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     To investigate the expressions of metastasis-associated in colon cancer1(MACC1) and hepatocyte growth factor receptor(c-Met) in synchronous multipleprimary lung carcinoma, and to demonstrate their relationship with the metastasis oflung.Methods:
     The expression of MACC1and c–Met in8cases of the same period (4caseswith fresh frozen specimen) of double primary lung cancer,20cases of primary lungcancer and20cases of pulmonary metastatic carcinoma were detected byimmunohistochemical staining and Western imprinting method, and based on whichclinical situations are analyzed.Results:
     High expression of MACC1was positively correlated with high expression of c–Met in all specimens(P <0.01).Immunohistochemical method: The expression ofMACC1protein is mainly located in cytoplasm and capsular tissue cells, the strongpositive expression rate of pulmonary metastatic carcinoma was60.0%(12/20), theexpression rate of multiple primary lung cancer is12.5%(2/16), the expression rate ofprimary lung cancer is15.5%(3/20),the expression rate of pericarcinoma tissues is10.0%(2/20). The strong positive expression rate of pulmonary metastatic carcinomawas significantly higher than that of pericarcinoma tissues (P=0.031). The strongpositive expression rate of multiple primary lung cancer and primary lung cancer werenot significantly higher than that of pericarcinoma tissues. C-Met protein mainlylocate in tissue of coating, the strong positive expression rate of pulmonary metastaticcarcinoma was55.0%(11/20), the expression rate of multiple primary lung cancer is12.5%(2/16), the expression rate of primary lung cancer is15.0%(3/20), the expression rate of pericarcinoma tissues is10.0%(2/20). The strong positiveexpression rate of pulmonary metastatic carcinoma was significantly higher than thatof pericarcinoma tissues (P=0.033). The strong positive expression rate of multipleprimary lung cancer and primary lung cancer were not significantly higher than that ofpericarcinoma tissues.Western imprinting method:
     The relative gray value of MACC1protein was (1.03+0.97),(0.59-0.57),(0.47-0.41), in lung metastatic carcinoma tissues, and multiple primary lung cancertissues and primary lung cancer tissues. The relative gray value of MACC1protein inlung metastatic carcinoma tissues was significantly higher than that in multipleprimary lung cancer(P=0.031), and that in primary lung cancer tissues(P=0.042).The relative gray value of MACC1protein in multiple primary lung cancer was notsignificant difference with that in primary lung cancer tissues P=0.452).Conclusion:
     The high expression of MACC1protein and c–Met protein may play animportant role in the metastasis of lung cancer. The combined detection will haveimportant clinical significance to diagnose whether the multiple lung node is themetastasis node of lung cancer.
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