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本文研究了干旱胁迫对菜豆(Phaseolus vulgar L.)和辣椒(Capsicum annum L.)两种蔬菜的幼苗生长、气孔开放率、渗透调节能力(脯氨酸及还原糖含量)以及活性氧代谢的影响。结果表明:在干旱胁迫下,两种材料幼苗的地上部鲜重,地下部鲜重,地上部干重,地下部干重的增长表现出对土壤湿度的一定适应范围。气孔开放率随着土壤含水量的降低而降低,且菜豆气孔对干旱逆境敏感性大于辣椒;可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量均表现为上升的趋势,说明干旱胁迫可以诱导菜豆和辣椒两种蔬菜积累渗透调节物质,提高自身保水能力。在干旱胁迫初期,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)呈上升趋势,但在土壤含水量极低的情况下则表现为下降趋势。在干旱胁迫下,土壤含水量与菜豆和辣椒幼苗体内的脯氨酸含量及还原糖含量呈明显负相关。
The effects of water stress on seedling growth, stoma reaction, osmotic adjustment( the content of proline and soluble sugar) and SOD active in Kidney bean and Capsicum were studied. The results showed that the fresh weight and dry weight of seedling had adaptive capacity to soil humidity. With the water stress, stoma open rate declined, and the stoma of Kidney bean was more susceptible than the Capsicum's. The content of proline and soluble sugar increased , SOD active was high at initial water stress stage and low at end stage. In water stress, the soil humidity significantly negative correlated with the content of proline and soluble sugar.
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