLefevere. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon & London: Multilingual Matters Ltd. 1998, p.133.
    4 Christina Sch?ffner. Politics and Translation, A Companion to Translation Studies, eds., by Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau. Multilingual Matters LTD: Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto, 2007, p.136.
    6 Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere, General editors’preface, Translation, Rewriting, and the manipulation of Literary Fame, by AndréLefevere. London: Routledge, 1992, p.vii.
    3 Lawrence Venuti. Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identities, Cultural Functions of Translation, eds., by Christina Sch?ffner and Helen Kelly-Holmes. Multilingual Matters LTD., 1995, p.10.
    4 Gideon Toury. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995, p.24-25.
    2 Robert E. Hegel. The Panda Books Translation Series, Chinese literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, July 1984, Vol. 6, No. 1/2, pp.179-182.
    3 Leo Ou-fan Lee. Contemporary Chinese Literature in Translation—A Review Article, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3 (May, 1985), pp.561-567.
    4 James O.H. Nason. Review of Wit and Humor from Old Cathay (trans, by Jon Kowallis, 1986), The China Quarterly, No. 112 (Dec., 1987), p.683.
    1 Michael Duke.“The Problematic nature of modern and contemporary Chinese Fiction in English translation”, in Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and its Audiences, ed. Howard Goldblatt. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1990.
    2 Bonnie McDougall. Problems and Possibilities in Translating Contemporary Chinese Literature, The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No.25, January 1991, pp.37-67.
    3 John Balcom. Translating Modern Chinese Literature, in The Translator as Writer, eds. Susan Bassnett and Peter Bush. Continuum: London and New York, 2006, pp.119-134.
    4 Eva Hung.“Blunder or Service?—The Translation of Contemporary Chinese Fiction into English”, Translation Review, No.36/37 (1991), pp.39-45.
    5 Eugene Chen Eoyang. The Transparent Eye: Reflections on Translation, Chinese Literature and Comparative Poetics. University of Hawaii Press/Honolulu, 1993, pp.79-80.
    6 Eugene Chen Eoyang and Lin Yao-fu. Translating Chinese literature. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1995.
    7 A.C.格雷厄姆,中国诗的翻译,《比较文学译文集》,北京大学出版社,1982年,第233,235页。
    8 Audrey Heijns. Renditions: 30 Years of Bringing Chinese Literature to English Readers, Translation Review, No.66 (2003), pp.30-33.
    9孔慧怡,《译丛》三十年,《香港文学》(Hong Kong Literary Monthly)2003年6月1号,第222期,第80-81页。
    10 Eva Hung. ed, Renditions experience 1973-2003. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.
    1 Winston L.Y.Yang and Nathan K. Mao. Modern Chinese Fiction: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation Essays and Bibliographies. G.K. Hall and Co. Boston, Mass. 1981.
    2 Douglas Merwin. Contemporary Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Post-Mao Fiction and Poetry. M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York/London, 1984.
    3 Michael S. Duke. Blooming and Contending: Chinese Literature in the Post-Mao Period. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 1985.
    4 Geremie Barméand John Minford. Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience. Far Eastern Economic Review Ltd, 1988.
    5 Jeanne Tai. Spring Bamboo: A Collection of Contemporary Chinese Short Stories. New York: Random House, 1989.
    6 Joseph S. M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature. Columbia University Press, New York, 1995.
    7 Bonnie S. McDougall and Kam Louie. The Literature of China in the Twentieth Century. Columbia University Press, New York, 1997.
    8 Bonnie S. McDougall. Fictional Authors, Imaginary Audiences: Modern Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.
    11 Tak-hung Leo Chan. One into Many: translation and the dissemination of classical Chinese literature. New York: Rodopi, 2003.
    2 Jenny Williams and Andrew Chesterman eds. The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies. St. Jerome Publishing: Manchester, UK & Northampton MA, 2002, p.51.
    2 Andrew J. Nathan. Is Chinese Culture Distinctive?—A review Article. The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 52, No. 4 (November 1993), p.924.
    1 Sandra Harding. Introduction: Is There a Feminist Method? Feminist Research Methods, Sun Zhongxin and Zhang Lili eds. Fudan University Press, 2007, p.2.
    1 Chen Xiaoming. The Mysterious Other: Postpolitics in Chinese Film. Boundary 2, 1997, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 123-141.
    1 Fredric Jameson. Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism, Social Text, No.15 (Autumn, 1986), p.69. in pp.65-88.
    3 David Damrosch. What is World Literature?. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2003, p.24.
    4 Victor Hugo. Preface for the Shakespeare translations published by Francois-Victor in 1865, Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook, AndréLefevere ed. Routledge: London and New York, 1992, p.18.
    1 Luise von Flotow. Revealing the“soul of which nation?”: Translated literature as cultural diplomacy, Translation-Reflections, Refractions, Transformations, edited by Paul St-Pierre and Prafulla C. Kar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007, p.198, in pp.187-200.
    1 Pierre Bourdieu. Language and Symbolic Power. Edited by, Tompson, J.B. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991, p.230.
    4 Kees van Rees,转引自Michel Hockx, Introduction, The Literary Field of Twentieth-Century China, edited by Michel Hockx. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1999, p.7.
    1 Van Rees Kees and Jeroen Vermunt.‘Event history analysis of authors’reputation: Effects of critics’attention on debutants’careers’, Poetics, 1996 (23):5, pp.317-33.
    2 Michel Hockx. Introduction, The Literary Field of Twentieth-Century China, edited by Michel Hockx. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1999, p.9.
    1 C.T. Hsia. Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today As a Product of Traditional Culture, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 1/2 (Jul., 1988), p. 138 in pp.133-152.
    1 Perry Link. Book Review of the Panda Books, New York Times Book Review, July 6, 1986.
    1 Lee Ou-fan Lee. Under the Thumb of Man, New York Times Book Review, January 18, 1987.
    2 Robert E. Hegel. The Panda Books Translation Series, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. July 1984, Vol. 6, 1/2 , pp.179-182.
    3 Liu E. The Travel’s of Lao Ts’an, translated by Harold Shadick. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1952.
    1 Leo Ou-fan Lee. Contemporary Chinese Literature in Translation—A Review Article, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3 (May, 1985), pp.561-567.
    1 Leo Ou-fan Lee. Contemporary Chinese Literature in Translation—A Review Article, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3 (May, 1985), p.564 in pp.561-567.
    2 Ihab H. Hassan. The problem of influence in literary history: notes towards a definition, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.14,No.1, (Sep.,1955), p.66 from pp.66-76.
    3 Jan Brandt Corstius. Introduction to the Comparative Study of Literature. Bandow House, New York, 1968, p.185.
    2 Jan Brandt Corstius. Introduction to the Comparative Study of Literature. Bandow House, New York, 1968, p.186.
    1 Bonnie S. McDougall. Fictional Authors, Imaginary Audiences: Modern Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2003, p.17.
    1 Julia Lovell. Great leap forward. The Guardian, June 11, 2005.
    2 Louise Edwards. Late Twentieth Century Orientalism and Discourses of Selection. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine, No. 44, (Autumn, 1995), p.1 in pp.1-11.
    3 Michael S. Duke. The Problematic Nature of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction in English Translation, Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences, edited by Howard Goldblatt. New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990, p.201 in pp.198-227.
    4 Lee Ou-fan Lee. Under the Thumb of Man, New York Times Book Review, January 18, 1987.
    6 Michael S. Duke. The Problematic Nature of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction in English Translation, Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences, edited by Howard Goldblatt. New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990, pp.198-227.
    7 Nam Fung Chang. Politics and Poetics in Translation: Accounting for a Chinese Version of‘Yes Prime Minister’, The Translator, Volume 4, Number 2 (1998), p.249 in pp.249-272.
    4 Annie Dillard. Encounters with Chinese Writers. Middletowon, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1984, p.29.
    1 Bonnie S. McDougall and Kam Louie. The Literature of China in the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia UP, 1997, p. 447.
    2 Hightower, James Robert. Chinese Literature in the Context of World Literature, Comparative Literature, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Spring, 1953), pp. 117-124.
    1 Agathocleous, Tanya and Karin Gosselink, Debt in the Teaching of World Literature: Collaboration in the Context of Uneven Development, Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature Language, Composition, and Culture. Volume 6, Number 3, 2006, p.462, from pp.453-473.
    2 [美]乌尔利希·韦斯坦因,《比较文学与文学理论》,辽宁人民出版社,1987年,第60-61页。
    1 Valerie Miner. Review: China Imagined. The Women’s Review of Books. 1984, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.4-5.
    3 Irene Wettenhall. Review of Seven Contemporary Chinese Women Writers, China Affairs, No. 10 (Jul., 1983), pp.175-178.
    1 JiríLevy. Translation as a decision process, The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti. Routledge: London and New York, 2000, p.148.
    3 Gideon Toury. The nature and role of norms in literary translation, Literature and Translation, edited by James S. Holmes, Jose Lambert and van den Broeck. Leuven: Acco, 1978, pp.83-100.
    1 Gideon Toury. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995, pp.56-61.
    1 Yang Xianyi. Preface. Best Chinese Stories: 1949-1989. Chinese Literature Press, 1989.
    3杨正泉,让世界了解中国,《书刊对外宣传的理论与实践》,新星出版社,1999年,第12页。1 Shen Congwen. The Border Town and Other Stories, trans., by Gladys Yang. Chinese Literature, 1981, pp. 102-119. 2 Xiao Hong. Selected Works of Xiao Hong, trans., by Howard Goldblatt. Chinese Literature, 1983. 3 Ma Aiying. Cultural Translation from Chinese to English: A Case Study of Translation and Interpretation of Selected Contemporary Texts. Science Press, 2006, p.76.
    1 C.T. Hsia. Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today As a Product of Traditional Culture, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 1/2 (Jul., 1988), pp. 133-152.
    2德里克(Arif Dirlik)在一篇评论文章中就指出,80年代的中华人民共和国燃起了西方人坚信中国走向资本主义道路的信念。(Arif Dirlik. Review: Chinese Studies at a Crossroads. Asian Studies Review. September 2004, Vol. 28, pp. 303-311.)
    3 Nicole Mones. We’re Still in Love With The Romance of the Past. The Washington Post. July 27, 2008, p.B01.
    2 Michelle Yeh. World literature in review: China, World Literature Today, vol. 64, issue 1, 1990.
    3 Ibid.
    2 Stephen Haven. Book Review of The August Sleepwalker by Bei Dao. Manhattan Review, Vol 5, Issue 2,1990, pp.46-51.
    3 Li Dian. Ideology and Conflicts in Bei Dao’s Poetry. Modern Chinese Literature, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 1996, pp. 369-385.
    4 Vera Schwarcz. Winter’s Voice: Bei Dao. World Literature Today, Vol. 83, issue 3, 2009, pp. 4-5.
    1 Stephen Owen. What Is World Poetry? The New Republic, November 19, 1990, p.31 in pp.28-32.
    2 Marsden, Philip. Dust of a Nation, The Observer, June 10, 2001.
    1 Stephanie Merritt. Home truths from the exile. The Observer, Sunday, May 2, 2004.
    2 Alane Salierno Mason. The Noddle Maker. The Baltimore Sun, 2005.
    3 Stephanie Merritt. Home truths from the exile. The Observer, Sunday, May 2, 2004.
    1 Bonnie S. McDougall. Fictional Authors, Imaginary Audiences: Modern Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century. The Chinese University Press, 2003, p.33.
    1 Yang Xianyi. White Tiger: An Autobiography of Yang Xianyi. The Chinese University Press, 2002, p.285.
    1 Russell E. McLeod. Review of The Selected Poems and Essays of Wen Yiduo. World Literature Today. Winter 1992, Vol. 66, Issue 1, p.446.
    2 Michelle Yeh. Review of The Women Trilogy by Bai Fengxi. World Literature Today. Summer 1992, Vol.66, Issue 3, p.577.
    3 Bettina L. Knapp. Review of Contemporary Chinese Women Writers. (Vol. 2). World Literature Today. Autumn, 1992, Vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 774-775.
    4 Jeffrey C. Kinkley. Review of Black Snow by Liu Heng and The Heavenly Hound by Jia Pingwa. World Literature Today. Autumn, 1992, Vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 776-777.
    1 Philip F. Williams. Review of Green Bamboo Hermitage by Wu Zuxiang. World Literature Today. Autumn, 1992, Vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 778.
    2 Bettina L. Knapp. Review of Contemporary Chinese Women Writers (Vol. 3). World Literature Today. Spring 1995, Vol. 69, Issue 2, p. 432.
    3 Fatima Wu. Review of Banana Vale by Ai Wu. World Literature Today. Spring 1995, Vol. 69, Issue 2, pp.431-432.
    (1)Michelle Yeh, world literature in review: China, Winter 1990. Vol. 64 (1).
    (2)Joseph R. Allen, world literature in review: China, Winter 1990, Vol. 64 (1).
    (3)William Riggan, contemporary Chinese literature, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (4)Dominic Cheung, The continuity of Modern Chinese poetry in Taiwan, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (5)Michael S. Duke, Walking Toward the World: a turning point in contemporary Chinese fiction, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (6)Min Jie, Chinese fiction in transformation, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (7)Michael Yeh, Nature’s child and the frustrated urbanite: expressions of the self in contemporary Chinese poetry, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (8)John Marney, PRC politics and literature in the nineties, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (9)William Riggan, Contemporary Chinese literature, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (10)K. C. Leung, AN interview with Yu Kwang-chung, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (11)H. Y. Zhao, Yu Hua: fiction as subversion, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (12)Joseph R. Allen, The postmodern (?) misquote in the poetry and painting of Lo Ch’ing, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (13)Fatima Wu, from a dead end to a new road of life: Xiao Sa’s abandoned women, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (14)Bettina Knapp, the new era for women writers in China, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (15)William Tay, Modernism and Socialist realism: the case of Wang Meng, Summer 1991, 65 (3).
    (16)Bettina L. Knapp, World Literature in review, Autumn 1992, 66 (4).
    (17)Jeffrey C. Kinkley. World Literature in review: China, World Literature Today, Spring 1994, 68 (2).
    (18)Chien Ying-ying, From Utopian to dystopian world: two faces of feminism in contemporary Taiwanese women’s fiction, Winter 1994, 68 (1).
    (19)K. C. Leung, perspectives on world literature, Summer 1994, 68 (3).
    (20)Philip F. Williams, world literature in review: China, Autumn 1995, 69 (4).
    (21)Henry Y. H. Zhao, Ma Yuan the Chinese Fabricator, Spring 1995, 69 (2).
    (22)Bettina L. Knapp, World Literature in review: China, Autumn 1995, 69 (4).
    (23)Melinda Pirazzoli, The free-market economy and contemporary Chinese literature, Spring 1996, 70 (2).
    (24)Jeffrey Twitchell, Avant-garde poetry in China: The Nanjing scene 1981-1992, Winter 1997, 71 (1).
    (25)Agnes Lam, Poetry in Hong Kong: the 1990s, Winter 1999, 73 (1).
    (26)Naikan Tao, Building a white tower at night: Zhai Yongming’s poetry, Summer 1999, 73 (3).
    (27)M. Thomas Inge, Mo Yan through western eyes, Summer 2000, 74 (3).
    (28)Mo Yan, My American books, translated by Lin, Sylvia Li-chun, Summer 2000, 74 (3).
    (29)Howard Goldblatt, Forbidden food: The Saturnicon of Mo Yan, Summer 2000, 74 (3).
    (30)David Der-wei Wang, The literary world of Mo Yan, Summer 2000, 74 (3).
    (31)Timothy C. Wong, Ideology, Power, Text (Book Review), Winter 2000, 74 (1).
    (32)Shelley W. Chan, From fatherland to motherland: on Mo Yan’s Red Sorghum and Big Breasts and Full Hips, Summer 2000, 74 (3). 1 Bonnie S. McDougall. Fictional Authors, Imaginary Audiences: Modern Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century. The Chinese University Press, 2003, p.35.
    1 M. Thomas Inge. Mo Yan Through Western Eyes, World Literature Today, Vol. 74, Issue 3, 2000, pp.501-506.
    1 C.T. Hsia. Classical Chinese Literature: Its Reception Today As a Product of Traditional Culture, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 1/2 (Jul., 1988), p. 138 in pp.133-152.
    1 Jeffrey C. Kinkley. A Bibliographic Survey of Publications on Chinese Literature in Translation from 1949 to 1999, Chinese Literature: In the Second Half of a Modern Century, edited by Pang-Yuan Chi and David Der-Wei Wang. Indiana University Press, 2000, p.247.
    1 Paul B. Armstrong. Form and History: Reading as an Aesthetic Experience and Historical Act. Modern Language Quarterly, June 2008, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 195-219.
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